Honest question Sup Forums, when is enough ENOUGH for you?

As a licensed public defender I advise no one to do it since vigilantism is LEGALLY prohibited, but I'm writing a book and I'm interested in the alt-right perspective.

WHAT is your breaking point? At what point in time should one be so tired of law enforcement ignoring crimes of untouchable elite (Schreiber, Podesta, Clinton) the angry public takes justice into their hands? When a suspected child abuser like Schreiber admits his crimes on TV but no investigation occurs, should the public harass him?

>Liev alludes to child abuse on talk show
>Sup Forums finds even more photos than pic related to prove he's a pedophile

Other urls found in this thread:


Using your kids for your agenda is not okay.

Using your kids to bring criminals is not okay.

Making your sons sure to be bullied in the future for kissing their brother is not okay.

Indoctrinating children and conforming them into an agenda. Will Liev Schreiber be investigated for child abuse?

Pretending your son wrote perverted words of love for you by writing them yourself is not okay.

I feel bad about Naomi, why doesn't she stop this madness?

Eyeing your own child like a piece of meat is not okay.

Enough was several years ago already

Giving the public reason to suspect you're sexually abusing your child, then denying it, is not okay.

Not confronting your own husband about signs of sexual abuse in your own children is not okay.

Not leaving an abusive spouse with your children immediately after suspected abuse is not okay.

I like how even the other kid is judging him

Teaching your sons to act as their mother does is not okay.

Teaching your sons to be this close with men is not okay.

Teaching them that PDA is acceptable is not okay.

Sniffing your son like a dog is not okay.

Kissing your son like a groom is not okay.

Bathing with your 8 and 10 year old sons then "shaking" your "willies" as you admitted on tv yourself is not okay.

Painting your sons nails is not okay.

Dolling your kid with eyeliner is not okay.

It is clear by the subject line that this whole liev shrieber meme has been pushed by shills as at best a destraction from the DC pedo ring and at worst a preamble to false flag, maybe another shooter like pizza gate. Make sure to screen cap all OPs like this as it is clearly their MO and may need to be used at some point, although we have reach such peak infiltration that pol as an entity cannot be held reaponsible for anything anymore. cap this as well.

Dressing your son in woman's clothing is not okay.

It'll never be okay.

Its clearly a set up, runs exactly the same every time, one post OP followed up by another ID posting the same pictures over with similar comments, every single time, it so increadible obvious

It should never be okay.

It wasn't okay in the past.

We know this is a set up, you are incredibly obvious, you are doing the same routine everytime

Its not okay today.

It won't be okay tomorrow.

It won't be okay ever.

Only if we stand against the social tyranny of modern liberalism will this boy and his brother have a chance.

any attacks on liev shrieber will not result in pol being responisble, it will be media matters, CTR and shareblue that are responsible

>mfw thinking of anyone ever trying to do this to my child

I have capped these, it is clear by your lack of response you have been caught out, I have caps pointing this out from when these threads were first started


>Suspected child abuser
Dont care. For more concerned with Merkel trying to create a caliphate in europe

probably when i am singled out as a person, if someone approaches me and explicitly states how ive been racist and starts making threats against me and my family, that person will stop living soon after.

reminder that jon stewart was anthony weiner's roomie in college

makes sense that jon grew a beard and is hiding out on a farm

>false-flag shooting of Liev Schreiber

holy fuck, is Sup Forums memeing this to reality? : youtu.be/hfEMOh_mhFI

pretty sure its the same op or a group with a shared goal

>that flag
>those digits

Please, Lord Kek.... Not like this....

phew obvious honey pot is obvious.
but the answer I will give you is :
when it becomes personal

The parallels are uncanny. In that movie Schreiber is brainwashed, and Denzel is told by (((them))) to kill him because Schreiber's evil. Last thread someone pointed out that Schreiber must have pissed one of (((them))) onr day so he was embarassed on national television by being brainwashed into admitting absurd things he does with this kids, and that Sup Forums is basically Denzel at this point wanting to take him out.


That movie's spookier than any horror could be - youtu.be/3cDavZFKopc

For me there is no breaking point. Its as sir Isaac Newton described :
> When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body
The more they push, the more we push back. And if it comes to violence, sadly we must answer with violence

pay debnts


And this is exactly why the white race is dying out. Back when something happened to ONE of us in the community you could expect the whole damn town wanting justice.

You're probably a fucking kike.

Is Naomi Watts white? What does that make the kids?

righhht because putting that out there is sooo smart listen fucking retard that mentality you should keep to yourself until the time comes to actually execute an action. goddamn stupid fucks like YOU are why whites can't organize without getting attention.

Not him but you truly are a pussy. The shit going down Charlottesville better escalate or our ancestors shall roll in their graves.

I'm with ya brother. Till the end.

All hail our people

I'll die before another generation of white children suffer at the hands of these kikes.

Is it time?





>Honest question Sup Forums
No it's not. I see exactly what you're doing.
When do we snap and start killing the cabal brainwashers? I can't say for sure when, but I can say for certain that you'll be one of the first to know when it happens, "Doc."

Its been "time" for decades. At least now we realize it.

Hail Trump. Hail our people.

yep. notice all the 1 posts. As if it couldn't get more obvious

Lol, this will never happen. I've met with someone high echelon people in the science private sector during a convention hosted by an automobile manufacturer and one of them discussed the biomechanics of programming one by means of liquid intake. I wouldn't be surprised if he was preparing me for the future that's already set, or already is.

Maybe it's been in our water for decades. Who knows. But the fight is lost.

I wouldn't be surprised if "G*ds chosen people" actually means ancient jews or an abrahamic sect that'd later become the zionists were contacted by extraterrestial beings. Handing down their technology to advance the human race, specifically the jews that would be their research correspondents on Earth life and humanity. There's probably tech far beyond our imagination that most races won't even know exist until we're enslaved by them.

be honest Sup Forums, is it too late to save our people?

>man talks on talk show in front of millions of people about dancing with his sons after a bath

this is why vigilantism is retarded because it always targets more innocent people than guilty ones especially in this instance since you're mentally ill paranoid morons who think everything is a conspiracy and would probably shoot your dominoes delivery boy for having a pizza logo on his shirt