Can I get a quickrundown on the guy who plowed through the crowd was he a leftist?

Who were the crowed?

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw&ref_url=

>Trump supporter.
>Rammed car into antifa.
>Killed a black girl.
>Cops now saying he was scared and defending himself
>Niggers in an uproar

More fun to come, I'm sure.

And oh boy are they gonna chimp out tomorrow

Like clockwork. Can't wait to see the nigger riots when this kike walks.


good one op

oh fug

any hint of falseflag?

The guy was a peaceful right-wing protester, trying to leave after violent antifa ("anti-fascist", but really just leftist goons) rioters caused a state of emergency and the local government pulled the permit of the right-wing protesters.

The crowd was an organized antifa team, with the goal of creating an incident of this kind.

The basic plan was to form a crowd of all antifa, no other witnesses or uncontrolled cameras, and block traffic and surround cars, looking for protesters. When they found one, they'd physically attack the surrounded car with weapons such as baseball bats, and record the response (without recording the attack that provoked it). They were hoping for a driver to pull a gun or drive through the crowd to escape.

They got the latter. They managed to make it look quite a bit like a guy just charged into a crowd of peaceful protesters, but the more footage you get, and the more carefully you look at it, the clearer it is that he's just trying to get away from people apparently bent on murdering him.

His car is visibly damaged before any collision recorded on camera. He doesn't swerve to hit people. He brakes. As soon as he's stopped by the collision, armed thugs jump on his car again.

He didn't have to floor it tho there could of been kids

Turboautist Sup Forums inhabitant with a FB filed with fashy memes and even a colorized picture of infant Hitler tells mom he's going to an alt-right rally.

He gets photographed at said rally in his larping gear, gets in his car and plows through a left wing protest. Kills one, injures over a dozen. He backs out and surrenders to the cops.

Cops charge him with 2nd degree murder in addition to some other charges.

>there could of been kids
I reiterate: this was a coordinated attack by an antifa team.

That wasn't a disorderly mob that had accidentally wandered into the street. It wasn't a groupd of peaceful protesters. People were standing in the street to block traffic so they could find targets for their thugs to attack with baseball bats.

Not one among that crowd was innocent. Every one was an accomplice in the premeditated ambush.

What they didn't show in their propaganda video was them getting in his way as long as there seemed to be any possibility that he'd stop, and then attacking him when he did stop. So yes, he did have to charge like he wasn't going to stop, and he also had good reason to move fast to get away from the people attacking him.

So this is what damage control looks like.

He was with American Vanguard, openly fascist group. Photos floating around Twitter show him with a shield emblazoned with their logo earlier in the day

Can someone give me a rundown and what is going on in general?
I lose internet for 3 fucking days and missed some crazy shit apparently.

Can confirm.

>biggest far-right rally in recent history taking place
>the night before, a surprise march is held, hundreds of alt-right march with torches to a monument
>day of rally (today), lots of street fighting between antifa and alt-right
>at around the time the event was scheduled to begin, police declare unlawful assembly
>police force alt-right out of the park, albeit facing some resistance
>alt-right and antifa are now in streets together, tense situation, some more fights
>a few hours later, a gathering of leftists is mowed down
>driver was a fascist who was at the rally earlier

>>Cops now saying he was scared and defending himself
Oh god please be true. Do you have a source?

look at the video dude. he was approaching the crowd for over a block.

This is what the truth looks like.

Watch all the footage available carefully with this in mind: Antifa understands that making news is the point of protests.

Taylor Lorenz is a reporter from The Hill who talked to police on site.^tfw&ref_url=

Lol. Coorindated attack. Whatever you gotta tell yourselves. We all know this was a retarded alt right moron thinking he would do what all alt righters and white supremacist talk about doing

Geez, what a bunch of nonsense. Looks like you guys will try anything to worm out of this one aren't you. Personal responsibility my ass.

>Car was registered with license plate to some other guy in Ohio
>Car had a sunroof in registration info
>Person arrested doesn't look like the one picture of the driver's face
>Airbag didn't deploy for some reason, and the driver instantly drove away
>user who lived right in front of where the arrest took place said fbi with 2 black suburbans pulled a different man out of the car than was shown in custody later

Expect another Charlotte BLM riot if this happens

it was all staged by unicorn riot
vice has an article

>user who lived right in front of where the arrest took place said fbi with 2 black suburbans pulled a different man out of the car than was shown in custody later

yeah, whoever said that, he's one of us so we must believe him, this is a 100% legit reporting

She was black? Double bonus.

>can i get a quick rundown on this thing that we already have 50 threads about

faggot shill

top kek

you've almost got your story straight, unicorn ninja man.

And? What;s he supposed to do? Stop and get dragged out of his car?

After looking at the video, people were provoking him. One dude clearly hit his car with some object before he really started to accelerate.

Antifa are violent, and there's historical precedents for situations like this. You simply don't stop.

So no official statement by police or other official? She's the only person saying this.

Rare photo of driver making his gettaway.


Looks like something similar to the Timothy McVeigh case.

This is the unbiased truth. Sup Forums is on defense saying he's a jew or a false flag. One of his facebook pics said "weaponized autism".

my point is, it's pretty clear that he intended to do something. Why would he be approaching the crowd from such a relatively great distance otherwise?

He was already approaching and pretty close by the time they started attacking his car.

Come on dude, I hate antifa more than anyone, but there's no need to act like this was just one big misunderstanding

Is name released, since you know such things as his facebook

>Is his name released?

Who the hell is this army guy?

2 cents

Antifa employed this same tactic with clanton the bike lock attacker. they have /theirguys/ circle the target so no one outside can see exactly whats happening. then they play the victim.

this is a picture of the driver

Friendly reminder that your people did this

he played the role of the "driver" and is a stunts/special effects awesome guru guy

A crazy person killed a couple of faggots who probably deserved it. Not really a story can you please stop putting fake news headlines here reeee

Frankly, every member of that whole crowd should go down for manslaughter, assault, and conspiracy.

There's not one of them on that street who deserves less than five years in prison for their conscious, deliberate, premeditated role in what happened.


Thats not even the same car, the wheels are completely different.

Stop fucking larping fags, thats all this shit is now



>my point is, it's pretty clear that he intended to do something
It looks like he intended to drive his car on a road. Nothing illegal about that. His car was being damaged and he was surrounded by a historically violent political entity. He protected himself.

I don't care about his motive. I'm looking at this from a legal perspective.


I almost forgot about this. now my blood is boiling.

looks like democrats though, not my people.

just found out he was born and raised in KY.

Jefferson Davis is smiling down on his son.

So the murder was actually a suicide? What a twist.

I don't care if he brought this on himself intentionally ...there is no reason why he shouldn't be able to drive a car through any street in the city that tax money is paying for. Anyone intentionally blocking my path is going to be slaughtered mercilessly, and I fully support his actions...I only wish more had died.


Am I supposed to answer for the behavior of people I don't agree with? Sounds more convenient to you than it is to me.


Sup Forums is and always has been a board of peace. check the archives, newfag

the only time Sup Forums is not satire is when we're not a board of peace, and we're always a board of peace. go back and tell all of your normie friends, who are also too stupid to understand

a true Sup Forumsack would have spraypainted "NIGGERS" on the sides of the car in bright orange. way too much potential completely wasted. then again if that had happened, then dodge wouldn't pay out those adbux

>>Killed a black girl.

Whew. That's a lot of relief.