Magic science negro BTFO


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He could have just said
>This guy is a nigger

He's actually right, but climate change doesn't try to solve the entire problem and perfectly predict the outcome, as he said, that's propably not even possible. They're running predictions on a very small subset.

>predicting the state of non-linear dynamical systems decades into the future
It's a fool's errand Hans. It's utterly impossible.

Tell me how human industrialisation will cause the eclipse and what we must do to stop it.

>climate change doesn't try to solve the entire problem

Well it certainly won't flood ALL of Africa, so I suppose I'd agree.

I realize that's basically what you said but what's your point?

Look at that smarmy space ace

>celestial mechanics are nonlinear

from where we are standing, it is
welcome to Earth

What's a space ace?

did le black science man really said that?


I think it's just a parody of how often NDGT pictures with his quotes there are, and how he tends to make statements that sound profound but really aren't

how many*

>spanish intelligence

>climate change
>having ever been correctly predicted by models

Time after time this guy accidentally reveals that he literally knows nothing outside of his own subject. He's also said things about evolution that made it clear he's never even taken an introductory class on the topic.

>people actually think they can predict climate years in advance

some stoned retard the makes existential statements

>we are all love man
>oh my God

black science man is proving to be an intellectual midget by comparing a, in practice, 3 body problem which has been accurately solved since literally fucking millenia ago to an incredibly complex and highly chaotic system, where most models rely heavily on interpolation and guess work, and where we dont even know which factors are relevant. why is this guy even taken seriously?
>because he is a fucking nigger with higher than 100 iq

Predicting orbits is much easier than predicting climate patterns with 1000s of variables. They mostly just stay the same

I would love to see NDGT try to get into the weeds with Taleb.

It would be his undoing.

sci nigger is a egomaniac asshole. his nickname is "token" behind his back at the Museum of Natural History. everyone who works there hates him.
t. insider at the museum

I don't know why libtards started going alarmist with shit they can't predict like the climate.

If they had used the reason that we should not pollute because it's fucking disgusting and we don't want to become shitholes like china or india they would be getting much more support.

science nigger is a fedora edgelord, nothing more.

Can you elaborate please?

>Thus guy
>he wd (ever heard of he'd?)

opinion disregarded

i wish i could but can't.. even the jews that work there in other departments (there are plenty) hate his uppity ass..

Maybe he doesn't like to use contractions.

Taleb is infinitely smarter than you, faggot

Ah, well thanks for the insight anyway.

Jesus can these Climate FREAKS ever catch a break

i'm literally retarded and even i could NUMERICALLY solve a three body (or even n-body) problem.


I love Taleb's writing, he is one of my favorite authors. Sad that he doesn't have much work out, start with black swan, then fooled by randomness and finish with antifragile.

hmmm. using superior knowledge of astronomy to predict "signs" and sucker idiots into believing that you can foretell the future. no one has ever done that before.

They need a cataclysmic, world ending narrative to justify the world government they're working toward.

He has a bunch of academic papers as well.

And he's constantly working on new books. His latest is "Skin in the Game" which criticizes people who make predictions about things for which they face no sanction if they are wrong.

Taleb is about as smart and well educated a poster you will ever find on Twitter. (he's not Muslim)

Strongly recommend you follow him and review his fight with Mary Beard who he attacks for altering British history for the PC thugs at the BBC.

A lot of what he posts will be over your head (calculus), but the good stuff is very good.

Well you see, if there weren't humans there wouldn't be anybody to witness the eclipse. If nobody witnesses it, did it really happen? Checkmate atheists

Yeah, he's Lebanese Christian and very proud of his Mediterranean ancestry.

I'm not on twitter yet (strongly thinking about joining now), but his spat with Mary Beard was brilliant. He eviscerated her.

God damn high school students with rudimentary knowledge in programming and mechanics could construct tools for accurately predicting solar eclipses. at some schools they probably even do just that

Orbit of the planets is non linear too.
Just look up n-body problem.

Best to start with Fooled By Randomness since it's math free and his most accessible book.

Pic related

Not one person has replied to Neil saying "you're a tool of science!"

only because they are not solving the three body problem.
They are solving a specific restricted instance of it where they make assumptions about various bodies have no impact on each other.

>black africans invented eclipses because they say them first

that does increase your chances

>sees post
>sees flag
Everything checks out

So was there just no gravity before Newton was 30yo or what is he implying here?

Pro tip. Pick the same numbers on all the tickets, so that if you win, you'll have as big a share of the jackpot as possible by devaluing the winnings of other people that used those numbers.

he wouldn't because he knows that anything outside of twitter scientism one-liners is out of his lane

which is a fair assumption in the case of the earth, sun and moon. wouldnt surprise me if some of the more talented students can construct numerical tools which takes the actual 3 body mechanics into account. its not rocket science to numerically solve 3 bodies interacting with some predictive corrective algorithm and obtain sufficient accuracy. point absolutely still stands that NDGTs comparison in retarded

Look at the date of Newton's birth. Know any other historical figures (supposedly) born on that date?

they'll still be low, but increased

Oh, kek.


Isn't that literally any argument or conflict though?


>tfw you'll never live in a sovereign city-state grudgingly ruled by Taleb

Are you doubting the wisdom of le black atheist science man?

Mostly it's because you got some shit that someone else wants.

To be comparable, they'd have to say the eclipse is our fault, it will destroy the world, we need to spend trillions of dollars to fix it, other bullshit. Even then it's not the same because the eclipse is real.

Except NDT is right and that idiot is wrong. First off, climate is linear. Climate != weather. Weather is stochastic, and so it's difficult to determine what the weather will be within a very small range of time and space. On the other hand, climate is the AVERAGE weather over a very long time period. The idea is that as you increase the time and space over which you observe weather conditions, the less important those stochastic effects associated with weather are.

Secondly, denying climate change requires you to reject the fact of the CO2-induced greenhouse effect, the fact of the amount of CO2 humans are putting in the air, and the fact of observed temperature increases. You are denying science. You are no different than a flat earther or a hypothetical person who'd deny the impeding eclipse.


Don't you fucking die on me, Taleb!

With each passing day, I can't believe how much NNT qualifies as /ourguy/ except that the monicker would be utterly BTFO by the fact that he's the physical and intellectual incarnation of /nobodysguy/. His recent contretemps with Mary Beard suggests he may be ready to finally start openly calling out fraudulent PC ideology as a matter of course; timing is everything, of course.

Glad to be around while he's around. The most important thinker in a fucking long time.

>climate is linear
>Weather is stochastic

>the fact of
See, there's your problem. You assume outright that not only those are indisputable facts, but that they lead to one conclusion. Then you try and shame anyone who doesn't agree into believing in you. Science in development isn't so black and white.
>but so many other scientists agree!
And so many scientists once agreed that the sun orbits the earth and that bloodletting was a general remedy for most illnesses.
Skepticism of the conclusions of scientists shouldn't be met with derision like you're doing. Post the data, and I mean the actual data, not what you predict it to be or what you believe it's heading towards.
>You are denying science
They are denying your conclusions based on available data, not the data itself.

To expand on this, you're wrong on both points.

Both climate and weather are ruled by chaotic, non-linear dynamics.

Attempts to analyze those systems using models involves linearizing them to make them simpler to model. Stochastics are then introduced to analyze weather in the short run. But weather processes are not stochastic, they are deterministic. But since chaotic behavior is so hard to predict because of the Butterfly Effect, random models allow for better prediction in the short run.

i honestly wouldnt be surprised, hes said so much stupid shit at this point

Very stupid post.

He also said in cosmos that if we don't stop using fossile fuels the atmosphere might catastrophically develop into the same as Venus killing all life. That was so stupid. He is just an actor saying whatever he is paid to say.

but muh data!

The fucking weather sites can't even predict one day out weather accurately EVER.. its always different sometimes massively when the time arrives..

I once tweeted at the magic science nigger

>tfw magic nigger senpai doesn't respond

Why live?

Everyone knows climate models are pure guesswork. They are manipulated to reach the desired conclusions they are not scientific

celestial mechanics are liner because the earth is flat. PhD niggers BTFO

>climate is linear

stopped reading right there. Climate is the combination of many branches of physics almost all of which is non-linear. If it was easy to mkdel they would not be CONSISTENTLY wrong as almost all of the models (of which over 100 exist in the literature)

what does the function of dTemperature/dCO2 look like?

take your time I'll wait

>Non-linear domains like climate and markets
Multibody systems are non-linear as well.

I think Nassim means chaotic systems.


Lifts up like 500 lbs just to rest his massive cock on it. Nice.

Taleb is white.

top kek

Non-linear and chaotic are synonyms in this context.

A non-linear dynamical system is a chaotic system.