the daily mail is talkin shit about this rally saying they ranted say ''jews will not replace us'' i shit you not their right fuckers

which on of you Americans want free money to sue the shit outta the defamationists like this news out let

Other urls found in this thread:

sorry for the daily mirror pic name i get these two confused with all the time

btw theres alot of pics of the rally you can use from there site

Daily mail is a bunch of middle aged fat chicks with stankpusses.

>jews control the establishment
>jewish newspaper makes it look like whites are saying "jews will not replace us" to portray whites as the ruling elites and as if they were defending the "white supremacist" status quo

Not surprised

isn't this libel?

From this fucker

They didn't chant that but I wish they did. Atomic redpill

bump for actual justice and i like spreading pics of this, i generally think we should all rise

>isn't this libel?


i smell court please god someone name and shame the jews so they at least give a public apology so we can even further name and shame the jew



pol are we taking this too far?We are literally memeing the start of a race war

>tell that to the media machine
>report back

Let it begin

They have to lie. If they're readers knew the truth many of them would support the march.
Turn leftist rage against Charlottesville antifa by posting that they are White supremacists.

hmm, it IS jews that are trying to replace us

careful, he's an md and asian

>left and jews call white people nazis for last few years
>legendary super Aryans awaken
>left keep calling white people nazis

If the Holocaust never happened, it is totally going to happen, desu.

Who are these idiots and why are they doing this?
shameful. display

These pics are magical

Im actually looking forward to WW3

>fighting alongside my friends and neigbours,
>burning ((them)) in the town square
>running battles across the entire globe.

A great day for the parish,

then we can finally get some fucking PEACE

i declare a racewar

yep its ether go all out or face a life time of political chastity for the rest of our miserable lives

>not wanting to be replaced is "HATE"

It should be "Jews and Christians will not replace us" desu. Interfaith groups and relevant NGOs are the reason White/Western countries get flooded with migrants/refugees. If it wasn't for Christianity, you wouldn't be having this problem.

so hard right now!

...who have a major outlet for spreading falsehoods to further their aganda.

Actually they were chanting "heebs will not divide us"

So did they not say it? -- BBC are reporting it too

war is peace, my friend

say fuckin WHAT! man for love of god post link i actually cant believe that, BBC is well confirmed jew puppets but them talkin shit like this is well too far major court case NEEDED!!!!

Have no videos come out yet

There's no such thing as bad publicity.
>fuck the kikes

In all seriousness, I suspect what they were actually chanting was "You will not replace us" but someone willingly misheard "Jew will not replace us" (see ) and the media ran with it because it fit their preconceived notions.

NO FUCKIN WAY anglo bro this is just pure gold there so fucked

Is it also possible that some substantial portion of the people who were doing Nazi salutes may have said something... I don't know, "antisemitic"?

if that was the case they would have to state that fact to the letter not mass represent it as the over all rally's view

court case inbound

When I watched the video, before reading that article, it sounded like most people were saying "you will not replace us" but every now and then it sounded like someone was saying "Jews" instead of "you".

Considering the people gathered, I'd bet someone was saying "Jews".

Daily reminder that Varg has no problem with browns flooding Europe since they aren't Christian

Probably, but "Jew will not replace us" doesn't make that much sense as an exclamation. If that was the case they would've been chanting "The Jew(s) will not replace us" because that is more correct. Also, Jews aren't the replacement, so they wouldn't have been chanting "Jew will not replace us" in that respect either. I'd say there's a 95.5% chance someone misheard what was actually being said (you vs. Jew) and here we are.

Libel lawsuits are a dead end when someone claims they think they heard something come out of a group of people without making more specific accusations.

A similar example of this was at a huge Tea Party rally back in 2010, when a black Democrat claimed to have heard someone say "nigger". There were microphones all over the place and lots of people recording the event, but not a single recording was ever produced with audio confirming it and no one else claimed to have heard it. It's a clear case of slandering a group of people and the accusation worked for the media to tarnish the movement as racist in the minds Democrats, but no lawsuit could ever be filed due to no specific person being accused.

>I was saying BOO-URNS

well the jew vid sayin his jew father would be spinning in his shekels even confirmed it as 'You' not jew, its even his vid title

>daily mail referenced all the time on Sup Forums
>turns against them
top kek

they will be famous soon.

In this case the libel lawsuit would be against the mail online article writer, not even the mail online itself

I remember Ben Stein spitting his dummy on Opie and Anthony once. They asked him if he tried to "chew down" the price of something and he went off thinking he heard "jew down".

now the tide has turned and these tactics are only working against the people who deploy them.

Some fresh OC... Probably the stupidest thing I've read in a while.


this is straight up libel

you know that something isn't right when a media outlet in the UK names itself after Big Black Cawk

Fuck sake


>only something a fucking Jew would say.

Gas the bikes!


this is just one reason i rather prefer "they will not replace us"



Sieg Heil?

"Why does the Daily Mail write articles like this?" Study finds the Mail uses overly long and repetitive article titles and bullet points, style hated by anyone with IQ over 85
*A recent study finds the Daily Mail uses overly long article names that already contain 80% of the story
*Information already seen in title is then further repeated in bite-sized bullet points
*By the time you get to the actual article, there is no more new information to be found
*This style of writing articles seems to be despised by anyone with a functioning brain
*Most people not even reading past bullet points

London, UK. A recent study examining thousands of articles by the British tabloid "Daily Mail" comes to the conclusion that their style of writing is incredibly cumbersome and repetitive and disliked by most people with a functioning brain.
"The titles of the articles are incredibly long and badly written", says the study. "Instead of following the usual style, they seem to just be long run-on sentence that already contains most of the information you will ever find in the article." The study goes on to say that the same points are then further repeated in several equally badly written bullet points, of which there are always too many.
"By the time you get to the actual article", says co-author of the study, "you won't find any actual useful new information, as the same points are just repeated for the third time in a rambling and boring style. Then at point you arrive at the end and realize you just wasted minutes of your time. I don't think they even expect people to read that far--we found most readers certainly don't seem to do so."


I believe you meant kikes.

If they're not shouting "Jews will not replace us" then what is the fucking point of the rally?

We can't just keep saying "they." In order to solve your problems, you need to at least know who your enemy is.


>Fixed the punctuation.

Everything including the whole alt-right and lite gets called racist so it makes little difference really. If someone ask you, it might be good to say "yeah, I'm racist"in order to resist being defensive, and then follow with the truth; "nah really I'm just like everyone else and identify with my people".

It was somehow considered taboo to identify as white up until recently. But they've labeled us by trying to shame us, shut us out, and finally, trying to get rid of us.

Well that's been a stated goal of Sup Forums for a while now...

This is library

This doesn't even make sense. There aren't that many Jews in the world. How are they going to replace them? Or do they mean the Jews are behind white genocide? Seems like they wouldn't lob that redpill out there. It's too close to the truth.

But they were. Maybe it was people against orders, but at least half way back in the line they were chanting, "You will not replace us. Jews will not replace us." I was surprised when I heard it since I thought the point was to avoid that power level.


Don't go against this lad
The average normie will think: "huh. Why the jews?"
Then go look up jews & immigration..

>It was somehow considered taboo to identify as white up until recently. But they've labeled us by trying to shame us, shut us out, and finally, trying to get rid of us.

They've been going at it since as far as I can remember here in Canada, except its (((xenophobic & racist))) Quebec vs (((post-national and multicultural))) Anglos and the jews causing all that shit, like honestly they don't even hide it here its a disgusting sight. Anne Goldwater being one of them, holy fuck what a disgusting old hag who probably choke on hatian cocks everynight, she the kind of jews that claim to be to the defense of the poor, poor mistreated minorities (aka the opportunist and unethical fucktard within said minorities) when she eagerly rouse the flame of division by immediately calling out some mosque shooter as a xenophobic white supremacist before the cops report has even come out (fucking retarded jews trying to shove the USA race divide on us when it make literally no sense culturally speaking, since we french canadian were pretty much treated like nigger for hundred of years by the anglo elite of Higher Canada (fun fact:Canada was once literally divided in two, one side for the Canucks colons and the other for the ruling anglos. Sadly it work on the retarded Haitian and others Negros of Montreal)

Shut up you bigot, accept your people's death!

If (((they))) are going to make these accusations regardless, then why try to avoid them? Own it.

I tell everyone I'm racist just to get it out of the way. And I am, but really not much more or less than everyone else. Leftists are racist too they just don't realize it. They think black people are completely useless and need to be taken care of. The main organizer of BLM is a white guy, because whites don't think blacks are capable of effectively organizing themselves. There are other examples, ie. affirmative action and welfare (black people are incapable of competing against whites in school and in the economy). When Trump implies he wants to end these programs it's because he thinks it just holds black people back- he wants to empower them to be self-realized individuals. (Trump is actually NOT racist in my opinion, he's far less racist than most people.)

The main difference between me and leftists is I'm just more honest with myself.


na letting normies get redpilled by calling out the jews lying is what is more important, people who look shit like that up google is probably a worker at google

>daily mail
Are you born yesterday, paddie
that's not even newspaper
there's no such thing as newspapers or journalists in Britain
stop being naive


my mistake your right slav man i thought it was democratic

my bad.

because your life is really hard right now

(((They))) will not replace us

I fucking love her.

>pure white country in 2007
>government staged collapse to cripple everything we have
>socialism rises to even fuck with our politics in the south
>deal with the debt left by bankers for 7 horrible years
>by this time the government has pushed for blacks in every corner hoping the fucks stay
>finally get out of debt just to told to share with all the foreigners because muh socialism

they in that time also pushed and got the Lisbon treaty, GAY marriage and smuggled in a paki leader that bypassed having an election

so yeh were fuckin pretty pissed and ready to fuckin go mad

oh and dont forget 100 new taxes that mirrored the UK for no fuckin reason

water charges what made everyone snap

>you have a view point that I disagree with
>because of this I would like your life to be ruined
>I am tolerant and fair minded

As someone who comes form a liberal family this type of shit is what pushes me further towards the right every fucking day. It's disgusting that people would want someones' life ruined just because they disagree with them.

Some people have literally been saying that at the rally though.

Nobody believes the Jew media anyway. 88.

>Some people
never knew that merits everyone

state its some if it was the case not everyone.

have you been prevented from doing anything that you wanted to do because of this?


its ruined my life you fucking cunt

i was an concept artist in a growing game developing studio and worked in camera work for a sister company of cbs

now im stuck on the dole and i think its been around 5 years now


I was listening to the live stream last night and I am 100% certain they said "you will not replace us" and the only thing that I was wondering was exactly who "you" is supposed to be not if they were saying Jews or You.

Maybe you were a shitty concept artist. sounds like you need to pick yourself up by your own boot straps, snowflake. The world owes you nothing

Thomas Watson, after being convicted of literal conspiracy, was rewarded by being put in charge of IBM. Through its subsidiary, Dehomag (picrelated), Watson proceeded to Socially Engineer the holocaust with DEMOCRAT FDR's blessing. Since IBM keeps those records secret and far away from freedom of info act requests absolutely nobody can say for certain what the fuck happened.

>Infinity Gorrilians?
> 0 gorrilians?
Nobody can say without the official records that remain secret.

your right about the last part but the company i was with collapsed and some of art got sold to another company by auction, slightly annoyed but honored by that.

yes, it collapsed because of black people. makes sense

it went because of banks that dove ireland into the pits and the salt in the wounds was the fact ireland didn't get hit by the world collapse but the banks wanted to get in on that action to get bailed out so they claimed to need money anyway

the paki fucks that comes here is just another reminder and after effect of being royaly screwed over by them and no one over here forgives and forgets easily