Why is a poo the governor of Louisiana?

Why is a poo the governor of Louisiana?

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google.com/search?q=louisiana governor&oq=louisiana gov&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.7676j0j4&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

Because they elected him


Because America is a meritocracy were the best gets the job

he isnt the governor anymore. he's also a deeply red. he tells people to learn english if they come over here

John Bel Edwards is Governor of Louisiana.

I went to his veterans day event once and the pamphlet with him on it had some obama tier photoshop whitening. I cracked up when I shook his hand and remembered how he looked in the picture. Kind of wish I kept it.

He behaves and acts more American than you could ever ask of most whites (e.g. Calls himself American -- does not accept the term "Indian-American," or any other type of hyphenated nonsense)

this. i was listening to him talk one time when he declared for president. i had no idea who he was and i thought he was just some white republican guy. turns out it was bobby fucking jindel. he's based kind of. dont really know him that well to make an accurate characterization

probably because he can shit on niggers and not be guilt tripped about it

city specific school systems here we come

Because Indians dominated whites in America by pretending to be like them. And whites fell for it because they're mentally slow.

POO IN LOOiasana

*breathes in*

>dude civic nationalism lmao

Christian Conservatives are the least racist people, they'll take anyone who accepts their faith.

>he's also a deeply red. he tells people to learn english if they come over here
>telling immigrants to learn a country's language is now hard right
How the mighty have fallen.

because gop are cucks

have you seen their us ambassador?


Not advocating it at all, just pointing out something very uncommon among nonwhites that call themselves """""assimilated""""".

send vagene pics

wew lad

He's actually quite smart. Went to an Ivy.




listen to the last video and tell me this is some poo

>Jindal graduated from Brown University


He still looks like an Indian.
Your race doesn't change by political beliefs.

He isn't, it's a white Bluedog.
google.com/search?q=louisiana governor&oq=louisiana gov&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.7676j0j4&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

actually now its a retarded ass democrat.

New Orleans fag here. He ain't our current governor.

Everyone in the state hates this christian douchebag. Pubs and Dems. He bankrupted our stated. Fuck this nigga.

Shit state
Shit governor

Bobby is nickname, his birth name is Pyush Jinda. That nigger tier poo in the loo actually thought he could be POTUS with a name like PYUSH!


The Waterboy's daddy?!?

Nikki Haley former SC Gov now some cuck in the Trump administration is Indian (dot not feather) as well.

What is it with southern states and electing parjeets to the top office?

The most conservative white (well, okay they're like 1/8th Jewish) Christian family I know are the ones who get the most offended whenever I say niggers and retards should be sterilized for the sake of the gene pool or non-whites deported from Europe.

Two EU countries have Indian Prime Ministers too.
The way things are going UK will have an Indian PM soon and US an Indian President. And god knows that UK & US needs it to fix the Kebab mess that they have created.

Yeah, but we're electing Hindu Dindus not Sikhs who hate Muslims even more than we do.

He was voted in for the content of his character, not the color of his skin.

>tfw you dont have an issue with Poo's

Sikhs are not a different race. They are derived from the Hindus of Punjab who stood up and fought Islam. Both Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal are Punjabis. Also Nikki Haley is a Sikh.

People forget that India contributed the single largest volunteer force in both world wars to fight on UKs behalf.

nigger music is shit.

At least he ain't a nigger.

Jindal is more American than your dumbass.

>admits to watching Adam Sandler films

Who are the two Prime Ministers?