ENTP = perfect politician personality

ESTP/ENTJ = chad bros of the EBTP

INTJ = ENTP's computer nerd

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I always get ENTJ and I'm a shut in permavirgin weeb.
So that's that.

I'm an ENTP, I do like Sup Forumsitics, but I dedicate my time to /sci/ence and en/g/ineering

Anything that starts with E should be genocided

>hes an autistic introvertcuck


I do agree that most E's are trash, but ENTPs/ENTJs and Perhaps ESTJs/ESTPs

I'd say gas all the XXFX

you can be both extroverted and not good at socialising


That's not how these tests work though. They ask shit like how well you get along with people and all that. Then base whether you're I or E on that. I can get along with people if I interact with them, I just generally prefer not interacting with them.

ENTP's are useless at management, ENFP are better at oratory, Big 5 is superior to Myers-Briggs.

>0% turbulent

It's nice being so self assured :^)

i'm retarded

If you don't like interacting with most people the. You're not an Extrovert at all then. High levels of socialising is a requirement for being an E

Yet again you have no clue how these tests work. Go look at one before saying stupid shit.

This is partially true.

But if you want to know your true type, you shouldn't use an online test.

Read this instead, and deduce your type yourself

ENTP, for instance, is:

>Extraverted iNtuition
>Introverted Thinking
>Extraverted Feeling
>Introverted Sensing

We all have all 4, what changes is the intro/extra-version and the order...

INTJ controls all from the shadows with undetectable influence ENTP=INTJs show pony

Personality tests are horoscopes for atheists.

Did the test twice and got INTP both times.

I keked

who else ISTJ brainlet here
i've taken the test several times over the years hoping i get a different result but it's always the same

Nah, a good personality test can give you some useful data. I'm a Gemini btw.

Everytime someone brings up im an *random 4 letters* i physically cringe and walk away.

Stop falling for the identity jew.

the only thing you INTJ's will be controlling is how long you'll be a virgin before committing suicide


The fuck are people doing on this board and Sup Forums in general who are not INTP? You are not suited for this environment foreigner.

Dude these personality type things are all horseshit. Obviously you should decide for yourself what you want to be and not rely on some "here's 16 little boxes now pick one and sit in it :)" bullshit.

ISTJ drone too, you are not alone friend

I know that his is not exact, but if MUST classify something as fuzzy as personality, at least do it properly, not by trusting a quiz made by somebody who likely doesn't share your personality.

Maybe, but you're a funny bunch.

(ENTP/ENFP or, to make more sense, high in extraversion, neuroticism and openness, low in agreeableness and conscientiousness)

INFJ are the ubermensch leaders, but you're right, ENTP's make great leaders. ESTP's can be great as well (such as Trump), but ENTJ's are mostly cancer

ISTP sociopath here
ww3 now

So instead I should rely on some guy who doesn't share my personality type and died 60 years ago. Sounds logical, NOT.


At least he was a psychologist...
Besides, you don't have to make a religion out of this.

This is not an horoscope, this is to loosely put you in a box.

But I do see your point, and I partially agree.


I'm INTP and I hate all you politicians

A psychologist who did his work probably about 80 years ago. Would you use blueprints for making a car from 80 years ago? No you wouldn't. Things change, society does as well, recently more than ever. And what primarily shapes the personality is environment, aka society, and nowadays you have generations apart by 3-4 years living in completely different worlds.
A lot of these psychologists did their work way before the modern world so every little bit of credibility that they had is now obsolete.

>This is not an horoscope, this is to loosely put you in a box.
So it's a horoscope.

If I'm not excessively comfy by days end then OP is a faggot


Nice thumbnail :^)

wha5t the fuck

Hiroyuki sold you to the russians.

>the virgin frog god created by (((jews)))
>the chad kek


The Architect

Develops and implements plans for everything.
Believes the right attitude will accomplish a goal. But the ideas or methods used to achieve said goal, need to be questioned as to whether they will succeed or not.

If there's a way, I will enact technically superior, sometimes insensitive, and usually uncommon methods or ideas.

Prefers to not be the center of attention, instead letting my plans be a beacon that attracts people with similar intents or interests.

Always assessing new strategies and contingency plans.

Well, i'm INTJ-T :P

What is it with you losers and half century old abandoned pseudoscience

>Be Alpha monkey
>Beta asians stare at you with envy
>Ability to do milk whenever you want

>"This isn’t meant to suggest that Architects act without conscience, but to many other types, Architects’ distaste for acting on emotion can make it seem that way, and it explains why many fictional villains (and misunderstood heroes) are modeled on this personality type."

Does the fact that I'm also an Anarchist, make me a James Bond villain too?


I am. I am only now starting to realize how fucked my life is because of it. I get taken advantage of constantly and can't stand up to authority.

Although I used to be very rebellious in my teens. I think some particularly bad events in my young adulthood crushed me into the ISTJ personality.

Holy shit. I'm an ENTP

>Be me
>Studied engineering
>Have worked in sales for the last decade
>Take MBTI test again

I became more of an E with age and joining the military. Social interaction is still tiring, but not as much as it used to be.


I always get mixed results when I take the test. Either INTP or INTJ.

help please

from obnoxious autism to charming chad in a decade? write me up for that stuff please

ISTJ masterrace here user

Married with a ESFJ wife, we get along fine

>bounces back again and again
What do, Sup Forums?

I don't understand how someone can switch like that. An introverted person lives in their head. I am an INTP and regardless of how social I am everything happens in my head. Why do people confuse Introversion with being shy or not engaging people.

If you want to see an example of an extroverted person go watch most people shop. Everything takes place outside in the world. They don't think about what they need they act it out. Its annoying to even be around.

The age of savagery will return

How can I do this quiz?

kill yourself


INFJ here. I consistently have this urge to shut down conflict and to bring people together when debating, like trying to find a middle ground. People usually listen and I can often change their perspective on things.
Elevating spirits to bring out the best out of them.

My introvert side used to be extremely strong during my youth though, completely blocking my ability to translate ideas into speech.

>tfw INTP

I've taken this three times, first I got ISTP, then I got INTP, and finally ISTP again.

This test is retarded for implying that science is intuitive - it's quite the reverse. Math and physics follow hard rules, not what your gut feeling tells you.

What did they mean with this?

>Working for others without getting something substantial in return

Got INTP. Describes me petty well.

Why does this picture unnerve me?


thanks, user. I never knew there was so many ways to call someone a faggot.

you take the leadership and use it to maintain order, basically being redpilled but not a NEET
also read the fucking description

I got ESTP.

Is that any good?

Someone post the Power Ranking/Tiers of the Meyer Briggs test. You know the one.

>neckbeard horoscopes

How does that make sense?

Any good examples of this?

>look up jobs that are supposedly good for INTJ's
>everything is computer related

I am a perfect politician??

>Implying astrology is useless

While the "horoscope" you read in the newspaper is garbage their is a huge amount of truth hidden in astrology and astrotheology. Manly P Hall gives some good talks but you have to go deeper then him. The zodiac and its effects all go back to Atlantis and is part of the hermetic wisdom that was passed down from ancient Egypt. It was that knowledge that fueled the Italian Renaissance thanks to their discovery and translation of the Corpus Hermeticam.


Well everyone knows that politicians are scumbags.

Kek and not even that.

Pseudoscience General

ITT: post best memes of your type.

>tfw Bronn from GoT is ISTP

>I am only now starting to realize how fucked my life is because of it. I get taken advantage of constantly and can't stand up to authority.
>Although I used to be very rebellious in my teens.
Fug, that's me. Feels bad man.

Although on the test I scored ENTP.

The Fuhrer was INFJ


Well this is gay I'm an ENFP with ADHD and it fucking sucks. I want to play Vidya and work out and work on projects but I'm uncontrollably drawn to social events where I talk to much (about inane overly political shit anyway, thanks Sup Forums) and get ostracized anyway.

I too used to be introverted until college. Being sociable is a shitton better. If you don't feel like being extroverted, at least learn to pretend so. Having a shitton of acquaintances is essential for success in any career, everyone emphasizes networking for a reason. Even if you consider yourself a lone wolf, you must have good relations with people to make it easier.

Hey my Croatian friend post dick pics. :)))

ISTP reporting in

INFJ masterrace reporting in
>150 IQ (per Mensa test, not online kikery)
>software developer
>decent social life though I'd usually rather be by myself
>unironic White Nationalist

ISTP master race.



What jobs do you ENTPs have? How do you like them?
I've been searching for a year but there's fuck-all I would like to do.


Mostly just gaming and reading and being butthurt about how gay this reality we live in is.

INTJ materrace reporting in for duty

INFP is the master race. If you disagree, then you don't understand us

When I got INFJ I looked up "famous INFJs", and swelled with pride when I saw that Hitler was INFJ.

like a talkative nerdy autist that never shuts up about weeb shit in any given circumstance. only to ever be accepted in weeb circles.