Born male

>born male
>identify as male
>suddenly begin to grow boobs
>after a few weeks have fully grown DD breasts
>have to go bra shopping with a female friends
>feel completely dejected and humiliated
>shortly after my features become more feminine
>hips widen, stomach round and soft
>look so feminine that now I just look like a lesbian
>dick slowly morphs into vagina
>become a female

Imagine how utterly horrific an experience this would be to go through? Imagine how it would feel to have your mind and body be in total conflict? With this in mind why do you have such a problem with those suffering with gender dysmorphia?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why not become masculine but have tits at the same time. You wouldn't need to touch someones boobs.

I read a hentai the other day where a guy turned into a loli. Tgen he got raped.
I wish I could become a little girl, it would be great.

Your saying you'd be okay as a person who identifies as male to walk around with a pair of huge tits?


>itt: things that never happened
Unless you fell into a chemical bath and mutated...

>I won't confront hypothetical scenarios that might make me reevaluate my worldview

I'll just go tell everyone that Plato is a fraud and the allegory of the cave is useless. I'll be right back.

>be qt boy and life is great
>start growing hair everywhere
>uncontrollable hornyness
>bones masculinize
>skin turns rough
>see an ugly hairy man in the mirror and you hate that and there's nothing you hate more than that but you can't do anything about it and it feels like it's tearing you apart from the inside out
not a good feeling for anyone. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Isn't being a tranny just so white betas can play victim with the toxic liberalism crowds

Because it makes no sense to treat a mental problem by altering the body...

this actually DOES happen tomsome small part of ethnic group in Latin America, I forgot where. Some kind of genetic condition that appears in teens

What you stated has never happened in the history of mankind nor will it ever happen unless humanity gets tech that seems to be on reality warping levels. People with gender dysmorphia are just mentally ill and needs to be executed.


Personally I have no problem with it itself. However, I do have a problem with the rhetoric around it being pushed by the left, jews and hollycuck and not the medical professional community. Now fuck off faggot.

You say this as if you have the interests of trans people at heart. What standing do you have in society that makes you compelled to dictate the mental health treatment of those suffering with gender dysphoria?

> Your saying
Spotted the muzzie

You can refer to this People have been using metaphors for centuries to explain complicated situations in a relatable manner.

Stop being so scared to empathise, user. Your level of projection is alarming

You just need more testosterone you retarded paki

WTF is this real

this is like some lizard regrowing its limb tier mutant shit

Seems like your point of view is more a response to a point of view you disagree with rather than an independent one.

>Now fuck off faggot
Easy there buddy. Daddy's not gonna hurt you here you can ease with the obvious sexual issues you have.

Wow Sup Forums. I thought I'd find at least one person here would be able to argue about this for longer than one post.

Don't tell me you're all massive frauds? Surely not?

this is my fetish

>>Now fuck off faggot
>Responds with more words

You truly are a hyper faggot.

More like amphibian tier. That's how the Dino's in the first jurassic park movie were switching sexes

Oh wow. Super defensive and I wasn't even talking to you! Did I touch a nerve? Are you gonna say faggot again now?

I support his post 100% you gigantic homo.

It would be a horrific experience and devastating to the afflicted individual. You are equating the experience in your analogy with Gender Dismorphia. It's an interesting analogy, granted, but it's not exactly the same. The guy in the analogy was a man, was exposed to prenatal testosterone which leads the behaviourisms which shape his experiences as a man. The male experience. A woman who "identifies as a man" has no frame-work to know what constitutes the male experience. How would she know her persuits were healthy and not a warped expression? A fakery of something you can't know.

>Bob has bitch tits.

You got me. Foaming at the mouth. Nice one buddo.

>called him a faggot
>better stick around in the thread he made

>be female
>bleed from your no-no place once a month
>menstrual cramps
>excrutiatingly painful child birth
>no muscle mass
>midget-tier height
I have a hard time believing guys want to be genuine biological women.

I also replied concering your analogy.
That has nothing to do with your faggotry.

In this argument you're stating that all those that suffer with gender dismorphia are suffering really with a "warped expression". I don't quite know what you mean by this. That the desire to switch gender is delusional?

While I certainly understand the argument for treating gender dismorphia as a mental illness, and can certainly understand thinking along the lines that those that have no biological or hormonal incentive to identify as a man. But honestly I'm just not sure to what degree this is relevant to the daily trans bashing that goes on on this site. What conclusions should be drawn from this? Should all those suffering be shuttled into rehabilitation camps? Much like gay conversion camps? Should we look to form a drug that can reverse these delusions?

Or should policy decisions regarding a very small portion of the population be left to professionals? Should we as a society recognise that a desire to remove your genitalia and be disgusted in your own skin, under any definition, something we should sympathise with and accommodate?

0.3% of the population identify as transgender. That's it. Why is it so important that their condition be highly stigmatised and their concerns delegitimised?

Yeah didn't realise the reply was you. Sorry.

And your level of degeneracy should be wiped out with fire and fury the world has never seen before.

>It's an interesting analogy, granted, but it's not exactly the same

And it wan't meant to be the same. It was meant to help people relate to the idea of being disgusted with your own body, to feel a disconnect between your physical and mental identity.

Which is very much in line with many of the emotions transgender people feel pre-transition.

Someone sounds lonely. Need a friend user?

Fuck off with your hentai transformation shit

To clarify, the warped expression is reffering to the expression of their desired gender.

On the subject of how much I care what someones does on their own volition?, not much, I am very liberal in this regard. So no, no transrehab camps on my account. I am merely personally very doubtful about the effiacy of transitioning. I have a niche who is very boyish, I'd hate to see her harmed for something which might be a phase. irreperable damage which are caused by hormone blockers, I have seen self identified 13-14 year old teenagers express their worry about the "Posion" "Damaging" their bodies. And parts of the trans-community cheering them on.
My position is the following.
Policy should be liberal to allow adults to do whatever they please, don't influence children.

It did to some extend, I found it rather interesting.


>The rare genetic disorder
If you are arguing that trannies have a rare genetic disorder. That's fine, but let's admit it's a disorder and there are only two sexes

If you are saying that being a tyranny is comparable to an actual genetic disorder, you are fucking retarded.

People are crazy. Instead of capitulating to their insanity how about we think of ways to reduce their delusion.

It wouldn't worry me in the least you stupid tranny.


Holy fuck. Who gives a shit about any of this. Just be trans and fuck off. Stop being so militant and obnoxious. Do what you need to do with your own life, stop trying to mold the way people think, stop trying to punish people for not agreeing with or accepting you. You people are so good at driving people away from you.


I wouldn't mind being Bailey Jay and live off of porn money. Flag unrelated.

Death to all you queers.

Agreed. You can be whatever you want. Chop your head off for all I care but I don't have to like you, I don't have to treat you with respect and I don't have to approve of your twisted view of your sexuality.

This is the only reason uber-betas become trannies: because it's the only way they'll ever touch tits or pussy.

That's good to hear

Honestly I wouldn't disagree with you. I'd maybe say 16 at the lowest and only in extreme circumstances. I'd feel more comfortable having it be dealt with on a case to case basis (however I'm also aware this will inevitably lead to certain doctors being overly lenient). But again I wouldn't have a problem with a blanket 18 and over approach to transitioning either.

I guess my main problem, on this board in particular, is that there seems to be next to no sympathy with the emotional distress that goes on. Not that sympathy should be high up on the expectations of a place like Sup Forums, it's never been sympathetic to mainstream liberal causes, but it's becoming an increasingly large point of view and for me anyway as a straight guy the analogy I initially posted got me to open my eyes to just how bad it must be inside their own heads and instantly felt more empathetic.

What shook me the most though is how I started viewing pro-trans literature, comments and posts in a totally different light. It went from me getting my back up and being almost conspiratorial about it, to realising that these people are just sympathetic, and maybe they take that sympathy too far in an effort to over correct from degree of hatred that exists against transgender people but I don't think they're bad people or wrong for doing so.

Yeah, it'd suck pretty hard if it weren't an imaginary disease made up by attention whores and virtue signalers

One is fiction. Sd is a mental illness.

Joke's on you bud. That's my fetish.

>I guess my main problem, on this board in particular, is that there seems to be next to no sympathy with the emotional distress that goes on.

I have sympathy for people facing real problems, not for delusional faggots who want to dress up like a pretty princess and get a neovagina installed on the taxpayer dime.

The only thing that happens there is some boys grow tits (a condition known as gynecomastia). Their genitals don't actually change, since those are determined at birth by chromosomes.


You all miss the point. The point is to get you to sympathise with people who are marginalised to a great deal by the vast majority of this board, and so that maybe instead of saying "fuck off I think you're twisted", you go "I sympathise we should accommodate where we can, but please leave me out of it"

See like you can't look at these guys posts and tell me that simply saying leave me out of it is enough. You're just as bad as then by staying silent and washing your hands of it. You have more in common with the people saying transgender people should kill themselves than those trying to make a change and get people to stop treating those with a mental illness fairly.

Disclaimer: I'm not even a tranny or gay. I'm a straight dude. It's funny you assumed I was a transgendered person though. Seems like maybe you don't mind all this identity politics. Makes things very simple for idiots who are scared if complexity.

There is also people who have a Y chromosome but have a vagina. Genetically they are male but they act, live and fuck like women. Biology is so fucking weird

>You have more in common with the people saying transgender people should kill themselves

no shit, idiot. maybe you should neck yourself too, pathetic poof apologist.

So even if you think they're delusional then you're implying it's a mental illness. Why is it that you think mental illness in this particular case isn't worth sympathy? Like you haven't even got to do anything other than not be a dick.

because when a schizophrenic has delusions that he is Jesus reborn, we don't all bow down to him and become his disciples. We don't indulge the delusions of the mentally ill, that's just stoking the fire. And post op trannies still kill themselves at remarkable rates, so transitioning seems to be a pretty shit solution overall

If there was no way to reverse it, I would kill myself, plain and simple.

When you can get through a sentence without being angry at gay people maybe I'll start taking you seriously, but until then I'm going to assume that you have some HEAVY duty emotional and sexual issues regarding how much you wish to chow down on cock.

It's usually daddy issues with you closeted folks right? How's ol' pa doing over there in hicksville, GA?

>Murica best country evar
You can do whatever you want with your body and I can want you to suicide at the earliest possible moment.

This is what awaits all trannies

I hate testosterone desu

now I have female levels so I don't have to deal with horniness, my body hair grows way slower and my skin is much much softer
in general my skin is so much better, estrogen made me look younger and sometimes my skin looks like it's glowing

so so nice honestly

Oh, it's the old "only closeted faggots hate faggots" card. Guess you got me there, I've been checkmated. Better get back to fapping to traps.

at least I'd get to see a girl naked

Right but you still say that those suffering with schizophrenia have an issue and we will accommodate and work to find a solution for you people.

I absolutely agree that transitioning isn't always the true answer. Sometimes it's not enough, suicide still occurs. But I think it's simplistic because in an ideal world there would be sympathy from day one and no one would feel bad about saying they think they might be transgendered. There's no shame or anxiety or guilt to deal with every second of the day for well at least a couple decades before finally transitioning. The depression may never go away in some people.

I mean even you told me, who simply sympathises, to neck myself. Trans people get that all time on top of having to deal with the mental illness regarding being in the wrong body.

I don't owe anyone a gram of sympathy. fuck off ya pansy brit.

Nice. You wear panties and cute little dresses? Do you fantasize with a rough man full of testosterone to come and have his way with you? After any military field training I have the urge to fuck anything soft and feminine looking

you should kys not because you sympathise with a tranny but because you are a giant faggot.

How about this. If you keep this shit up, people will start hating your twisted community. I used to have sympathy for you, now I'm beyond annoyed. Fuck off, live your life, and stop begging the media and government to give you special privileges.

>I mean even you told me, who simply sympathises, to neck myself

Are you even aware of what website you're on? Sensitive little guy, aren't you? I don't care about the struggles that faggots go through, there are so many people facing real issues that deserve my sympathy more than some deranged little queer who would probably call me a fascist and have me strung up if they could


>With this in mind why do you have such a problem with those suffering with gender dysmorphia?
Because then you would be a parrot fish and not a human, therefore fuck you.

time for a mirror over your bed!

Congrats! It really is magical.

This literally does not happen though
Stop trying to defend mental illness with fake scenarios.
IF men or women spontaneously started changing sex THEN your argument might be worth discussing, but no such thing happens

I try not to bother with those people that exist in fantasy land.

Does being called a fascist hurt you? Is your hatred coming from a defensive position?

Wow, this is super interesting and actually what I was kind of hoping for. I've often thought that the growing extremism within our culture is not a natural affinity to the ideas of the group one associates with, but rather a response to a group it considers poisonous. Literally in one post you did exactly that. You let me, one person on the other side of the planet who is being intentionally inflammatory, make you doubt a much broader belief you have.

It's absolutely nuts how this can affect people's opinions. How the views of one can be seen as as important the views of many just by triggering a direct emotional response. How that one person can almost be used as a legitimate straw man for building more extreme views. Slowly and slowly exposure to what is essentially an a fringe belief can cause one to slip into extremist views over time.

I'm convinced the exact same is happened on the left too. It's just a big race away from each other.

It's a metaphor buddy. Look 'em up. They're super useful.

what standing do you have in society to dictate that everyone treat a mental condition as normal?

>Does being called a fascist hurt you?

It pisses me off when some limp-wristed fag manlet shrieks in my face that I'm literally a nazi fascist for supporting Trump, which is a scenario that played out countless times this last election cycle in various permutations.

You were never born male you retard. You just reinvented your childhood after being brainwashed and have overlayed fictional non-existent feelings over your past.

why should we be sympathetic? they have a MENTAL disorder and refuse to acknowledge it. Not our problem.

My money, and my right to say fuck off.

my sympathy extends to the point of telling them they have mental issues, something their family and doctors won't do because that would me mean. Fuck all of them.

>>feel completely dejected and humiliated
You know whats completely pathological about your covert fetish thread?

Your self proclaimed master stroke in mental allegory only has one purpose. You invoke sympathy for a group by creating a extreme scenario, a scenario which unlike reality sees the physical state of the person in flux rather than mental side.
It does nothing to address the best course of action or treatment.
Most people are sick of seeing progressive sjw cram the idea that just because someone has a mental illness and wants to do something we as a society should entertain or at worse publicly fund these delusions.
>be normal law respecting citizen
>small devil infiltrates brain
>forces me to comit horrible acts of murder and rape
Don't you feel sorry for physcopaths now /pol.. ? Checkmate

two genders buddy, Look'em up.

I don't want to ERP but ye
masculinity and strength are very attractive to me

Haha yeah and you could let your buddies touch them too or even tit fuck you I mean whats the odd titjob between friends amirite

But transitioning hardly reduces the massive suicide rate, so why should my money be wasted on glorified cosmetic surgery?

Did you read the second part of my post? What did you think of that part?

I think you all confused "not my problem, I don't care" with "I hate these people and have strong views about them".

Is there a reason the lifestyle choices of a group of people that represent just 0.3% of the population generates such strong emotional views from you all? What is it about transgendered people that trigger you to such a degree? Is it the idea of someone that people wish to change genders? Or is it that you associate those people with a broader group or idea that you consider insidious?

I literally can't find a place where I mentioned anything that said otherwise. Male to Female or Female to Male transition. Still two genders.

Start to read and think independently instead of just parroting ideas you're used to seeing linked together in the past.

hormones are super cheap, everything is available in generics

>Did you read the second part of my post? What did you think of that part?

Unfortunately I did. What a load of incoherent nonsense. Something about strawmen, blah blah blah. Nobody cares. I'm tired of being inundated with faggotry in media, government, education, even the workplace (you might recall recent controversy over the military subsidizing sex change operations for trannies, before trump banned them. At the college I went to, sex-change operations were even included in the student health insurance plan). I'm ready for fags and fag sympathizers to all get a nice heavy dose of AIDS.

Yeh but NHS is cucked so everyone just goes there, meaning the tax payer foots the bill.