Sorry not sorry sweeties, the age of dinosaurs is over!

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Archive or screenshot please

So it's a classic battle of the experts.
Well done, Norway bro

It does if you ask Google

Google 9 years ago:
The biological differences between a male brain and a female brain is like a light house, and our culture has to adjust to it like a ship. The light house isn't moving anytime soon, and we WILL crash into it if we don't change our course. Many of the very common miscommunications and difficulties between men and women come down to these basic differences between male and female brains.

Google 6 years ago:
We know that male and female brains behave very differently, and that in terms of our very base sexual instincts, women are programmed to care about status. Also traps aren't gay.

Google today:
“No, it’s not true.”

that guy needs to go if he's still at google.

James: There are differences in the distribution between groups with more men that are interested and gifted in STEM-fields.
Article: James claims women are incapable of learning anything regarding STEM. These experts confirm that statement is false.

*Slow clap*
Why not say "Here is some shit we made up about the memo, these experts confirm that our idiotic interpretation doesn't match science"

>it's not about biology
Why do they keep lying like this? I mean really. Do they WANT to redpill everyone indirectly?

What guy? These are two male guest lecturers and the female CEO of YouTube.

Keep it up



anxiety gap?

Counterpoint: four scientists say that the science DOES support the memo

But remember bigots, the science is settled :^)

They know their audience does not care and will not fact check, so they just shove whatever they want down their throats.

Not everyone who smokes gets cancer therefore smoking doesn't cause lung cancer.

modern women get so cuntfused about this memo it's hilarious

the idea that women are more emotional than men. it's been debunked by them, apparently

>It's nordbot skips episode

But science has EVOLVED goyim. We now know that gender is a spectrum that is also a social construct that also exists on a case-by-case basis.

>The science doesn't support the google memo.
Didn't the memo actually link to research papers?
The ones in this article all agree he has the science right for the most part.

Suppose that these two curves (frequently called "bell curves", but are technically known as normal distributions) represent the distributions among men and women regarding emotional stability (i.e. neuroticism, or likelyhood to be anxious). As you can see, they are not the same. The female curve is shifted to the right, meaning that women on average are more anxious than men. If you look at the peaks of these curves, that's where averages are. The difference on the x-axis between these two points can be thought of as "the anxiety gap". There is however significant overlap. So men and women are more alike than they are different. But they are different, which does explain why there isn't a 1:1 representation of women in certain fields vs the total population. In fields which require high stress tolerance, for example.

Dude, didn't you read the fucking (((memo)))?
There isn't such a graph in the fucking (((memo))).

>Scientifics saying memo is wrong mentioned in the article:
Diane Halpern, Lise Eliot, Rebecca Jordan-Young and Janet Hyde

So, Sup Forums, do you notice a patern?

Yes, there was a graph very much like that one in the memo. It seems you found the one the (((journalists))) redacted, excising the charts and links to the research.

Find the unedited memo or watch his interview w/ Peterson. The graphs are shown and discussed.


Not an argument

Google memo never said directly that biological differences made females inferior. Just another click bait article and OP is a shill


>Why do they keep lying like this?

The truth is frightening.

The anxiety gap is created by their fucking affirmative action. There is anxiety because those employees know in their hearts they are a diversity hire.


Remember, these guys got their bogus shit published in peer reviews scientific journals.

Imagine the fear of an affirmative action heart surgeon

Currently at uni doing comp sci. Made friends with a grill. Gril is 10x smarter than I am, she tries really hard and it shows.

Recently we had group projects, I was put with 3 guys
she was put with 1 guy and 2 girls

She now hates other girls in this field because of how useless these two were.

My team got badass scores 'cos one guy was really determined.

Can you give me a quick rundown on those guys?



>diversity is really important because different groups think different and bring different talents to the table
>men and women are exactly the same in terms of how they think and if you suggest otherwise you are a bigot
THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD DIVERSITY MATTER YOU STUPID FUCKS?!?! If men and women are exactly the same then a team of all men, a team of all women, and a team that's 50/50 would all be expected to do exactly the same on a task, meaning diversity is a pointless endeavor for any company.

These stupid fucks can't even keep their arguments straight.

I sense they don't care about logical or moral consistency, except white people are evil, down with the patriarchy


>down with the patriarchy
>defend Islam at every opportunity
The only thing they are consistent is their hate for white people.

Scientists have confirmed the existence of smokers without cancer. The claim is false. ;)

They will not be satisfies until men are as neurotic and irrational as women. They will also settle for men just being payed less and suffering.

>(((Google memo)))

That's why I said (((memo))), you numbnuts.

>We have been researching issues of gender and STEM for more than 25 years, and we can say flatly that there is no evidence that women's biology makes them INCAPABLE of performing at the highest levels in any STEM fields.

I read up to here. The whole piece is a strawman, he never argued in his memo that women were incapable. Try harder sweetie.

>Paid less, suffering
And still do 90% of the work. And carry my equipment and gear

>spelling mistake in the first sentence
well done ladies, well done


Women can perform at stem fields such as biology and front end development since those are the easiest ones, but if you look at fields such as math and physics you notice that only few women actually perform at an equal level to men. So you can say that women are incapable of performing at the highest levels in STEM fields

Then-than good eye. It's only because their spell checker was created by a man

>Barnett is a senior scientist at the Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis University


The guy was a touch autistic and made a couple dumb statements but almost all of that memo was solid. It was also trying to explain why women aren't occupying those roles. Not why they shouldn't occupy those roles. Plus that article is full of weasel words and studies. No sex differences in male and female brains... Of children. Well no shit. It's a good thing puberty doesn't change your brain or anything.

This article boils down to let's cherry pick the weakest study, make it greyer and then misinterpret all of his arguments and report on it like he was advocating for female genocide.


>Vox media said it
>I believe it
>That settles it
god I wish I was a liberal

>Related image

That may be, but he never implied that in his memo. I mean the guy was as conservative as you can get from a silicon valley cucklifornian, so obviously the piece was pretty mainstream.



You mean the Science™ is settled.


they used then instead of than


>anxiety gap

Jesus christ how many "gaps" are they going to come up with?

Depends on the amount of assholes in the company.

Darling take care easy

>They add, “Neuroscientists have found few sex differences in children’s brains beyond the larger volume of boys’ brains and the earlier completion of girls’ brain growth, neither of which is known to relate to learning.

What sort of "neuroscientist" doesn't know that neuroplasticity is essential to learning and the fact that male brains continue to develop after female brains lose their neuroplasticity is a good thing for learning, allowing the brains to continue to absorb and reshape itself like a sponge.

This article is full of stupid. Not only are they repetitively misconstruing the words of the memo and "debunking" their own shitty interpretations, but their "debunking" isn't even good in itself with gems like the above littered throughout.

How shitty could a publication be to allow this kind of shit to be published?

>Women only get elevated on the basis of performance.

My fucking sides. I'm beginning to think these people are writing from the bizarro alternate dimension where Hillary won and Trump got gulag'ed for mean tweets. These people are so delusional that it actually hurts to read their bullshit.

its a great example of a pilpul argument using a strawman.


It is a fact that they have more intense emotional responses.

Claiming they should be advantaged because of this is throwing meritocracy in the trash

Prove it, then.

Except it's impossible because gender is a made up definition used to define behaviours that are correlated heavily with sex

Sure...they run the planet.

X and Y chromosome. There are 2 genders only, get over it.

They're scraping their foreheads against the ground praying we act like good goyim with no critical thinking. =)

By "neither of which is known," they mean known to the article author. Everyone else knows. Some people choose to be retarded

They do fact check with Snopes.

>women cry equality and demand pay raises
>women don't want to date men who are less successful than them
The West is doomed lol. I spend most of my life bitching about Russia and searching for ways to immigrate to Europe or the US, but Sup Forums taught me to be grateful and patriotic.

Quick Rundown
>Rothchilds bow to the Bogdanoffs.
>in contact with aliens
>rumored to have psychic abilities
>control France with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>will bank roll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be first city)
>Own pretty much every DNA facility on the planet
>Don't use telephones, don't use words...use mind

>Mineshaft Gap
>referring to a plan to build an underground civilization to continue humanity where there's 10 men for every woman

Is Dr. Strangelove the source for the feminist "gap" meme?

First google result. I kekd.

I was watching a TVO documentary a few nights ago regarding the female "struggle" in the workplace across the world.

I shit you not, the speech at the conclusion of the documentary by a prominent black feminist that's supposed to be the emotional send-off for the audience, went something like this:

>women still have to prove themselves constantly
>women still have to work hard in order to be respected in the workplace and be trusted
>we have so much more work to do ahead of us because women are still considered super and inexperienced in a job unless they work hard and prove themselves
>we have to push to make a change so that women can be equally respected in the workplace

And on and on.

I could not believe my ears and almost broke down in laughter.

Women actually think working hard and proving yourself in a job IS NOT the norm and they think they should AUTOMATICALLY be respected and they could slack off and not have to prove themselves. Women TRULY believe this! They truly believe they should be considered smart and capable without having to prove it. They truly believe this is just their own unique experience and that men don't have to go through this either.

Least we know Google Gals don't have to worry about thigh gaps.

the most hilarious thing about this is that anyone who has worked at google or in tech KNOWS that women are absolutely incapable of this work.

they are pushed through the hiring system and given cushy jobs which 90% of the time are basically filler work which could be done in 2 days by a competent man. but it's not too important so fuck it, lets give it to the "diversity" team.

they will work on it for a couple months, spending 40% of their time blogging about being STRONK WIMMEN in tech and being paraded around by management as shining examples that WIMMIN can do anything.

meanwhile, all the real engineers are shaking their heads and keeping their mouths shut, just trying to work and knowing that they will get fired if they say anything.

eventually, the project will get done. Then it will go to a man who will "review" their work. he will completely re-write it so that its actually functional. in a day, he will do all the work that the womens team was pretending to do for 2 months. then the management will hold a press conference about all the IMPORTNAT work that women are doing here at google. there will be 5 blog posts about how this insignificant project was done by women.

anyone who has worked in tech can tell you that this is how it happens.

>women are still considered super and inexperienced

Meant to write "stupid" not "super"

Maternity leave
Can't lift same wieght
Muh pay gap

Bitches are useless. Someone post the army bitch falling down webm. I believe in equality, no mayo on my sandwich sweetie.

Not sure what was the exact story, but they spoofed their study, and it still got published because of the lack of proper peer preview. There was a complete, but private inquiry into it by some French academic organization, but findings are held secret and were only made available to those immediately involved. Some Françuser can tell you probably more.

He's a circle for sure

I feel like this is the biggest gas lighting operation in history.

Even babies instinctively know the difference between male and female.

You need to ditch the Fark mindset that they are incompetent. They are not. They know exactly what they are doing.

So at what point do we realize that the opposition isn't arguing in good faith? There's no point in trying to "prove them wrong" when they'll just pretend you said something else. At what point do we consider alternative strategies?

I work in tech. Can confirm.

Don't forget the waste of time "social events" that they keep organizing around you and taking away meeting room availabilities while also distracting workers

>we need more diversity because men and women are different and have different ways of thinking and looking at the world, getting both leads to the best results for our company
>wtf how dare you suggest men and women have different ways of thinking and looking at the world, get out of our company

No I know they are actively trying to sabotage society. I'm just trying to use words that redpill normies. Saying "they are actively trying to genocide us" only works on people like me who listen to Alex Jones all the time and are ok with getting blasted by harsh truths 24/7.

Can also confirm. Don't like male only offices, but women should never touch code or design anything. Just let them do marketing or whatever they are comfortable with.

Letting omega fags and women do hard science was a mistake.

Noice one user

"Rosalind Barnett is a Senior Scientist at the Women's Studies Research Center"

Person who wrote the article.

>A Google engineer who was fired for posting an online claim that women's biology makes them less able then men to work in technology jobs has charged that he is being smeared and is a victim of political correctness.


As expected. Redundant people doing redundant things to reinforce redundant narratives. See my comment above

I really hate these stock photos that basically make all the fields be flooded by women and incompetent minorities. They are so fake and disgusting.