Any questions?

Any questions?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, does this have anything to do with Harry Potter?

How do they get the soft flowing caramilk inside of a caramilk bar?

ffs, make an effort, /leftypol/ can't meme for shit.

Why is Dio a dick?

Not really. But J.K. Rowling is livid

kys boy

Hitler was right.

White privilege on trucks of peace. Can't make this shit up

East Germany(commies) had torches too.

>left gets pissed
>don't tweet
>left gets pissed

these people just need to get Dodge Challengered

When's the next rally?

yeah how are you this retarded you leftist cuck, it's free speech

So beautiful

>Any questions?

Yes, when do we start hanging niggers?

we need more vehicles

Then get sucking.

I sure hope I get to live in a country like hitler's germany. It would be least for everyone who isn't a nignog or a faggot commie.

They mold the top half first, lay it upside down and pour the caramel in
Then they cool it so the caramel is more solid and lay the base of the chocolate on top sealing the caramel inside.

fuck yes papi will do just ram more jews


You act like we don't have the means to defend ourselves

I like this meme

>Challenge yourself

Made this one myself

Isn't she English? Why the fuck does she care so much

there is nothing wrong with either

Nazis bombed England. They might bomb again if they rise behind the most powerful nation.

I would be deeply concerned

When did you become such a massive faggot?

are u an aggressive bottom?

I guess enough time passed when people asked why she wasn't housing refugees in her mansion that she feels she can comment publicly again.


>normie Facebook meme

Kys nigger

Obama's America

Yes, when do we get the cool boots?


When are you moving to Africa?

Feel free to share it with your normie friends! :)

>that fucking face
Holy shit how can one person look so disgusting

I bet George never thought he'd end up in an internment camp a second time in his life.

kys nigger

Now just imagine if all that energy was redirected towards White Nationalists/Alt-right. We need another civil war

when do we start putting the SJW's into work camps and genociding them once they show they aren't even valuable workers?

lol niggers
will they ever learn?
go try liberia

I'm sorry that she lost her universe :(

Yeah the fucking guys did the torch rally on purpose

But the torch rally is entirely different form an organized party

#notallwhites. You wouldn't let me paint all Muslims, don't paint all whites as Nazis.

>Not living in a country where it's called Caramello

Sucks to be you.

Donald Drumpf is a fuckign nazi! : o

Yes. If you are 200% OOGA BOOGA and your neighbor is 300% OOGA BOOGA does that mean he's entitled to your crack and welfare?

She lives of virtue signalling these days.

Torch marches are an old prussian tradition you culturless degenerate.

>Nazis bombed England

More like, Englang bombed the shit out of Nazis, including nazi-occupied territory filled with innocent civilians who were all on their side. (Denmark)

Does that mean that Obama is also a fascist dictator that was part of the process?

Looks like an average Jew to me.

Your protest


My only question is, why are leftists so fucking retarded?



Doxxing the faggit

Guilty before he even put the car into motion.


Yes. You are.

1488 is some whole Hitler shit

Why aren't you a Nazi?

You know you can take the ideology of national socialism and reverse the races right? You could have a black ethno-state and a non-degenerate people....

or you could keep voting democrat.... works well for ya i guess....



Democrats will win in 2020. It's too fucking easy. Trump is a flaming pile of shit in the polls right now

This is a good point. The only reason anyone would be against an ethno-state is if they don't think their race is capable of running a prosperous country on their own.

>Holy shit how can one person look so disgusting

It's the same reason why you can't get laid.

So what mate? Did Obama help the black community? Fucked he did and he was the first black president and a fucking democrat.

Like are you actually content to let your people live like fucking animals in crumbling estates filled violence and degeneracy? Do you not want a black native homeland that is prosperous and strong?

Bad ass