Seriously guys, give me one good nonreligious reason as to why gay marriage shouldn't be legal

Seriously guys, give me one good nonreligious reason as to why gay marriage shouldn't be legal.

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Gays shouldn't get tax breaks that make it easier for them to spread AIDS and degeneracy.

HIV can be eliminated:

because they are poofters

Aids and it serves no biological purpose. The point of marriage is to be a business arangement between two familys to agree upon the distritbution of inheritance.

Female relatives of gay men have 1.3x as many children:

Can they conceive children? No? Not marriage. The fact that you are whistling to call a cat won't make it a dog. Get over it


Not an argument you repressed homo


Aids. Anymore slide thread questions faggot?

> I'm gay so
You don't need to marrie the guy or girl to act you love them, just do something with them

>marriage is the act of conceiving
>hungarian education

I think this myth originates around the fact that people with HIV are more likely to get toxoplasmosis because they are immunocompromised. It is so far-fetched as a theory that I couldn't even find a mainstream source to debunk it.

because it is disgusting and goes against social norms. it established a precedent that are not trannies using,

Beat me to it. This right here.

that's a nice way to say their cocks have shit on them

Because its gay...

And even if you did "marry" its not an actual marriage anyway. You are just butt buddies.

Because then they move onto the trannies and you'll hear about trannies nonstop, then they'll move on to pedos


because sodomites should be fucking slaughtered like vermin

No, that is a way of saying those with the HIV virus often have lower immune cell counts.

>then they'll move on to pedos

The homosexuality will spread and make everyone in the world gay, so no one will have children and we'll become extinct. Or so the muslims claim lol.

Marriage is a religious institution you fucking retard. I guess I fell for your shit bait.


Christians do not have a monopoly on marriage. It existed before they did.

Because marriage brings with it many bene given by the state. These benefits are there to either directly or indirectly support the growth of future tax payers and contributors. Gay marriage does not do this nor does it have the potential to.

Also you need to give one good reason why they need to call it marriage and not a civic union.

Also explain why any two individuals with no potential to start a family need to be married.


Sup Forums hates it when other men stop competing for females and completely hand them to them on a fucking silver pussy plater for absolutely less than zero cost. It's the reason gays are here. And look at all the threads. Holy fuck, the threads

Watch clip

Christians aren't the only people who are against faggots



Aids, pedophilia, stds, etc.

Truvada centipedos etc etc

Evangelical Christians are the majority of the opposition to gay marriage.

144k serpent seed?

Queers are mentally ill and literally all the data that is publicly available supports that claim.

They are depressed in larger numbers
They are far more promiscuous
There is a massive correlation between being gay and getting touched as a kid
higher suicide rates
higher domestic abuse rates
they are the epitome of the "feminine man"

Endorsing anything gay means you think all of the above is normal and OK for a society.

Enjoy your butt sex and faggotry

They should be married, but not allowed to have children, a child desrves, no has a right to a mother and a father. And no, that is not possible to imitate with two men or two women.

Is being gay a mental illness?

Science on gays as parents:

Try harder. Two gay men will never have kids on their own, they won't reproduce to maintain society. Not a marriage, whose purpose is exactly what I've mentioned. Just because the degeneracy is tolerated because we are brainwashed enough to cheer it, it isn't going to be a marriage if two faggots drill each other all their lives.

Darn tootin. Why the fuck not. Can i ask that question? I see youre doing the nutcase faggot antichrist routine. Species name hebraiicus commonus

>shouldn't be legal

why it should be?

In the U.S.*

Muslim majority countries straight up lynch gays you dumbass.

Fake and kikey

We are getting closer:


How about it’s disgusting and means you have decided the hundreds of thousands of years of ancestors you have don’t mean shit to you and your going to end their genetic line for anal ripping and pooing your pants.

Really legal marriage just needs to be separated from religious marriage.
Gays should be able to enjoy the legal rights that come with marriage, but churches or even non-government facilities shouldn't be required to perform a marriage on anyone.

Because I personally do not like them.



Man-made ideals


Man-made ideals

Boy. That's quite the conundrum you got there.

>vaginal protozoa and cancerous fungal spores
Muh snotholes for muh yuge nose. Nice.
Hi buggs fucking bunny. Silly rabbit tits are for kids

I'm gay and if that anti-gay myth was true we'd only be spreading it among other gay guys so shut the hell up

Oh so my boyfriends penis going up my butt serves no purpose?

Actually two gay men can have a child now thanks to Science

Me and my boyfriend do that in our bedroom what is the matter? You want in? LOL

I wish most people were as honest as you.

Fuck youre so god damned fake. Bags of silicone have more life in them

But then it isn't really a "marriage." Marriage is we know it is a man and a woman coming together before god to signify that they're starting a family. What fags want is a tax break.


Why did Bible say literally the following and I want a decent answer. That Ruth and Naomi, "clung together their ribs as Adam and Eve did". Aaaand GO!

Xq28 gene. Where's yours. When did you choose? You didnt. We started as girls. You wanna go back to that vicariously. Im going to bed

Me and my boyfriend put our penises in eachothers bums. How is that not a marriage?

Apart from damaging your sphincter muscles and pumping you full of who knows what, because lets face it, homos are not monogamous. No purpose.

Sooner or later even pigs will be implanted human embryos because of the low birth rates, I hope you will call a pig and you 'married'.

don't produce more people to tax why should you have any rights

Read the fucking paper.

it should be legal but only for women because it's hot

Because there's nothing sadder than a gay married couple. They could both be out partying, but they're stuck living out a shallow parody of hetero life.

Gay men are meant for hot sex, not stuck in a boring marriage.

Benisbagoo. One for me. One for you. Blown out of the garden. Created all deaths and all sins. Arent women amazing. Ahh. Agape love. Down with men women are dindus. Grab them and especially their asses. 27 holes from which to pick so who cares. None of this shit exists on any spiritual level. Except FUCKED UP and fake, heterosexuality, and real, fertility cults. Kthxbai

Yeah a vagina is so much worse than where shit comes out...

You didn’t address shitting yourself after you have had your ass fucked into oblivion at some gay sex club.

Also, they do anal licking and poo poo comes out, and they eat the poo poo.

Bingo. Their disgusting trickery is ruining social morals. Soon young people will say: "Why should I get married, I'm not a faggot!"

>give me one good reason as to why gay marriage shouldn't be legal.

>this again

Yup, and they should be able to get that tax break.
Call it whatever you want, but the legal government-issues benefits should not be given out based on who you want to fuck.
On the other hand, people should have the right not to include you in their religious practices based on who you want to fuck.

Toilet licker

>degenerate claims the slippery slope is a fallacy

As to be expected.

National suicide.

Fucking sad

>no msm; therefore myth
That's not how that works; you know that right?

Yeah so what we fuck other dudes. I like the taste of other dudes semen but personally i like the smell of my boyfriends butthole. Also your hero Drumpf wrote in the "Art of the Deal" that he considered an Open marriage with his WIFE

>it's this thread again
If an apple has a worm in it, it does not change what the apple is. Fag marriage changes what marriage is. If someone is impotent or another is infertile it does not change the principle of marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman for procreation. It was that principle which gave rise to marriage in the first place. When procreation is impossible, as in between a man-and-man or woman-and-woman, you're talking about something that is incidentally impossible, it's also impossible in principle. If you say that's a marriage, you are saying marriage can be understood in principle apart from procreation. Thus you have changed its definition in such a way as in fact to destroy the necessity for the institution. Since the only reason it has existed in human societies and civilizations was to regulate from a social point of view the obligations and responsibilities attendant upon procreation. So when you start playing games in this way you are actually acting as if the institution has no basis independant of your arbitrary whim.

Fuck off.

literal asshole licker

>I have no actual rebuttal so I'll just insult him

Just what I'd expect from a braindead faggot.

because its a farce. two bumfriends raising a boy makes me sick. gays have to sort their shit out bigtime before i approve of parental roles.


This, right here.

Just because they had sex does not mean they were married. The bible uses the euphemism "Clung together" to describe people hiring prostitutes as well.
The whole point of the tax break is to help support a family. Fags can't have kids.

Poor child

This should be illegal

>gay men
>having sex
Pick one you full blown brain dead retard.

one of the sillier things i've read in a while.

No high quality evidence in favor of the theory.

Visible unhappy and ashamed of his poor situation and ruined life. Those bitchbags deserve prison, not being celebrated as "progressive". Faggots ruin only, they don't build.

Because marriage is a sacred bond between man and woman, not man and man.

>as adam and eve
Eve was a prostitute then
>a clam digger talking about apples

>coating your manhood in estrogen

Women are insane, dykes are even worse.

It's a catholic ceremony and they consider gays an abomination.

It'd be like a mosque sponsoring a pork eating event.