/RWA/ Right Wing Alliance General - UNITE THE RIGHT

Thread for bringing together all right wing political ideologies together to form an alliance against our common enemy; leftists. Libertarians, Republicans, Conservatives, National Socialists, Fascists, & Anarcho-Capitalists are welcome here to share their fight against the left!


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No more infighting untill the communists are erradicated! My heart goes out to all the good people going to charlottesville.

b-but National Socialism aims to eliminate the capitalist system and establish a third way

Fight the good fight OP!

no fuck off


Shut up fags, we both want to rid our nations of the communist, cosmopolitan, egalitarian menace. UNITE THE FUCKING RIGHT!

are there actual real life Neo-Monarchists? That's honestly just such a weird flag

Then what is communism? Admit it, fascists and libertarians have a common enemy and would both benefit from fighting that enemy together.

And hoppean libertarianism bridges them.

No open border fucktard lolbertarian will deny being a communist after enough hours of vitriolic shitposting.

I'm an anarcho-monarchist.

Yeah, there are neo-fuedalists and monarchists.

KEK has spoken!




I don't see how ancaps can fit here. Even monarchism is pushing it.

Explain this.

Nazism and Libertarianism both have tenets of egalitarianism but in almost opposite ways. National Socialism eliminates the personal will for the needs of the common people or nation, Libertarians want an equal amount of political freedom for all. Weird all that sounds egalitarian. Little kids pls gtfo

In what way? they both are advocating very traditional
Libertarians dont want forced equal anything. Only liberals care about equally of opportunity and all that gay shit

I didn't finish my sentence, they both advocate pre modernism systems and would no doubt be considered right wing

Natsocs, why are you natsoc instead of monarchist? Monarchies are more traditional.

I'm rightwing-fluid.

As far right as people wanna go I'll meet them there, all I want is my guns.

I like your style. Let's take all the way to the right.

I agree with this thread but your filename made me cringe so fucking much I threw up in my mouth


Kill the commies

Communism is cool!

Totally, bro. Well said!

Fuck off faggots.

This graph is so fucking wrong, stop posting

Ure mom xddddddddd

I think we're witnessing the start of something beautiful

Where does Georgism go?

I'm a conservative libertarian and I can agree with fascists and national-socialists.

Let's first take our countries back; we can discuss economics and policy later.

>Left libertarians

Nothing is going to happen if people just larp around different states. To build a good movement you need to build a foundation in your selected state rather than just attending rallies all over US.

However, this is pretty aesthetic so fuck it.

as a neo-monarchist, I do not affiliate with libertarians.

>libertarians working together with fascists
>Ancap allying with ultra Statist

el oh el


You want a helicopter ride, jebana spierdolino?

This is what I'm talking about folks, I love this attitude.
Both Rothbard and Hitler would have loved the populism.

Anticom and other groups started here organize all over the country. We are uniting the right now man.



WELCOME TO JEFFERSONIANISM, youtube.com/watch?v=hCIc5ymZai4


I would say the lefts aggression is enough to warrant even the most extreme form of self defense.

Get these commies out of our nations.


I'm okay with uniting fascists, libertarians, conservatives, and even nazbols as long as they recognize the Jew and support white power.

The alt-right meme fizzled out because people thinking Trump was their God king wanted to pander their basic bitch conservatism to minorities, resulting in the whole thing liberalizing and the alt-right having nothing to do with it's original far right origin. The core of the real "alt-right" is the recognition and preservation of white identity. Mainstream alt-right dropped that and then Sup Forums and most of the non-kekistani faggot community stopped caring.

If there comes another movement distinct from the mainstream alt-right which disowns that earlier conception of liberalized conservative values with genuine white nationalism, it will catch on like wildfire.

Movements always degenerate to their lowest common denominator. Be mindful of what your lowest common denominator is.

It seems so pointless and larpy for whites to align with a specific movement while we're being crushed on all sides by third world globalists.

It's like counting our chickens when the hen hasn't even fucking laid eggs yet.

We debate about our ideal form of society when in our lifetime we're not going to have a place in society at the rate we're headed.

It is not as crazy as it sounds.

Singapore is a bit of a mix between market libertarianism and fascism, for example.

It's happening, the real white preservation alt right is active af, the kikes just don't let it get into your news feed.

Does it really sound that unrealistic?

I just want economic freedom, I won't tolerate degeneracy on my land. I could live in a place with economic freedom and social restrictions.

It's not that much of a stretch. I consider myself a conservative, libertarian and white nationalist.

None of those are fundamentally incompatible. You can defend white identity and white nations while having strong institutions to protect private property, while promoting conservative values in society. This is Hoppean libertarianism, basically.

Even from an economic point of view, I don't think fascists and national-socialists are as dogmatic as marxists. The problem is globalized capitalism run by jews and globalists. Traditional/national/family capitalism is probably a good middle ground.

You ran off, faggot.
I thought i'd lost you, but you came right back.

Their ruling party's flag even looks like the flag of the British Union of Fascists

>j-just a coincidence

And in some parts of the economy they're almost national *socialist*, for example high-quality public housing which favours married couples and families and makes it impossible for singles to live on their own (unless they're millionaires and can afford a private flat)

>globalized capitalism

Corporate socialism.


how else are you going to physically remove the problem

we can all grab drinks and hash out economics when the real issues are solved.

Nope. No mass movements are going to make a difference until the system eats itself, under indefinite economic collapse or all-out race war. Uniting different factions of differing ideologies wouldn't even solve anything in the first place. Antifa are more mobilized than we are since they have been the catch-all for anything anti-western civilization (which also needs to fall in order for the Aryan race to survive regardless).

This is just another excuse to legitimize the alt-right.

basically this.

Jews & (Sand)Niggers deported back to whatever desert they are from, remaining communists get helicopter rides and then we can just get all comfy and autistic about what's the best way to organize our nice white society.

Charlottesville seems like a nice small town, why go there?

Absolute monarchy is the only way

Unite the Right rally meng

But why there? Why not a larger town or a city?

I don't support any of you and never will. Our goals are very different. Keep your statist daddy dear leader worship bullshit away from libertarians.

Local white supremacist Christian Weston Chandler wrote a personal invitation

straya reporting in

This is why the unite the right bullshit is pointless. keep your kike-induced hedonistic bullshit to your own self.

Fuck off, you make us look bad.

The communists are a legitimate threat to our sovereignty. If you want to be a pacifist then go join the leftists.

>Libertarians, Republicans, Conservatives, National Socialists, Fascists, & Anarcho-Capitalists

only NatSoc, Fascists and monarchistfags are free from jewish influence, all other flacid and inferior ideologies are NOT welcome

It's a leftist haven with a kike antifa loving mayor and a BLM/New Black Panther vice mayor who were trying to tear down Confederate statues.

Fuck that bullshit too. Libertarianism is a white invention. It started with bastiat, menger, Locke, Kant, and the very white, very Christan founding fathers.

Unite the Right or get the fuck out.

Fuck off outta here then. Unite the Right.

I actually agree with you. The vast majority of whites run from the problems of "diversity" because our economy sustains such a behavior. Whites still have their bread and circus games, TV, internet, and even if their city becomes Detroit they have enough financial capital to simply move to someplace whiter and pretend the world and their race isn't collapsing.

In order for things to TRULY begin happening we need economic stress. Whites, and non-whites both need to be hungry and not have access to their basic necessities. We need distrust of the central government to justify mobilization to replace it. We need to shove justification in the face of every white man to take up arms, and then the race wars can begin.

I'm not saying shows of force before an economic collapse are pointless, but they will not gain any kind of genuine steam among the people until they're forcibly dragged into it by socio-economic conditions tearing the lemmings away from their escapism.

Are there any anti-doxing guidelines fleshed out for right wing rallies? I feel like a lot more people would turn up if they don't have to fear for their jobs.

I saw framing antifags as rightwingers in another thread and thought it was a good idea.

Also, wear a fake stache or coloured lenses and a hat.

You're a fucking retard.
Once we eliminate the kike problem and remove all kebab you can continue jumping at each others throats but for now whites, christians, natsocs, libertarians and everyone who will join our cause, we need to stand together.
Fuck your dividing autism, faggot.

i would agree, but monarchists have further jeopardized actualization of the organic state that we fascists want to ascend to. Monarchism gives entitlement to self-appointed talking heads of "muh divine rights" and "muh pure cousin-fucking bloodlines".

Mussolini and the monarchy for my main example. Up to me personally, i'd hang the monarchists.

Populism is key, uniting as many right wingers to the cause cannot hurt us, sure no rally would overturn democracy but to deny the utility of passing our ideas with our collective might is no doubt extremely useful. Shift that overton window and then we can be seen as a valid option.

>The vast majority of whites run from the problems of "diversity".
The lemmings are doing what is natural to a dying species, and that is migrating to a better nest, only to have more and more non-whites fill their spaces because of their politicians that they themselves put into place. White Genocide is now a fucking meme. It's White Suicide. The only hope we can gain from this whole scenario is to not take the blackpill, but to refine and strengthen ourselves on a personal level, whatever walk of life you're in.

We must be strong by ourselves if we are to be stronger together when the time comes.

Strength and Honor, comrade.

What's this organic state about? I've heard this shit before but never in detail. Are you talking about a true extension of the people? A state by true consent of the people?

k enjoy dying alone then if white people die lolbertarianism dies to


This, whites invented libertarianism and only whites can manage a libertarian social order properly.

So many people still missing the point. ANY of our preferred systems could work. We can fight about that later. But NONE of them WILL EVER work if we let Hajis, googles, skypes and women call the shots.

Monarchism is the One True Path.

ummm sweetie but Asian girls ARE perfect

*white males


This. Do what we can do now, so that we can do more in the future.

>Sing this at the rally (to the tune of Funiculì, Funiculà)

Gas them, Gas them, Gas all the Jews
Gas them, Gas them, You know what to do
It's time to preheat your ovens to six gorillion degrees
It's time to hate the Jews so you can be just like me!

A white man here.

What can I do to help?

Don't become a castratto.

look up F101 on jewtube, you'll learn alot.

Will do.

>"join ussss"

What did Satan mean by this?

Naah m8 im only here for the memes


The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

What´s more threatening to you? Fascism/libertarianism (depending on your point of view) or the kraken that is the globalist, pc, genociding, cultural marxist elites? Be reasonable! We can sort out our quarrels later. Right now there is ONE global enemy that threatens to destroy us all!



Is that anarchy with a voluntary hierarchy supporting a monarch through donations instead of taxes?

Implying there's anything facile about voluntary hierarchies competing in parallel to come up with the best type of rule.

oy vey

"The national guard are on stand by to potentially intervene in a protest in Virginia"

Yes, monarchy within anarchy. My emphasis would be on contracts rather than donations. The contract is the key to social organization.

I approve of this.

National guard standing by to shut it down when the goyim get too rowdy.

>right wing