Best set of inventors by far: The following inventions among many others can be credited to Italians: construction:...

Best set of inventors by far: The following inventions among many others can be credited to Italians: construction: paved roads, arched bridges, aqueducts; Art and music: piano, harpsichord, violin, viola, cello, bass, opera; Science and technology: electric battery (Volta), telephone (Meucci), radio (Marconi), microprocessor (Faggin), moveable type (Castaldi), loudspeaker (Marzi), AC motor (Ferraris), sound on film (Rappazzo), thermometer (Santorio), barometer (Torricelli), compass (Gioja), seismograph (Cecchi), telescope (Galileo), nuclear reactor (Fermi), internal combustion engine (Matteucci, Barsanti), petrol engine (Bernardi), steam turbine (Branca), jet engine (Campini), carburetor (DeCristoforis), hydraulic motor (Ramelli), helicopter (Forlanini), seaplane (Calderara), motor scooter (D'Ascanio), eyeglasses (Spina, D'Armate), torpedo (Luppis), revolver (Broccu); Food: espresso, capucinno, pasta (not invented in China), pizza.

They had the best set of explorers: Marco Polo, Cristoforo Colombo, Amerigo Vespucci, Giovanni Caboto, Verrazzano

Best artists and sculptors: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Botticelli, Ghiberti, Bernini, Donatello, Rafael, many others

Composers: Monteverdi, Cavalli, Vivaldi, Verdi, Paganini, many others

Scientists and mathematicians: Fibonacci, Galilei, Lagrange, Ricci-Curbastro, Fermi, Majorana, Avogrado, Natta, Golgi, Malpighi, many others

Writers, historians and philosophers: Ovid, Livy, Lucretius, Virgil, Cicero, Boccaccio, Petrarch, Machiavelli, Marcus Aurelius, Dante, Thomas Aquinas, many others

Pretty much all of the so-called 'finest' physical things in life are made by Italians: the finest paintings, finest sculpture, finest foods, finest clothes, finest cars (Lamborghini, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Pagani), finest construction and building materials. No other nation comes close to matching Italians for craftsmanship.

How can any other country even compete?

Other urls found in this thread:

they can't.

yeah but all humans came from Africa, soooooo

Viva Italia! Viva Il Duce!

Telephone is canadian

I really like marinara sauce

Italian writers have nothing on Irish writers and we all know that , what do you write about anyway , Spaghetti? For example W.B Yeats, James Joyce,John Banim,Adomnán.


> Inventions
They are among the greatest but they don't flat out dominate Britain, with regards to the modern world they basically invented it with their engineering, and the Germans (well okay, not technically Germany until 1871 but you know what I mean) from the 1700s on are no slouches either.
> Composers
Great too but Austrians/Germans probably eke them out
> Scientists and mathematicians
Scientists: Probably beaten out by Britain, also Germany at least post-1890 or so, quantum mechanics and modern chemistry are no joke, Heisenberg, Fritz Haber, etc., arguably beaten out by USSR, France is also a major competitor
Mathematicians: Probably beaten out by Germany, Cantor, Hilbert, Gauss, Riemann, Minkowski, Noether, etc., arguably USSR as well, and France too
> Writers, historians, philosophers
Russian golden era of literature alone is of more literary merit than pretty much any other countries' canon, and in terms of philosophy they're absolutely destroyed by Germany and France

Sicilians aren't noteworthy.

>invade Ethiopia

Inventions tend to stand the strech of time if they're not made of fucking compressed starch lad

Harpsichords, espresso, and seaplanes are for fags. That Columbus fellow was decent though.

James Joyce is schizophrenic nonsense.

pic related, superior american invention


Marconi used tesla patents for the radio. Many organizations, historians, and scientist are giving credit to tesla now since his patent for the radio came a few years before Marconis

In other words Marconi is a piece of shit

A lot of the list has things invented by others, who are credited over an Italian.

Also Amerigo Vespucci is bollocks, America is name after Richard Amerike. Only royalty had places named after their first names.

And here's the archive

Not this crap again.
Don't get me wrong, the Italians are undeniably a great people.
But I don't understand this constant need to compare one European nation to others, or declaring one is the best and then turning the thread to a fucking shitfest of pointless arguing and insulting.
/pol has been flooded with this shit lately, even more so than usually.
It only distracts us from focusing on the real problems.
Learn to stand together you fucking pricks!

That was fast... why did you stop using

>Cristoforo Colombo

Cristofo Colombo my balls, his name was Cristobal Colon and he was portuguese, and financed by the Spanish Crown did he stablish the first europan colony on the New World


I use both

>Richard Amerike
Yeah so? He funded a voyage by John Cabotto so it's still another Italian.

That's all true and shieeet but then Americans came and said "We wuz" and now jews came and sais "look niggers ,you wuz".

I love italy

Bollocks! most of the most important inventions developed in europe had their Asian and Indian counterpart, also acient techs for example the golden age of mathematics in India had a huge impact on the creations of new things, just thing algebra and the arab numbers (the numbers you use)

Italian comfy Mario here, i can confirm, we are the best mamma mia

You're lucky the Romans didn't pick up the zero from the east. With that, they likely would've started the industrial revolution, genocided most of the non European world and we'd all be on Mars now.

Have to agree on that one damnit

also the Italian Mafia is the most powerful in the world.

>amerifats still crying

Arabic numbers are actually Indian

Also not true just think of the Russian Mafia, the Yakuza (Japan), the Chinese Mafia and the Mexican Cartels

All nobodies compared to Dante, Boccaccio, Ariosto, Metastasio.
Get some culture you dumb monolingual cattle.

we earn more than ruski and japs

>no mention of kike mafia
>names a bunch of organized crime that had barely any influence in any country or importance

damn you're practically blue pilled

Sicilian s aren't white

cry more

this. italians haven't been great at anything in hundreds of years.

Sicilians are ancient Greeks according to genetics.

I am Greek

Italy is shit at war in the past 100 years

Agreed. Even if people in this thread discredit, or play down some of Italians contributions to the world.
When it comes to ratio of the size and population of a country to it's contribution and influence on the world, Italy is definitely number one.

We're talking about a country that's not even the size of Arizona, yet has made more of an impact on the world in every way, historically and otherwise, than most if not all other countries.

Go see the Matthew in Bristol, thing is fucking tiny for crossing the Atlantic and heading to Canada in.

eyy lamo

fuck you proxy fag I HATE YOU

I am not going through them all but I randomly picked two of them

>petrol engine
The first practical petrol engine was built in 1876 in Germany by Nikolaus August Otto

>internal combustion engine
Various scientists and engineers contributed to the development of internal combustion engines. In 1791, John Barber developed a turbine. In 1794 Thomas Mead patented a Gas Engine. Also in 1794 Robert Street patented an internal combustion engine, which was also the first to use liquid fuel, and built an engine around that time. In 1798, John Stevens built the first American internal combustion engine. In 1807, Swiss engineer François Isaac de Rivaz built an internal combustion engine ignited by an electric spark. In 1823, Samuel Brown patented the first internal combustion engine to be applied industrially.

White Italians are superiorly equal to the rest of white Europe

Bernardi also made the world's first modern vehicle by fitting his petrol engine to his son's tricycle in 1884:
That said western Europe is pretty much an Italian colony, that's why they're alright.

It's the other way around. Tesla was a clown who stole ideas from other people and then accused them of stealing from him. AC induction motors are a good example of that because the inventor Galileo Ferraris made a public demonstration of it in 1885, and people working for Westinghouse(Tesla's company) witnessed and reported it in the same year, Tesla would apply for a patent 2 years later and later claim priority on court based on the argument the "he dreamed of it" before Ferraris.

William Stanley, one of America's earliest AC pioneers:
"I myself have seen the original motors, models, and drawings made by Ferraris in 1885, have personally talked with the men who saw these models in operation and heard Ferraris explain them at that date." - from a letter to the Electrical Review on March 16, 1903 [Electrical Review, Volume 42. 1903. Pg. 415]