If you were Hitler, what would you have done differently?

If you were Hitler, what would you have done differently?

ally with the jews

And genocide the germans

Set up high speed rail across all of Europe before getting too ambitious with more lofty political goals.

continued painting

>Not invade russia
>Conscript jewish majority instead of kill them
>Sic SS and gestapo hit squads on high ranking, pro-zionist jews and bankers within Germany and abroad

Not attack the Belgium because then England would not have attacked

tell (((Mussolini))) not to invade the fucking greeks
prioritize PzKpfw V production instead of """wunderwaffe"""

>(((too few)))

Gassed 6mil.

Stay inside Germany.

Kill every anglo at dunkirk and invaded England imediately.

Gas the kikes for real

FPBP ally with Jews develop nukes build more uboats early with modular manufacturing don't declare Slavs subhuman and use them to wage war against the communists (after taking Suez and Gibraltar).

Gassed the kikes

>commie flag
I was about to tell you that you are retatrded, but the flag makes a better job at that then me.

Hold out until the nuke is developed then obliterate ruskies and brits

Nothing. Hitler's actions were amazing. The speed at which it all went down was amazing too.

kill 6 million jews

Pushed for nuclear weapon development in secret before the war started.

Nuke for Moscow, Nuke for London and a Nuke for New York and we all now would be living on a Nazi Earth.

Not build retarded shit and not interfere with my generals and not engage the Soviet Union in late June. I would have just sat pretty I'm Europe from 1940 onwards holding France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, and Poland hostage while bombing the shit out of UK. Also dont ally Japan.

enslave the jews


I'd rather be Polish leader at the time and ally with Hitler

I would have tried to ally myself with the US. Then I could save both the US and Germany from degeneracy.

actually put Japan to use and got Franco on board

Its funny how they make his eyes always seem dark brown in these pictures. Hitler had hypnotising blue eyes.

I wouldnt have been so agressive in diplomacy, just got my people out of the dangerzone in danzig and left. Czechoslowaky didnt need to be annexed. And I would have germany prepared for a real war and not just for looking like a good war machine, so I can get better deals. The wehrmacht wasnt ready when we split poland with russia.

Also in war he should have just talked to the people and motivating them, that was his strengh, but everytbing else should have been decided by his generals. Ideology is very bad in warfare, except for motivation.

Considering his poor upcoming and no birthright nor education, you have to admire him still. Many mistakes wich cost the world all and plunged us even further into jewish domination, but I think he tried and ironically the passion and fierce love for germany was what made him rise to power was also what doomed him further down the road.

You can also see the pain of loosing his mother early in his eyes. I think he needed to compensate. It was all about having people you love. And he sacrificed everything for it. Poor Hitler.

Not invade the Soviet Union, at least not in 1941.hell, they can have their half of Poland for all I Fucking care. I'd then focus on taking over England and valuable areas of Africa and the middle east and get a steady supply of materials before I move on to invading other countries. Also gas 7 million kikes.

We do know for a fact that EU was/is the path to Europe united under Germany.
So I guess just skip the "genocide" part and do the EU thing right away under the banner of protection from the commies.

I would have focused on taking Africa, and deal with the nigger once and for all.

Ensure that Axis forces in Stalingrad are resupplied, and curb unnecessary troop movements between West and East. If Germany had won Stalingrad, it would have won the war.

One does not simply ally with the Jews. People have tried this and have gotten fucked over in the end. It's kind of their thing user.

I wouldn't poison my dog.

Build up crazy technology like the V2 before the war, then obliterate the UK and Moscow.

Aside from delaying Operation Barbarossa by helping the Italians invade Greece (fucking WHY), not much. I don't have any pretenses of being cleverer than the Führer.

kill Joseph Goebbels and myself

fucking child-murdering piece of shit

>ally with the jews

yeah I bet they would spare the good goyim

This. Hitler was great but he fucked up.

Grown a bigger mustache


>Focus my jew hatred towards key jews that would start clans that would infect and eventually control the USA in the future
>Target/assassinate them with covert operations while publicly advocating for peace between nations while still keeping my own nation's well being in mind FIRST
>Focus on technological advances and never share any significant breakthroughs
>Keep a close eye on potential defectors and spies
>Create a unit dedicated entirely to eliminating jewish elite, again, in covert operations meant to never be discovered
>Have children, slowly train and teach them to my own way of thinking, while being completely reasonable so as to not seem insane, don't want the kids to turn into liberals
>Target other races, such as violent blacks, but promote the safety and tolerance of non-violent intelligent blacks
>This helps build up good public opinion as well, and all around the world

Hitler could have been the best thing to ever happen to planet Earth and he fucked it all up because he got just a bit too angry for his own good and surrounded himself with actual psychopaths.

He could've shaped the future for this planet, to be a good one full of amazing people. But no, we get the shit we live in every day instead.

shut up you emo fucking cuck faggot, magda killing the kids was better than the inevitable rape and torture they would of endured from the reds. It was a tough and honorable thing to do.

>Not invade Russia
Russia was planning to attack Germany while she was preoccupied with England.
>Conscript Jewish majority
>Jewish majority
What? And there were actually over 300 000 half Jews, quarter Jews and some actual Jews that were actually quite high ranking in some cases
>Sic SS and Gestapo on bankers
Easier said then done when most of these people are in the UK and USA. Occupying a continent and keeping resistance and communist spy rings down is hard enough
>Tell Mussolini not to invade the Greeks
It probably never occurred to Hitler that Mussolini would do something so random, especially when the North African campaign wasn't going well either.
I'd say capture the Englishmen at Dunkirk, that way they can be used as a bargaining chip. Invading England is impossible though.
>Don't annex Czechs
Czechs weren't annexed. The Czech leader Hacha asked for Germans to march into Prague. His political aide testified that Hitler did not coerce him.
Better to do that then allow the Soviets to eat her
Better for them to die than have to live through the humiliation of what the Soviets would have undoubtedly done to them if they were found alive
>Help Italian invade Greece
He had to because Commonwealth troops began to land in Greece and were a threat to the Romanian oil fields (They could use Greece as an airfield) Also Mussolini threatened to leave the Axis should Hitler not aid him.

>it's the fault of the man who tried and not the fault of the actual bad guys

Hitler isn't a ninja. If all these important Jews started dying around the world at similar times I 'think' it would be pretty obvious who was doing it.

It's: " If you HAD BEEN Hitler, what would you have done." Learn your grammar USA, ffs.

but that's wrong you slavnigger

I think both sentences are grammatically correct

By jewish majority I mean the able bodied fighting men of the 6 million.

Even without taking morality into account, it just seems like a waste to kill all of those people when you could use them to bolster your ranks instead.

But then I'm not really a nazi, so what do I know.

>most of these bankers were in the UK and USA
Kinda figured that. There were spy rings in those countries, and an undertaking of that sort would require quite a detachment of HUMINT and hitmen, but It would be more than worth it in the long run.



kek, a true German

this chart is idiot tier

The vast majority of those six million Jews (Not that it was actually six million) were not even from Germany but from Poland and the USSR. The point of them not being included was that they were thought to be subversive and communist sympathizers which is understandable when looking at Jewish involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution, the German Revolution and civil war in 1919 and other communist uprisings in Hungary and Austria. It's why they were detained in first place. Much like the Japanese, German and Italian Americans were detained (This happened in Australia too I might add) for threat of being spies or sympathizers with their ancestral homelands.


>That enlightened stage though

>Hey, you know those crafty and treasonous people that sold out our country during ww1? Let's make them fight for us and hope they don't divulge military secrets!

quietly assassinated wallis simpson and set edward up with a german girl


actually be aryan..


>mind control towers

I think the issue was less with her being American than with her not being of a noble class. Hitler would have had to put up a real classy German girl. And the monarchy was gone so.... I don't know, maybe a former princess of one of the German states would do?

Get Poland and Finland to join the Anti-Comintern Pact.

Don't launch war on the soviets. Make them your ally and win the war



The offer for Poland to join the Anti-Comintern Pact was extended as well as promising Poland parts of the Ukraine that it desired but couldn't get because of the peace from the Polish Soviet War. Poland rejected Hitler's offer like all the others, they had their eggs in the allied basket. Finland did join the Pact I think. It just didn't join the Axis officially.

Redpill the world with memes.

Finsih off UK before starting war with russia.
Cut idiocy called V1 and V2, terror bombing did jack shit and they ate important resources.
Outright kill Goering (fucking disgrace for luftwaffe)
Acctualy listen to my GOOD commanding officer not relying on coprals lack of tactical sense.

Also stock up good for Russia.



Hitler is dead. There's no "if you were Hitler".

Acctualy Hitler did want to ally with Pilsudzki, but he died.

Fun fact in one HOI4 game I literaly went full nazi with Poland, snatched all possible allies for Germans , cucked them and annexed.

I would have stuck with the no mustache look. He looks much better without it.

>Finish off UK before Russia
Russia was planning to strike first. Read Icebreaker by Victor Suvorov. Had Hitler waited any longer than the Soviets war machine would have been too powerful to defeat.
>Kill Goering
I don't know about killing but definitely demote him from being head of the Luftwaffe. He really was quite incompetent and cost Hitler a lot of important battles.
>Actually listen to commanding officers.
This is a meme. Hitler could be stubborn at times but he actually did listen to his generals a lot. However the information he got was often wrong. Had it been correct than a lot of his plans would have actually worked. His generals mostly liked to blame their failures and crimes on him to escape the rope of Nuremberg. And I wouldn't blame Hitler for being a bit overconfident. A lot of his ideas in the Western front and initial stages of Operation Barbarossa were actually quite fruitful even for a corporal.

>making high priority on genocide anglos in dunkirk without any mercy before they retreat so that chuckcuck will have less chance to win election and based Halifax becomes minister so he would be more wanting for peace talks.
>convince Mussolini not to attack Greece
>cut all wunderwaffe spending and try to enhance current equipment
>make kriegsmarine on Bismarck be extremely more careful after sinking HMS Hood
>give more equipment to Rommel so he would reach Suez and block anglo cucks
>try to LIBERATE slavs from soviets and make much more occupied voluntiery division early
>not interfere in great generals plan maneuvering
>actually try to fucking kill kikes this time or massively deport them into the sea ,let their precious Jehovah decide their chosen fate in sea.

Why though. The mustache was iconic, it differentiated him other leaders. He once said 'if my facial hairstyle was not popular before, it will be now because I am the one wearing it'
I guess you're right about that

i think it was because the head of the church of england couldn't marry a divorcee.
but yeah, someone like that

Wrong war

They already have Merkel

Wrong. The U.S. had already started building the Bomb. Would have had it in 1945 regardless.


>Based Halifax
No. Halifax was as much a warhawk as Churchill.
>Genocide Anglos
Better to keep them alive but captured so you can not only ingratiate yourself to Britain but also use them as a bargaining chip in peace negotiations
>Convince Mussolini not to attack Greece
Mussolini didn't tell him what he was planning to do with Greece. Hitler couldn't tell him not to do it if he didn't know what he was going to do in the first place
>Cut Wunderwaffe spending
Yeah, maybe leave it till after the war is over
>Give more equipment to Rommel
That equipment had to be prioritized to the Eastern front. But I agree that Rommel should have been given more than he had

I would not have invaded other countries, just get rid of the jews and focus on Germany becoming a superpower instead.

Ok where the fuck's his moustache?

To some he's alive, okay.

>genocide anglos

this guy is right

>Why though. The mustache was iconic, it differentiated him other leaders. He once said 'if my facial hairstyle was not popular before, it will be now because I am the one wearing it'

whelp; thats one thing baby hitler was wrong about...

No. I would keep the mustache.

> stubborn even when proven wrong.
> no counter argument.

Never change 'stralia.

He looks so damn different without the mustache

Who could guess that one thing could change ones appearance so much

Hitler's political credibility came from protecting Germans, especially those in other lands. If Hitler had just routinely ignored the pleas of the Germans in Danzig and Poland then how could he claim to be the leader of a Germany while ignoring the suffering of his people in lands that had previously been a part of his country? In any case, all German documents will confirm the view that the Germans felt that it was absolutely necessary that they break free of the ring of powers encircling them since 1919 (The Allies and the Little Entente and such) Poland was the last Eastern European nation aside from the USSR that surrounded Germany. Once Germany took out Poland, the ring was broken.

>proven wrong
had been is wrong. this is literally year 2 English, user.

Shave the Stache.

>that pic
wake me up

>No. Halifax was as much a warhawk as Churchill.
True but he was less hesitant about peace talks after failure in France and Norway
>Better to keep them alive but captured so you can not only ingratiate yourself to Britain but also use them as a bargaining chip in peace negotiations
Don't really care what happens to those poor lads, but it would be high priority to not let them escape no matter what

>Not invade Russia
>make sure country's entire economy is geared towards total war output from 1939
>Invade Egypt as soon as possible from Libya and seize Suez Canal, as early as 1940
>push Spain and Turkey to join Axis side
>use Spain to seize Gibraltar from the British, locking off the British from the Med Sea.
>support uprising in Iraq, and use it as your source of oil, transport overland through Turkey
>research long range strategic bomber
>bomb the shit out of British industry and ports, instead of suburban London
>instead of experimenting with huge tanks, focus on a few good designs like the Panther and make sure they have adequate testing and training before sending them out on the field
>once you've got Middle East oil and Mediterranean secured, the British pretty much can't touch you.
>spend 5 years building up Kriegsmarine using all of Europe's resources.
>research nuclear weapons
>by 1950 your war machine is set and you can invade England with nukes and put a puppet government in place
>wait until death of Stalin in 1953
>make anti-soviet treaty with Americans
>carry out huge invasion of Soviet Union in 1955 using a pan-European army with a few nukes
>Hold line from Leningrad to Baku, or push the way to the Urals don't launch more offensives and let the Spviets bleed themselves dry until they agree to armistice
>by 1960, undisputed master of Europe
>US is too isolated to intervene and topple you

Not been so clearly related to the Bush family.

Actually fund my nuclear bomb project and try to get it done during the war not as a side project curiosity for after the war like hitler actually did because he thought the nuclear bomb couldn't be achieved in that short span of time

Put a nuclear bomb on a V2 and you have a nuclear missile before anyone else even thought of them