Can you guys colonize my country, please?

Can you guys colonize my country, please?
We want to be a first world country, without corrupt politicians, without cartels, with a good economy, a good education etc. It's a win-win situation

Other urls found in this thread:–present)'état

>a first world country, without corrupt politicians, without cartels, with a good economy, a good education etc.

No one wants your trash country. Hell, your own people don't even want to live there.


name yo price cracka

That's because the EU... greeks, and iberians are very smart

>tfw too smart to have a proper country

Greece can't even support its own country let alone another, Norway would have no business in such a climate with such a shit people, and have no reason to want the land. Portugal isn't strong enough to maintain colonies anymore, hence why they lost all of theirs, same to the Dutch. France would probably be strong enough to hold colonies, but why on earth would they want to hold a Spanish speaking shithole across the world. Spain would be the most obvious choice for your colonizer, but they can't keep Catalonia from wanting to secede, how the fuck could they keep a bunch of subhumans from rebelling across the Atlantic. Most of your land is rightful American clay, but unfortunately it would be too much work to genocide your shitty people so as to put the land to good use and get rid of the filth that made your country shit in the first place. Instead I ask you simply, kill as many Mexicans as you can and then yourself - it would make the world a better place.

Chicanos are peasants,and cheap labour in factories, they aren't the middle class...and some parts of Mexico City and Guadalajara are like Paris or Madrid, American propaganda and stereotypes brainwashed you...

>Campeche, Quintana Roo, Yucatán
It wouldn't work at all

It's not propaganda, the world just naturally equates beaners with uncleanliness and poverty.

>wants to be a first world country
>picks the colonisers that made the shittest colonies

This is why you're third world and your Anglo neighbour is a superpower.


We could make deals with the dutch. The iberians and the greeks have always been a shifty bunch

>parts of Mexico City and Guadalajara are like Paris

>picks the colonisers that made the shittest colonies
Yeah, but the colonies are the way they are because they didn’t kill the natives in the first place...
Also, after the independence of America, America keep good relations with UK, and Europe, for some reason…that’s why they are successful now...

Have you been attention to the US in the past 24 years?

I hope you're joking. Don't feed the Americans with this kind of posts

>We want to be a first world country,
The only way that can happen is if we kick out every single Mexican and we replace them with white people.


don't talk bad about nords you pathetic excuse for a white country.

He's new, don't pay attention to him.

Your country literally colonized by the Italian Mafia, that’s the reason why Argentina is corrupt and poor

Believe it or not idiot but what you call "corruption" and "poverty" is fucking nothing


You're better off independent

(Not american, European in USA)
Do you remember when you guys rebelled and de-colonized?
Well, we lost a good part of our strength and influence in this way. We could grow together but you wanted muh freedom and there we go.
Weak europe, colonies to shit (in africa and ME too) and USA niggerer and niggerer every day that passes.
Good job, assholes. Now lie in this bed.


just no, we dont want niggers here.

¿Podrías suicidarte?


>Portugal isn't strong enough
>hence why they lost all of theirs,

>Military victories in Angola and Mozambique
>American user saying we were losing to Kangz like fucking Detroit was lost to white Americans
Search for Carnation Revolution will you please.

jeez you're already a nigger fucking subhuman

¡Ah claro, la peor parte para nosotros!


Yes, but you'll all have to be put on reservations and gradually phased out into absentia.

You could have all again if you want.

>Angola independence in 1975
>Start of the Angolan Civil War

Niggers gonna nig

Niggers nig forever even until this day
MZ - 1975 too–present)
Until 2002 except Cabinda

>Also, after the independence of America, America keep good relations with UK, and Europe, for some reason…
We actually had some pretty serious conflicts and disagreements with the bongs prior to independence. Spain too.

after not prior

Españoles y Portugueses están acostumbrados al clima semidesértico

Maybe 1% black, i believe is the average

I have to go to Tijuana for 2 weeks for work. How fucked am I?

brown is not nigger, you ignorant ape.