Convince me that whites are superior to other races

Convince me that whites are superior to other races.

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Bump. Show me actual statistics and evidence.

Compare countries with a high % of whites to those with a low %


better at get outsmarted by jews than any other race

This is an artificial correlation. The ailments of non-white countries can largely be attributed to socioeconomic conditions, theocracy, and their culture itself. Arabs allegedly have low IQs despite them being genetically similar to Italians, Spanish, and Greeks, the only difference is their living conditions and the religion being forced on their culture. Hell, nonwhite east asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, and Singapore have industrialized and modernized to the point they're borderline superior to white countries statistically and especially in regards to intelligence.

Why is this the case if whiteness directly correlates with intelligence and success? It all seems circumstantial, not racial.

>muh white master race
>doesn't have children to preserve said race
t. Sup Forums

>all of Sup Forums is childless losers based on my unsourced idea I pulled from my ass xD

whitey btfo

they're not. humans are humans. skin color gives no superiority


Nobody is arguing that Japs arent the superior race

now compare blacks in every country

>The ailments of non-white countries can largely be attributed to socioeconomic conditions, theocracy, and their culture itself.
>implying white countries don't have any of those three things
We overcame and created a civilization, meanwhile niggers still can't invent the wheel.

Virtually all blacks today are either trapped in backwards economically fucked African countries, or relatively recent migrants/slaves from those countries in the west.

Correlation is not causation. We have few blacks to judge who haven't been connected to poverty, lack of education, and a negative culture suppressing innovation and growth.


see that new fangled box you're using to relay your stupid opinions to us? white invention, if that's not convincing enough then you can stop using it anytime

Those countries are fucked because the nogs in them have no idea how to leverage the incredible wealth of resources they have access to. Black countries being plagued by corruption and lack of foresight is directly caused by blacks having low IQs. Sorry, it's a racial issue, not a social or economic one. You can easily prove it by comparing blacks of all backgrounds, the wealthiest blacks in the US score lower on standardised tests than the poorest whites.

>in b4 "standardized tests are racisss!!!"

Very funny, did your ((professor)) tell you that?

What about African government officials? They are warlords. What about africans still using slavery across the continent?

The circumstances of white countries are entirely different. White countries were lucky enough to be positioned in an ideal place for trade with Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. They were also rife with constant warfare between each other, militarizing their society. After the black death(and the travels of Marco Polo and other traders to foreign lands) Europeans were motivated to explore foreign ideas as they realized they weren't the center of the world. This created innovation and colonialism, subjugating almost the entire world with their militarist technological superiority. No other culture had that specific experience, hence no other culture made the same innovations and conquests in the way whites did. That isn't a matter of superiority but rather sheer luck.

White theocracy did exist in the dark ages where there was virtually no innovation for hundreds of years while China, India, and the early muslim empires had at least parity with whites, but it underwent a huge liberalization that separated it from Islam that allowed the oppression by the religion to be lessened and progress to occur. If Islam had a similar liberalization they'd have conquered whites centuries ago.

Plus due to the enlightenment(direct result of globalism and foreign ideas) and the rediscovery of early greek thinking, whites created their own reason, science, and philosophy. This created renaissance and idealism through exposure to new ideas and cultures previously unheard of. No other culture had this opportunity.

Meanwhile blacks are oppressed, mostly by themselves into not accepting these ideas. Due to the legacy of colonialism blacks do not want to accept white ideas and elements of basic civility. They embrace their own culture over whites, even though their own culture is more primitive due to circumstance. This results in tribalism and backwards thinking everywhere there is are blacks. This isn't connected to their race but rather their history and origin.

think of what would happen 1 day, 1 month, then one year in time if whites disappeared from the face of the earth.
now imagine the same three points in time if blacks disappeared from the earth.

That's cause niggers are subhumans who can't run a civilized country. Slavery was a mistake and we should have left them as tribal savages instead of building towns for them.

If you're argument is correlation =/= causation it's a pretty weak one unless you can prove it objectively

I on the other hand believe in Occam's razor, ala the simplest explanation is the correct one. Have nigs just been given the short end.of the stick in every societal cirumcstance through no fault of their own, or are they just dumber?

Which answer is simpler?

That won't work. He's so deep in the rabbit hole that he genuinely thinks all the problems black communities have are caused by whitey. In his mind if white people disappeared tomorrow then the remaining races would band together and form a utopia now that they don't need to worry about evil whitey holding them down. He's the kind of person who is willfully ignorant of the fact that blacks, latinos and asians are far more racist than whites and the chinks would happily scourge niggers from the earth if it wasn't from the bad PR they'd get with the west.

Africa is a breadbasket of life, the people there were never exposed to conditions that would've incentivized doing any of the "civilized" things you listed there. They survived fine being hunter gatherers and never had any kind of conflict or outside influence of foreign ideas to catalyze evolution of their culture. They were isolated by the sea on three sides and the largest desert in the world on the forth. As such the fact they didn't independently culturally evolve the same way as Europeans should not be surprising.

Not an argument.

Convince me that whites being a minority in the US and Europe will be beneficial to them

there would be a new middle/upper class formed, probably taken by asians. The world would keep spinning and we would still be creating great works of art, advancing our tech, and making strides in medicine.

even if there was a period of unrest because of the power vacuum, eventually life would just sort itself out. Be it 10, 100, 1000, 10000 years in the future. Trans-humanism is the final redpill. Identity politics is lefty bullshit.

fucking retard, sage

>Africa is a breadbasket of life, the people there were never exposed to conditions that would've incentivized doing any of the "civilized" things you listed there. They survived fine being hunter gatherers and never had any kind of conflict or outside influence of foreign ideas to catalyze evolution of their culture. They were isolated by the sea on three sides and the largest desert in the world on the forth. As such the fact they didn't independently culturally evolve the same way as Europeans should not be surprising.

Yes. The environment there never selected high-IQ individuals, since even dumb ones could survive enough to reproduce by eating whatever they could pick (try that in European winter).

Not all see the benefits of progress, many would say that the simple life of living with nature and keeping things the way they are, are far more noble and civilized than destroying and changing everything for selfish human needs. One man may think that money is the only measure of a successful life, but then another will say that a life knowing oneself is more valuable than any amount of wealth.
Americans worship a man who taught the world to look beyond money and greed, and yet they ignore these words, some even twist them to become wealthier themselves, as the message of avoiding greed has been lost, so have the values of society, and the worth of fellow humans, for them, can only be measured by a standard set by those with different ideals in life.

>a breadbasket of life
Hahaha, those community college classes are really paying off Sweetie

Nice argument. Except that Australian Aborigines never advanced past the hunter gatherer stage in 50,000 years of inhabiting the continent and Australia is certainly not a breadbasket overflowing with natural resources like Africa is.

Maybe, just maybe, the answer is that blacks have too low IQ to be able to make the leap to civilized society on their own? Crazy, I know, but your solutions keep requiring leaps of logic to blame their lack of advancement on outside factors so you don't feel racist. My solution is simple, fits the facts perfectly and doesn't require any leaps of logic to explain why blacks the world over have such trouble adapting to modern society despite the lack of any shared culture. It's genetics. Now the question is will you keep flailing about making excuses for why every single disparate black tribe the world over failed to launch into agriculture and metallurgy or will you just accept the facts and reach the simplest, most obvious conclusion?

>history and origin

of their race. even if black didn't have lower IQ (they do), they would still be incompatible with white society for the resentment they feel and the simple fact that a person will always prefer a member of their own race.

>Academic PROOF

blacks don't exists outside of america, just like whites don't
>not educated
>low iq
you gotta be a retard not to understand that being stupid is often times beyond people's control, you should know better than anyone
no ones really arguing africa isn't a shithole
i mean the ottomans invented science but w/e, at least you're headed in the right direction here
imagine if you were so far up your own ass you were wearing yourself as a hat
oocams razor is a tool, not proof in itself of anything, often times it fails to provide us with the correct conclusion, if you studied any sort of hard science you'd understand
guns germs and steel is a terrible book written by a bird scientist, has some good points but totally ignores the fact that cultures and histories do not develop in isolation

my post got rejected because i was about to repost this

>heres one more Gipsy-Bro

Blacks in Africa do not value western constructs because they are tribalist and primitive in culture. They would prefer to live in their villages like they have for thousands of years than develop into cities because they do not see the value of cities because their entire culture is built around tribalism. They know nothing but tribalism. Their people were never exposed to the same circumstances warranting ideological and societal change as the rest of the world due to their isolation. As such they are essentially an unwesternized people who choose to be reactionary and cling to their old cultures and way of living. This is similar to China or India responding to Europeans during colonialism, but Africa has never united into a single state and progressed to independent westernization like other countries because they've been hugely divided, have a hundred thousand different subcultures, don't see the point in it, and have been constantly been manipulated by western powers for their resources for hundreds of years.

>that one infographic you saw on Sup Forums once that showed wealthy blacks score lower than poorest whites

All blacks are connected to their tribal culture. Virtually all blacks are raised around "niggers" who value materialism and other debauchery and promote stupidity and lowlifeness. The wealthiest(does not correlate with most intelligent and capable) are still shackled by this as its a problem of the black communities themselves.

We aren't superior, that's the problem

We're just as susceptible to conquer as any other race and right now we have policy's in place that are putting us last in our own countries

>you gotta be a retard not to understand that being stupid is often times beyond people's control
I fully admit that genetics is a determinant of intelligence and that blacks are genetically predisposed to being less intelligent than whites. In fact that's the crux of my argument. If you're implying they're dumb because of the lack of education we have decades of empirical evidence showing blacks score consistently worse in tests than whites at every single income level. In fact the poorest whites score better than blacks raised in 200k income households! The idea that the problem is socioeconomic in nature just does not hold water, that argument relies entirely on ignoring facts.

Jews are the real master race. Even Sup Forums acknowledges this even though many are still in denial


You just said Occam's razor was a tool. You didn't refute my observations.

Also, Egyptians are genetically middle eastern. Thanks for proving you're a literal delusional "was kangz"

its all subjective really. Jews are the schemers and whites are the builders.


Contrary to strawman I reach these conclusions independently.

>African government officials and warlords
Largely puppets of Western nations exploiting their countries and also simply ineffective leadership due to lack of economic and social investment and general socio-economic cohesion in any artificial post-colonial African state. Warlords rise where the government fails, though actually warlords that aren't related to Islamism haven't been that prominent in Africa in the past decade or so. It's actually fairly peaceful south of the muslim populations compared to recent decades.

>""""""""dark ages"""""""" meme
Good goy

Shut the fuck up, retard. You actually have no idea what you're talking about. You're making shit up as you go and refuse to connect the dots, so let me help you.

>The ailments of nigger countries can be attributed to socioeconomic conditions, theocracy, and their culture itself.
Are you actually stupid enough to believe a people's culture is independent of the people itself? The socioeconomic conditions are shit because nogs are shit at maintaining them. Their culture is primitive because they are primitive. It's that simple.

>Arabs allegedly have low IQ's despite them being genetically similar to Italians, Spanish, and Greeks, the only difference is their living conditions and the religion being forced on their culture.
First off all: bullshit. Southern Italians, Greeks, and Spanish admittedly do have some mixed genes with arabs. However this does NOT mean they are actually 100% arabic, and the way they behave is still kept in line by the white cultures they were born in (white cultures created long ago and which are degenerating day by day). Secondly, yes Arabs have lower IQ's than whites by about ten points, or half a standard deviation. This allows them to have civilization, but it limits how many legitimate genius arabs we hear about. Finally, this "religion forced on their culture" has been part of their culture for centuries. Stop being Islamophibic!

>Asian countries being borderline superior to white countries, especially in regards to intelligence.
China is third world. As for Japs having higher IQ, this is true. On average, Japanese score around 110 IQ, and you're somewhat more likely to find smart Asians than to find smart whites. However, they have different kinds of intelligence. They have a brilliant culture and social system, but I can't easily name nearly as many Asian inventors as white inventors.

I don't have time to argue with you, all you'll be getting is this with the hopes that it educates you so you think better next time.

>ottomans invented science
Holy shit you just permanently discredited anything you say, you're literally some sub 100 iq brainlet

First world countries were made by whites. Enough said.

modern civilization

Fuck off with your shit bait faggot.
Anyone who fucking reads knows what the proof is.

>Twisting yourself in knots to avoid admitting the obvious
Come on man. I know it's hard to deprogram after absorbing decades of propaganda about how all humans are equal, differences are only skin deep, etc. But use your brain here. Consider the following:

1. Genetics influences how people look. Skin color, eye color, how broad your nose is, tall, short, etc.

2. Genetic differences between races can be seen at the skeletal level. Blacks have differently shaped skulls.

3. Genetics influences the level of peoples mental faculties

I'll be you agreed with 1 and 2, obvious fact right? Then you stopped at 3 because you have a mental block screaming at you it's racist to acknowledge there could be any genetic factor in how people develop mentally both as individuals and as societies. But we know there is. Black people are genetically predisposed to being dumber than whites. This is fact. It's backed with piles of data. But it's verboten in scientific circles today because the social pressure to conform to the lie that we're all the same is greater than the need to tell the truth that we're NOT all the same and the reason blacks commit so much crime in every single country they inhabit is because they're genetically predisposed to. It's a racial issue.

T. Non-white

You live in a white country.

Get on a plane and travel through all those non-white countries, and tell me how it goes.

Blacks remain stupid even when cleaved from black culture. Jews remain intelligent despite centuries of (entirely deserved) racial discrimination by gentiles. How about you find some arguments that aren't typically taught in high schools and colleges? It's not like we haven't heard this nonsense a million times already.

Fuck off paypal

No race is superior. Blacks are apt at living in the jungle and playing bongo drums or whatever they do, whites create civilization. Just a difference of specialization really.

They aren't

>high average intelligence
>low consanguinity
>high average height
>good looking
>responsible citizens

>2 superpowers discover nuclear fission both are caucasian
>same 2 into space

yeah that's all i got. USSR breakup was probably a setback for the white man.

show me the genetic studies, i doubt you even fully comprehend genetics as a science.
>using oocums razor to conclude that you are right
if you wanna go full retard that's your prerogative, maybe provide evidence or something, from like a respectable journal, same thing goes for your claims about genetics, also lumping all of africa into one thing just proves you have very little knowledge of how large that continent is, and how cultures come about. prove me wrong.

What language did you ask that question in, Paco?

arabs and related peoples are inbred as fuck, mate.

Not an argument.

Blacks haven't always been given the short end of the the stick, but circumstantially they're one of the most primitive cultures on earth that has never been united or given opportunity to westernize before it was colonized. They have the largest uphill climb to bringing their people up to standard with the modern world, however I've never seen actual evidence that this is connected to their race and not their location and history.

Why wouldn't high-IQ individuals be selected for breeding by being successful warriors and leaders? Even in a primitive society there is social stratification that causes only the smartest and most intelligent people to survive.

Blacks lived in a perfect environment to support their primitive tribalist lifestyle is what I meant.

Australia is a similar environment to Africa as far as supporting their hunter gatherer lifestyle, and it's also fairly isolated as you can't ride the same Indian ocean sea winds that brought early humans there to go anywhere else. They were isolated and they could survive. No other radically different civilizations for thousands of miles, no sociological evolution.

>would still be incompatible with white society for the resentment they feel
People aren't killing every single Asian they see for the actions of the mongol empire.

>and the simple fact that a person will always prefer a member of their own race
If this was true Sup Forums wouldn't be trying to evoke Hitler and white nationalists wouldn't be ramming people with cars for not supporting them.

take an intro to history class, fuck maybe even read a book while you're at it. you'll see that i'm right.
white peolle invented modern science, but the middle east was charting the skies when we were still too stupid to wash ourselves.

we wuz arithmeticians and shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie

Look at the computer you're using. Then go read the US constitution. Afterwards have fun enjoying a free society that was given to you by them.

>Getting money to do studies on racial differences in IQ
Not going to happen. Academic institutions are invested heavily in pushing the idea we're all the same. Any person who tries doing a study on the issue immediately gets stigmatized and blackballed from the academic community immediately. Remember the universities are heavily slanted liberal, protecting their ideology is more important than the facts these days.

That said the data is still there if you look. All you need to do is connect the dots and come to your own conclusion. I mean it's blindingly obvious, which makes the fact that academics refuse to touch the issue with a 10ft pole all the more egregious.

The GDP of historically white nations compared with other nations.

The UK deported its criminal scum to Australia, and they made it a modern, Western society.

The US allowed free black slaves to settle in Liberia, and it's a hellhole without civilization.

Convince yourself faggot, go to a mall in a white area then go to a mall in a black area. Not to buy anything, just watch the people. Everyone at a mall is the lowest common denominator on the IQ bell curve. See and experience for yourself which race is superior.

You can't. There is no empirical argument with a clear picture of the difference of cognitivity between the races on distinct separation of environment, culture, and genetics. However, one can point to history and say objectively that the white population as a whole has accomplished more for society than any other ethnic group. This still holds true today. There is also a growing consensus that the IQ gap is primarily a result of culture and genetics, as a control for the environment shifts the gap very little.

>Commies or nuked hooks


>Islamic Theocracies

Western World
>republics and democratic representation

Tell me, why go to all the effort of making excuses for why every single disparate black people never got past hunter gathering when you have a conclusion that doesn't require drawing long bows? You're ideologically stuck to the idea that there CAN'T be mental differences between races so you're deliberately ignoring the conclusion that best fits the facts. Rather than going "Uhhh, well...This black tribe felt no pressure to advance...and...uhhh, this black tribe didn't meet other peoples..." why not just say "They didn't advance because genetically blacks have low intelligence and couldn't make the leap to agricultural civilization on their own"?

>hai guise plz do research for me


mixed race people reliably average in between the races of their parents. that pretty much proves that IQ is inherited.

nice slide thread yet again.
White nationalism is not white supremacy, and the media's attempts to label it as such is intentionally misinformed. It is preserving our culture and people from being replaced in their own homes by (((special interest groups))) who can't stand our culture. sage and ignore.

You'd be correct if it was only skin color and not other biological differences that played a part.

I personally believe that we must have a pilot program of a segregated school for the top black youth. This would promote a stronger culture of academic achievement among blacks and would allow eventually for more accurate data on the IQ gap.

Whites are only superior to niggers. Rest of world equal.

As someone of Iranian descent living here in the US who believes in the US constitution, libertarian values, and anti-globalism who am I supposed to support? On one hand I hate Jews and niggers are terrible humans who ruin everything (and so are Arab Sunni Muslims desu) but on the other hand you white fags are so obsessed with your MUH WHITE RACIAL SUPERIORITY that you alienate any and all other people who actually agree with most if not all of your viewpoints.

I just dont know what to do.

whites and jews built everything

quit being so emotional for starters

Explain Russia

>Are you actually stupid enough to believe a people's culture is independent of the people itself?
Greeks and Turks are genetically almost identical yet one beheads people in Syria for not having a face veil and the other shitposts on Sup Forums about not paying their debt. American Blacks and Congolese are literally the same people but they have very little in common due to a mere historical 200 or so year divide. Europeans are frail and well educated, white Americans from Europe are fat and stupid. Culture can radically change people independently of the physical traits of the people themselves, that seems like common sense.

>yadda yadda southern Europeans are largely arabs but their culture makes them different
This is my point. Culture supercedes race.

>despite being more intelligent Asians have a different kind of intelligence
Again, culture. Sinospheric culture values discipline and end results over innovation and creativity, partially rooted in their pre-western establishment and pressure to compete with white countries as part of their westernization.

>genetics influences how people look
Nothing to do with intelligence or social capability enough to warrant beliefs of superiority.
>genetics influences at the skeletal level, blacks have differently shaped skulls
Different skull structure is not indicative of a lack of neurological capability.
>Genetics influences the level of peoples mental faculties
Yes, this is true in the case of diseases and disorders such as autism and other physical brain disease. I've yet to actually see evidence that the genetic divide between races is wide enough that the different skeletal and neurological structures actually makes one group inferior to another.

If this is actually the case, could you provide non-anecdotal analysis of the interior brain cavities of blacks and whites and the actual brain differences? Evidence that their neurons and brain structure isn't as developed as whites?

>White nationalism is not white supremacy
Nigga, no one cares about the distinction. You're still retarded either way

Islam had the Greek knowledge for over 1000 years and they hardly did a thing with it. The collapse of Rome was a huge setback and yet other populations had only an equal status to our injured state.

Im not, just pointing out your strategies are redundant

White people are not superior to any race. Just look at what's happening today. They'll cower when you call them names.

"whites and jews built everything"
Then why do whites hate the jews?

Jews dont build shit, they leech off the labor of goyim

where's the arguments rebbit

what strategies, you seem to be an outsider that thinks we're a group mind

Tony Danza was a fag

This infographic is interesting but I find it invalid because even though the parents are of a different race, they seem like they still lived a normal life and were allowed to interact with members of their own race in school and such. Thus even if a black child were raised by white parents, they'd still be free to be exposed to negative degenerating elements of black culture both through media and through school/friends which they would end up identifying with and essentially absolving them into black culture.

Has there been a similar study where the adopted children were homeschooled? That might prove me wrong. I'm curious.

>Jews are still intelligent despite discrimination
Jews are tribalist, but in a different way than blacks. They work together for each other's interests and actively promote, teach, and treat each other as entirely separate members of the societies they live in. They've also accumulated large swaths of wealth which allows them to afford the highest quality education for their children as possible. The fact their IQs are high is not surprising nor indicative of anything.

Sadly we're not

Girl on the left is qt3.14.

>Evidence that their neurons and brain structure isn't as developed as whites
Difficult, because as I said here: The topic is verboten in academia. You can't do a study on the difference in cognitive ability between races, you won't receive approval for money and even if it does get approved then you just get blackballed and kiss your career goodbye. You have the data like here: that clearly shows that it's a nature not nurture issue though.


The concepts of liberty, democracy, and individuality; the greatest art, music, and architecture in the world; the spread of the western model of civilisation across the world; the thirst for science, discovery, morality, philosophy and beauty.
You'd have to be pretty brainwashed not to see it.

Most populations are inbred across the world, inbreeding has only historically stopped being practiced widespread relatively recently.

Correlation is not causation. Who is to say that Liberia is a terrible country rife with war and instability because of aggravated ethnic conflict that has been going on between tribes there for millennia and that the freed slave communities only made it worse? African countries have never entirely been united and westernized, of course there's a contrast. That doesn't mean it's a result of sub-saharan Africans physically being sub-saharan Africans.

Not an argument.

I agree and I haven't seen convincing evidence to the contrary.

Cmon be a little more mature.

>muh Jared Diamond
Oh boy.