Why is Drumpf afraid to use the words "radical white supremacists"?

Why is Drumpf afraid to use the words "radical white supremacists"?

Because patriot is more accurate.

Your question has a false premise and you are a fag

Everyone here hates you

Because hes a Russian puppet.

Why was Obama and every liberal afraid to use the words Radical Islam? Radical Liberalism? Toxic BLM? Toxic Antifa?

Fuck off OP.

Top kek, its like you haven't watched Trump at all for the last two years

Sage goes into the option field.

In all seriousness because it's totally off message for his presidency, would alienate a lot of his supporters and he probably doesn't really give a shit


Because he knows that by not saying it, the media will talk about it so much, they will make themselves look like complete fools. I think he enjoys that more than anything.

4d chess am I right?

Virginia is a weird place.

The entire state is full of abysmally low IQ rural and suburban retards who voted for Trump and then right at the top there's one tiny ass little spot that's populated by the most absurdly, inhumanly, almost extraterrestrially high IQ people who all voted for Hillary. There doesn't seem to be anything in between.

Because he isn't racist


There's absolutely nothing wrong in killing reds and even Trump knows that

Because he's a Jew puppet

>retarded Trump supporters
>genius shillary supporters
You sure about that cuck?

This is an isolated incident of one man
You can't label things without the facts
Also terrorism is an act of war by a foreigner
If anything this is just regular vehicle manslaughter
It probably happened 100 times more today people get hit by cars and die multiple times throughout the day
My bet is if he plays his cards right he'll be out of this mess in no time
So anyway unlike Obama who called out Zimmerman with the whole my son comment and fucked up an innocent mans life
Trump knows better then to do what Obama did
Let the courts decide what he is and shut down blm wlm and cuck lives matter
We'd be better off without all of them

He can't pronounce it or spell it.. therefore silence. He is a fat stupid piece of shit


Oh boy seems like lefty pol are here in full force

Because he is a coward and doesn't want to trigger his special snowflake alt-right terrorist base.

Because that is not what fucking happened you nigger jew faggot cunt shit licking piece of penis cheese.

The blame for this rest entirely on the liberal left's go to protest methods of fuck up the streets and screw anyone trying to get around us. They are using a method of protest that begs people to run them over. Then sob and weep when it happens attacking who ever they disagree with at the time.

The driver could have drove through at 70mph and made a hard right and come through the other direct and killed 90 people and I would not have a single ounce of empathy.

Stay out of the fucking roads you fucking virtue niggers.