Anyone else feel bad for him...

Anyone else feel bad for him? He's thrown his life away and all he has to show for it is 1 dead subhuman and a dozen more in hospital. I wish i could have spoken to him earlier today or yesterday and talked some sense into him. Made him look at the bigger picture.

he did shit, he should went full serial killer mode.
find the louth mouthiest leftiest fucks and eliminate them one by one. dear BND i am trolling obviously ...

He killed a faggot Marxist. Many people are smiling at him from above.

Throw his life away how? He has a strong case for self-defense. Did you watch all of the video angles? He was being chased by a mob. Do not buy into the /leftypol/ "terrorism" narrative. He will be acquitted on self-defense, if he's even charged.

It's 3 deaths now faggot. Look it up

Funniest part is he's an ethnic Jew (mother is Jewish)

No, media is throwing in the 2 deaths from helicopter crash that had nothing to do with him

Mr. Mercedes


Chased by a mob? Dishonest ass. He saw the mob in front of him, and wide open, mobless space behind him. Don't tell me your guy is to stupid to reverse, is he?

God no.

He is a coward and despicable waste of atoms who has robbed an innocent person of their life.

Does Virginia have the death penalty? No need to keep this oxygen thief alive any longer than necessary.

check The video Nate silver tweeted.

It clearly looks this was murder not accident


This was an anger impluse crime. Something triggered him. I would be surprised if investigators find any premeditated evidence.

Reminds of Family Guy spoof of Henry Ford's jew flattening machine. But in a national geographic fight between an italian and a black woman, they "fly away" never wanting confrontation. My point is this guy's mom is a jewess allegedly

Nate scrapmetal is a proven liar and the video is edited.

Good job Sup Forums

You drove one basement dweller to insanity.

Now Wait for FBI to drag all Nazis from Sup Forums in streets

He still did more than most of us. let's be real. Can't be mad about that.
After what happened with breivik many of "our guys" on the right jumped away, attacking him. I think... hope... opinions have turned on his case. Did he do good? No, pretty badly. Especially considering how open guns are available in the US. Even the brand could have been better chosen. A large Truck would have made quite the difference!

>I wish i could have spoken to him earlier today or yesterday and talked some sense into him. Made him look at the bigger picture.

So do I. Like how you really do some damage!


I'll smack an alt right wearing off white



Amen to that

>He will be acquitted because he's a Jew, if he's even charged. Then you'll hear about how the "white man" continues to beat the system


>dead commie

god bless. nothin of value was lost

Has it been confirmed yet if he did it on purpose or if it was self-defense/accident?


>Anyone else feel bad for him?

You whites and your pathological empathy.

oops. Now he is done.

Is there death penalty in Virginia? because this dude is not coming out now.

We know you're just trolling, don't worry

>the death penalty?

electric chair is still used here.

Yup, Even if he murdered only niggers with that car of his i'd still wanna have the book thrown at him. Law's the law, and justice is blind.

You literally can't see anything happen in this clip.

Yes I live there