
Things getting incomprehensible

kill them.

if only there were white nationalist rallies that fight this degeneracy by expressing support for the nuclear family hmmm...

hey look, a future serial killer.

I get the whole thing of letting kids choose for themselves but it's obviously being forced, or because of their immediate surroundings they consider it "normal" and that obviously sways their opinion.
Let a kid grow up in a "normal" environment and let them choose for themselves, when they reach about 16 years old IF they want to be a trans fucker, let them be a trans fucker... but don't push it, don't let the trans parents influence it, don't be a fucking cunt.

Kids are so easily manipulated.
You just KNOW these kids are being told in secret that being a straight normal person is bad and you have to embrace diversity.

I think it's fucking unfair on kids these days.
If I was a trans cunt I'd make sure my kids were normal until their brains and cognitive skills were able to think for themselves without influence.

We need a second holocaust.

The flamethrower.

Lucifer's work continues. I dedicate these diabolical digits to your evil task.

Family where man is faggot, and mom is freak, creates a little faggot freak

Imagine being part of this filthy human experimentation

Which one?


It will be perfectly justified in its rage.

Only a deranged brainwashed moron would look at this and think it is a good thing.

Their work is done. Family once reproduced organical values. Now, there are (((new))) familiar structures, reproducing faggot values only.

The future is shit. To tell the truth, we missed the future, the fork of history got stuck in faggot filthylandia.

Eric Wareheim really let himself go after Tim and Eric stopped airing.

I had a couple that moved recently that was the same. Dad was normal last summer, gardening in overalls, then as fall rolled around, he started wearing dresses. I remember looking out my kitchen window one morning around Thanksgiving and saw it. His wife is butch, and wears combat boots and a military coats / camo BDU pants. They had 2 kids of elementary school age. The 2 kids were normal. Poor little bastards.

How can a child, be raised by a father who is a tranny, and a mother who looks like snorlax?
How can social security never reach these kids and only help out on blacks...

these people need to be publicly executed

the father looks like an unwilling slave and the kid looks like the antichrist

We're reaching levels of decadence never seen before.

Proudly presented and funded by international Jewry

Sheisse, das ficken liberals

By a Challenger.