Daily reminder that Spencer is literally /ourguy/ and if you are against him you're a lefty/pol/ shill

Daily reminder that Spencer is literally /ourguy/ and if you are against him you're a lefty/pol/ shill

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i was wrong about him. i admit it.

I dont know much about him redpill me?


reminder: Richard Spencer comes from the Spencer Jewish intelligence family. Read this if you want proof: mileswmathis.com/spence.pdf

he's a big guy

Does Sup Forums actually think Spencer is the most reasonable person in this conversation?

RIchard Spencer is an FBI cointelpro. He was subdued and cuffed on the ground and somehow didn't get arrested when ordered to disperse. FBI. He is informing on everyone he knows in the rallies. I think it is hilarious when these (((neo)))nazis are gonna get vanned.

He most likely a informant and snitch. Grow up faggots

All I know is that before the elections he was nobody, and during and after he somehow became this spokesperson for an entire ideology or group of people. Nothing organic about his push into the mainstream and the appearance of the word alt-right. From one day to the other this guy was mentioned everywhere on the internet including here on Sup Forums. You're blind as fuck if you don't think this is fishy, just check google analytics for the term alt-right.


>if you don't agree with me you're a lefty/pol/ shill
Man, this shit really sets off my Jewdar.

this post was probably made by a leftypol fat manlet

Anyone who has a name is not our guy

Isn't the whole point of Sup Forums that we don't have a /ourguy/ to follow along behind like good little retarded puppies?
The guy has a brass set, I'll give him that, but he gets the same scrutiny as anyone else.

what if I just don't like his hair style.

>implying Sup Forums will ever like anybody who isn't dead
>implying Sup Forums will ever like anybody who goes outside and actually expresses their beliefs


i was wrong about him. i admit it.

only a sith deals in absolutes


yes he is, dear FBI.

once you join the agency, you never really leave the agency

pic related is one of more-or-less successful FBI marketing campaigns on /pol


FBI Jew getting stupid low IQ whites to appear on camera as literal Nazis

Is all week going to be filled with these shills?

Richard Spencer is the usual Jewish tricks - playing it from both ends.

No one cares about him his brain is like a hard drive and magnet.

I hate to admit it but I don't think the alt right will go anywhere reading replies to these threads

We will never go anywhere as a movement with these fucking retards shilling for autistic shit like paganism and turning around and biting anyone who even tries to support us in the ass because they're not literally hitler.
Actually I take that back, Sup Forums is so retarded we would call hitler himself a jewish plant.