If you had to bomb north korea and 1 other country, so kim jong phil didnt think we were singling him out...

if you had to bomb north korea and 1 other country, so kim jong phil didnt think we were singling him out, who would you bomb? Id bomb italy, because i dont like inferior engineering.


The obvious answer is Mecca. Just imagine the happening that would ensue.

Sweden as there is no hope left for them.
Maybe Germany also but I still hope that they will rise up.


Mfw I've gotten pussy four times cuz I look like the dude on the left. Im way more of a Chad than him though.


Chad. Fuck him.



the only right answer is the usa so nobody else gets killed



Why are you bombing the birthplace of fascism?

Nothing personal hans, i need to do it to stop the brown horde

Japan, get rid of the biggest degeneracy shit hole

>bomb a country

Typical burger.

Either Saudi Arabia (Mecca) or Israel

Best ally no!

if you nuke japan you'll just create more anime and porn

Andorra. Could you imagine?

no, nuke them to wipe them all out


Israel. but not dropping the bombs on Jerusalem because it got major Christian sites. We need to bomb Tel-aviv, that city is full of degenerate gays.


And based Norbot dies from the fallout. You didn't think that one through, buddy.

I know it's in Saudi Arabia. If I said bomb them, then the most logistical target would probably be Riyadh. I singled out Mecca because hajjis around the world would be less likely to flip shit if Riyadh was nuked.
Go fuck yourself.

I need to see if it's true if roaches can live through a nuke

Japan still exists so we know the answer

Still, bombing the country that you sealed a 100+ billion dollar weapon contract with. Might not be the smartest choice

They aren't roaches they are spiders

T. Klaus Hansberger Krautkampfer

Israel of course