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Well no, they're born with suspicions of others born different from them, which grows into hate after years of affirmation.

Yeah, I didn't hate nignogs until I met them

Muslims are literally born hating other people and religions. Babies begin learning in the womb you fucking traitor.

>no one is born this way
Well durr. Reality makes people racist more than anything

they soon learn

whats that nigger pedophile doing with those kids?

that's been scientifically proven false

Nobody is born with 140 IQ either. I acquired mine over years of study and observation of the natural world, similar to my disdain for niggers.

we werent born to hate, but that doesnt stop nobody. Im black, and i look like a scary caveman, and i was discriminated against ever since i was a child and was cute as fuck. Aint nobody like a nigger, not never.

No one is born thinking anything other than 'where is the nearest lactating titty?'. I really hate this bullshit meme.

He's right. We learn through observation and having them try and fuck us over repeatedly. Religion especially! That shit is a choice. Niggers can't help their shitty genetics.

That nigger just stole the a/c.

I mean he isn't wrong... The problems start once you start meeting blacks and in extension, muslims.

I'd never lift a finger to help either.


>Checking out the merchandise for Podesta

Fuck yeah let's all be as retarded as babies! My two year old thinks we need single payer healthcare I mean come on guys it's obvious even to xer!

Searching for white babies to rape to cure his AIDs. Age old african tradition.


People are born to be distrustful of those different then them, and over their existence are EDUCATED that everyone is the same, but you can't deny neuroscience faggots.

>link tl;dr: almost everyone has a natural response in their brain for disgust when seeing an interracial couple

People also aren't born knowing mathematics, fucking nigger.

>b...bu...but all religions and people are same :((((
>w....we where apart only few thousand years it dosen't mean anything :((((
>There is no souch a thing as better and worse cultures
>All cultures are same :((((((((

>has no children

Jesus christ I can't stand that stinkin' fucking nigger. I wonder how long it took staff to get the smell of collard greens and bacon grease (for their hair) out of the sheets and carpet

You guys know he's half white, right?

Obama was a better President than Trump.