
Why didn't you guys vote for Bernie?
- Universal healthcare
- Free College
- Less chance of WW3

>is a Jew

>is a commie

College is for fags kike

I haven't been to a doctor in 20 years, why would I care about being forced to pay for others healthcare?

b/c he was is a jew and a delusional dumbass

This. Americans could've elected the new FDR and they elected a new Hitler instead.

Just think about this for a minute.

I was voting for him but USA doesnt have direct democracy so it was a waste.


Taxpayer funded

Bernie's base was brokeassbroke college students and recent grads with $50k+ college debt. Of course mah free collidge appealed to them.
Also they are too young and stupid to understand that socialism is unsustainable.

>Cuck (khew the Democrats fucked him over and is okey with it)

If he was president and North Korea nuked us, he would probably apologize, lift sanctions, and send aid packages to their country in an attempt to appease them to prevent further nuclear attacks.

Daily reminder that hillary lost because the DNC rejected him.

Quite simply, because he was pro-israel.

The rich aren't human.

Fdr was the bad guy. Hitler was a bad goy.

Neither are commies. Day of the helicopter

Because I don't agree with liberal policies, at all. Also, I think it says a lot about him that he attracted all the wrong people.
>Fat feminists with pink hair, bad haircuts, and poor hygiene
>LGBT fags and trannies
>niggers and spics
>drug addicts, pill poppers, pot heads

basically just the lowest humanity has to offer. Must be something wrong with him if those are the people he attracts.

No, communists are human. Capitalists can't be. If your religion believes an economic system is more important than life itself, you can't be classified as a living thing.

>less violent supporters

was unfortunately watching CNN the other day at my gf's house

they were unironically questioning why black voters did not like Bernie

concluded that it was because he was too biased towards black

>not admitting blacks hate jews

he is a lame kike who sucked hillbags ass.
his wife will be indicted for fraud.

>college is for faggots
>scammed all his donors to buy a car and a vacation condo

because he's a con artist who is being investigated for bank fraud.