I decided that I'm gonna do something about the situation with my country. I can't stand anymore whats going on...

I decided that I'm gonna do something about the situation with my country. I can't stand anymore whats going on. I will start a movement. Mostly online. I will try to digest content from my nation, develop a ideological body and attempt to create an organical life of it's own to move without my intervention.

Militarization of education
Defense of Christianism
Futurist in the adoption of technology
Promotion of industry
Promotion of planned reproduction
Audit the central bank(fed)
Absolute opposition to corruption
Latin america integration and mutual defense pact
Consideration of the adoption of the meridionalist geopolitical strategy
Historic and cultural awareness promotion for our people to replace globalist propaganda
I need your help for creating propaganda, and what else. If you have nothing to do, at least you will participate on a very interesting political experiment, very far away from you.

Meet Enéas Carneiro, the Ron Paul + Duterte + Dr Oz from Brazil

But don't be fooled, Éneas was the most super based politician we ever had in our 500 years of history.

>He named the jew(Soros) as the one privatizing our national companies
>He named the jew(Soros) as the one that appointed our Central Bank(Our Fed) president
>He asked for a Central Bank audit
>He openly combated the media
>He wanted to develop nukes
>He wanted to reinforce our military
>He wanted to combate the banks
>He was graduated in medicine, physics and math
>He passed all his exams in first place
>He was born in poverty
>Differently from Lula faggot, he was a rabid anti-communist


Other urls found in this thread:


Are you going to restore the empire?


Yes. Ave o império!


>Defense of Christianism
>Promotion of planned reproduction

But I'm a total degenerate who loves hentai, feet, onaholes and traps. How does your political movement appeal to me on a fetishistic level? I'm not into consensual sex with the lights off for the sole purpose of reproduction.

Maybe you can draw your degenerate stuff and fap to it until your cum runs out. Just do it in private!









Eneas lives.

hi br-o do you want to make it southcone

I wish we tried to promote all this ideas to the entire South! I am a total pacifist when it comes to latin america, and always thought that our nations should unite as brothers!

I've been thinking of doing something for a while as well, op.

How can I join your movement (or at least contact you)?

If you have WhatsApp, we can talk there

I think I will start a discord in the coming days, I'm starting to organize my propaganda effort a little bit better! Just stay lurking those threads, we will make something out of this!

Im mostly interested in these:

>Defense of Christianism

>Futurist in the adoption of technology Promotion of industry

>Absolute opposition to corruption
>Latin america integration and mutual defense pact

>Historic and cultural awareness promotion for our people to replace globalist propaganda

The others i can live with except for Militarization of education

I only defend the militarization of education, because they are mostly all excellence level tier institutions on Brazil. Only the super rich schools for the elite compete with them and are overall superior. They also reduce criminality, something that we need here, considering that our maloqueiros sell drugs and drink pitú and cachaça inside the classrooms. They bring guns and drugs, and they confront teachers directly, sometimes with threats of violence.

>I will start a movement. Mostly online.

But we really should start a latin america general trying to push stuff like this!

I think I will try to expand it to my local federal college. Maybe trying to find support on churches, police and other conservative groups around. I know it can gain some support.



If you wanna meet me and a few other pollacks (I'll revoke the link in 20min, pls be quick)


Then you should push it, im against it cause here the best public schools have another kind of organization based mostly on a relative independence from the state

Yeah, im mostly interested in the futurist adaptation of technology and the focus on an awareness of national history, im mostly trying to bulild up archetypes and epics, and in terms of technology im interested in an individual mesh with it in a way quite different from botnets and the general transhumanist meme. Im OK with a social mesh too, but only as long as the social mesh is some sort of "distributed network"-tier model in which the individual has full controll over the tools rather than the tools over the individual

How can we help?
Also, create Twitter and other cancer social media accounts to share the mems.

Make a youtube show like china uncensored but reveal the corruption of the brazilian government

Sorry bro, I'm not with my cellphone right now.

Oh well
Maybe next thread...

In technology I'm interest in education solutions, urban crime solutions and productivity solutions!

For the next thread, I will make sure that I can join you and your br0z.

I will make a discord before the next thread as well. Don't lose interest, this shit is for real!

>productivity solutions
what do you mean by this?

We should already antecipate our economical situation on the globe when industry 4.0 kicks in. We from Latin America will all be doomed if we stay giant commodity farms while the rest of the world partially automate their industries.

This should be taken seriously! Not to mention the way our products and commodities are transported (90% trucks), we lose competitiveness and the economy suffers.

I meant that we should revisit our archaic structures while looking to new technologies that are already working, and that can create really great impacts in changing our current paradigm!


Brazilian here, i always wanted to do the same as you lol, i support many of that ideas, and also enéas, although i disagree with him in some ways. If you wanna talk more about it, maybe i can start a new thread

My thing is i think this will happen regardless of our involvement, its a big players interest

My interest is, while all this happens, raising the bar of the normal guy, while the rest of the world keeps commodifying technology we should abuse cheap computers and open-source solutions t0 increase the range of control and the amount of private systems maintanable by a single person/family

Technology should work as a delegation of one's repetitive brain work, organization and accountability, right now its doing the opposite, its being used to funnel people's attention into corporate profit in expense of their personal lives

Do it!

Let's make memes to spread awareness on the raise of our movement. At some point, is when we make a facebook or other medias, we should add the sigma to identify our movement!

tl;dr: computer will fully automate big industries in the future, but it can fully automate small businesses and household responsabilities right now, specially those that the owner doesn't fully understand/have the biological capability to do

My overall intention with all this, is to DIGNIFY our people. Dignify them. We cannot normalize poverty, absolute corruption and abuse.

All ideas here are appreciated, as I really think on them, and will consider replicating them to the new threads. I just want to share my will for solutions with other people, and contaminate them with it, so we march collective towards a real solution for our people!

Well, not necessary rn because we are still here. I understand the necessity of developing our country, and support militarization, industry focus, but also am very fearful of our government, specially local sections of it. Discord would be a good idea if we have some 3 people or more

Do you have an example of how we can use the computers to further elevate the common citizen condition? How could a family benefit from it? What kind of software do you have in mind? I am all open for ideas!

I will make one for the next thread!
Are you a libertarian?

Supporting bump, but...
>> start a movement
>> mostly online


Dignify the people is a good destiny for our nation. I look forward for that day. Most of people here want it the commie way, but they forget about other elements
In fact leftists think more about money than us. We think also about morals, happiness from good family structure and community alignment.

Oh, and nice trips. Check them, maybe the thread name should be something like Dignify Brazil general or something in that line

Right now, I only focused on creating memes to push a counter narrative on the liberals lunacy on the issues of:

2.Central Bank / Public Debt/ Need for audition
3.Globalization gospel of progressivism / Degeneration
4.Privatization / Vale do Rio Doce
7.Patriotic icons and important parts of our history
8.Prona program
9.Energetic potential
10. Latin American integration

If something comes out of this, we should aim to make activism and propaganda at federal universities.


Mostly yes but i think the free market must include restrictions to globalist multinationals and even the state to compete with companies and have the final word. Ancap is bullshit, and many people are falling to that bait.

The most obvious ones are home economics, -directed- education solutions (this is sth really lacking beyond basic subjects), and resource saving

Then you can integrate it in shit like plant growing metrics, small business organization/bookkeeping, home financial strategies for making the most of every $, and i dunno, the method seems to be:

Find something people do but could produce better results from unavailable education/a fulltime employee they can't pay -> Automate either the knowledge or the what the employee would do

There's a lot of projects like that here fo.am/activities/, specially here fo.am/machine-wilderness/

I think that we should embrace the liberals, and listen to them, carefully. First because we can make a collective front against the liberals. Secondly because we should open our minds on their ideas on economy.

I personally think that being business friendly is a MUST, my only desire is to protect our strategic resources and segments of market. Much like Enéas did.

What state are you in?

Pernambuco, I'm from the northeast.


I lived in sp when i was there. I wish to be in brazil, am here because of study oportunity but plan to come back in some years.

Even nationals living abroad can help us, we can unite in intent by digital means now. So don't worry! All you need to do to really help, is to have the desire for it. You can do lots for Brazil from anywhere on the world!


The internet really helps me keep in contact with my country, and by the way your writing style looks very good, do you think of writing some manifestos/discourse? That would be very nice for a thread opening or for a group.


> Defender cristianismo
> Planejamento familiar

> Anti comunismo
> Anti neo liberalismo
> Tem medinho de dizer "sou de centro"

> Militarização da escola
> Consciência histórica e cultural

As contradições no seu texto mostram o quanto ignorante sobre o assunto você é.

embrace the LIBERTARIANS to make a collective front against the LEFTISTS

Defender o cristianismo como uma instituição.
Procurar promover o controle de natalidade em regiões assoladas pela misérias absoluta.

2.Fazer frente ao levante da esquerda nos centros educacionais. Fazer frente aos que vendem nossas riquezas para os especuladores a um preço patético.

3.Considerar as escolas militares o sucesso que são e também uma aliada ao combate da violência. A estrutura disciplinar é muito mais bem munida da capacidade para ensinar sobre valores cívicos e patrióticos do que os drogadinhos professores de geografia que temos hoje.

Thank you! I never considered myself a good writer. I could try to, I really never gave the thought on the idea before!

how can i move to your country? im fairly young and with no life here. Do I need to stay for like two years?
I'm capable of joining the military if that's what is needed

Our country is a shitshow, you can move here with almost no resistance from the government, but you'll have to face a lot of burocracies...

Eh q o controle de natalidade é proibido pela igreja ne, sendo assim pra impor isso teria que ser um estado laico
I found that website, man. What you think about the ideas?


Acredito que a igreja iria tolerar isso se visse em nós um aliado forte, visto que em nossa era reina a absoluta ruína moral, o que eles ligariam para campanhas promovendo uso de camisinha e afins?

Ainda assim, não existe nada em pedra, só quero encontrar um grupo interessado em investir bastante energia nisso, para que possamos tentar fazer alguma coisa de fato!

It's a very easy thing to do!


É, talvez eles apoiassem mesmo. Todo grupo conservador precisa desse apoio eu acho, porque religiao dá uma base moral pro movimento sempre, como foi aqui na espanha. É, começar no pol é uma boa porque tem muito br e tudo isso

Thanks for the support bro!


Bye m8. How about a thread tomorow? Will be on pol the same hour

Probably will do 3 threads tomorrow! I already made a discord, you can enter there, and we can chat!

Send the link so


For some crazy reason, Sup Forums thinks that my link is spam!

Yeah, it treats some links this way

Thats what we goddamn need to counter leftist indoctrination.


I can handle it. Your country is massive with loads of opportunities
Going from that it doesnt seem too hard for me, yeah.


go away Cramunhão.

Discord is already working, if any of foreigners want to join in, I will make a channel for us to speak in english

All welcome


>Meet Enéas Carneiro
Eneas is dead. fuck off.
neoliberalism is a fucking gommie term you moron. KIS !
>Promotion of industry
that is something i can agree.
>Promotion of planned reproduction
that should be replaced by : Education.

the state of brazil:

como acabar com isso user? a degeneração caiu no gosto das massas, como lutar contra isso?

>TFW no based Integralist government

His written program can be adapted, he died, but his ideas carry on. He himself, talked publicly multiple times that it didn't need to be him to reach the power and that the revolution that he wanted to bring was the revolution of ideas: Ideas of patriotism, ideas of elevation of our collective dignity.

Eu sinceramente, não sei. Talvez uma onda patriótica, nativista dos nosso valores, acabe por dar um backlash na degeneração globalista.


we need a fucking market. since ours is pure shit. People are investing in government bonds like "titulos do tesouro". Something is very wrong when the best investment someone can do is in the government. Wake up, if we dont actually invest in our best commercial attributes first, and it is : grains and meet and try to industrialize in that first we are fucked. We dream about having a heavy industrial pole or a silicon valley in brazil, but fuck it we excell in feeding the world, lets make it properly and we can get out of this situation. Fist thing to do :
Realize that what feeds our people financially is the market. The government does not create value.
Secondly we need to make it easy for anyone to open and mantain a business, this way the unemployment problem will disappear fast as fuck. To that to happen we need to dismiss most of our work related "rights", workers and employers should be able to create their own contracts of work. Not even minimum wage should be a government problem. The government should : make the game just by policing the companies in a transparent way using technology to make the citizen an actor in policing alongside with the state. Im really not a very nationalistic kind of person, so i really dont care about this anaue bullshit. But i respect that you are trying to unify and do something about brazil.

essa thread não vai sobreviver muito em meio à avalanche de posts sobre a koleia do norte. Não vai adiantar muito bumpar agora, talvez mais tarde?

Não tema, todo dia irei criar esse thread várias vezes

we can talk, this is a important issue right now. we have elections next year.

since no one posted it. Dont forget bolsonaro is a Jew puppet.

You got to realize when we badmouth neoliberalism we are not badmouthing the private sector. I am ultra business-friendly, I just think we should protect some of our strategic assets and that we should not repeat the privatization as it happened with FHC. I know you can see the difference between my rethoric and a stupid commie that wants to regulate the market into death. I can see reason on your arguments. More than that, I hope you further develop them, because we need your perspective to create something that the right-wing of Brazil can rally together against the political cancer of our age.

who isn't a jewish puppet in Brazilian politics?

Enéas. But sadly now he is gone forever.