Criticize islam

>criticize islam
>thoughtpolice visit your house and threaten to arrest you

the united cuckdom, everyone.

Other urls found in this thread:

What happen if you sarcastically praise islam?

>criticise employer

>criticise police

>criticise president
>talk show job offer


The Scotland Yard explodes

make facebook pages for middle-management elected officials, advocate for a glassy middle east


also, a question for bongs: say i move to UK, having previously lived in america. assume i made some critical posts about islam while residing in america. would it be likely that id be visited? someone brought up that topic a few days ago, but i dont think we were able to go through it

Lets have the names of these officers who were not acting in the best interest of the natural inhabitants in Britain, for future prosecution against their traitor crimes.

>Private Company

>"FUK DA POLICE" as you assault the cop

>a shit talk show

What was your argument, Muhammed?

Honestly what if someone criticized Taoism on UK Facebook?
Why is Islam singled out for special treatment?



Aren't police usually more right-wing than the general public? Is it different in Britain, or are brits just super cucked?

Brits are extremely cucked




Just put us out of our misery

look up their police hiring practices:

>always younger and younger cops (so no chance to develop a political leaning and no life experience)
>more female cops, who are also young
>cult-like diversity training brainwashing since basic training

how cucked do you think they are?

We are like worms now.
The country that bought you angry peasants vs the king is now just a joke,.

Who else is tired of terrorist and muslims. They blew themself up for their stupid belief. Ariana Grand hates islam they ruined her song. Plus they are just plain scary. Who knows if they are wearing a bomb vest you never know. Trump should ban islam and fast. Its super dangerous to have terrorst walking around.

That's terrifying
Please tell me that's fake

It's OK it criticize ideologies. it's not a 'hate crime', it's a basic human right in any democratic society.

Stop being a bitch, our people survived worse. Work out, read, network. Join and/or build a tribe. Keep reading, keep working out, be better than who you were yesterday

Delete all feelguy image macro's as well you pussy

this is true, they want people that don't know anything and don't believe in anything.

I knew uk was always cucked but fucking hell I never knew it was this bad

I feel legitimately saddened for the UK when I read this stuff... not in a superior way; just like sad for humanity.

I hope those 2 cops get curb stomped by a gang of sand niggers

We were visited by local coppers recently, some spastic in the street was getting in trouble. Both coppers were around 20-25, blonde, short, women, with quite nice tits. Not a male copper in sight.

Reminded me of that scene from a movie where a female copper chases a gang, and they just stop running and confront incoming -

Hello defendantducky.

Murder/suicide is always an option, cuck

is this real?

This is close to being the most sinister government propaganda I've ever seen. They're actually treating their citizens like children.

Britannia must be rolling in her grave.

Just looked it up. People put stickers on em. Those ads are for train station common decency like not blasting loud music and such.

ok thanks senpai

They say you can tell who your rulers are by who you're not allowed to criticize.

If they were aware of your previous posts it's likely you'd be banned from entering the country.

But was I lying to you?

Or Christianity for that matter.

idk. why would you do something like that?

Not in this case. Muslims don't run the UK, they are just the virtue signalling leftist's token pet of the decade.

Most people defending them have never spoken to one and certainly do not know what they stand for.

I wouldnt. Hold on let me wash my hands

No. In fact, I'm creating a gas that makes people immortal and I'll spray your entire country with this shit so you have to live like this forever.

whys he got to drag down everyone in islam this is a localized problem

This breaks my heart.

Is that an attack against Islam you tosser? Because I swear on me grandmum's son, me and my immigrant husband's wife's son will have you executed for thought crimes against muslims!

British infidel occupying New Iraq

what the fuck