Why are leftists and non-whites so hateful towards the idea of whites merely acknowledging a shared heritage and...

Why are leftists and non-whites so hateful towards the idea of whites merely acknowledging a shared heritage and Identity?

>merely acknowledge a shared heritage and Identity
>do it by driving a car into a crowd of living people

can't figure it out?

It's always a prelude to anti-everyone else.

Because they're scared of them.

Because they're weak and can't accept losing their biggest advantage over us.

because (((they))) told them to be upset. Very rarely do non-whites come to conclusions on their own.

Cause your thing is not about shared heritage, it is about gassing jews and lynching blacks. You know it. This is just immature extremism from frustrated young males. If you don't grow out of it you are truly a degenerate.

Shutup, faggot. These idiots shouldn't be monkeying around in the street

You are merely a confused and misled frustrated young man.

>acknowledging the right to subjugate people based on their race

We've been vilified to the point of not being able to be proud of anything. It gets labeled as "evil" or "racists" if we do it.

Today reminded me not to get complacent. People are actively gunning for white people now, folks. Keep your head on a swivel and don't get comfortable.


Quality bait but reddit tier smugness


Because theyre racist

Because some nonwhites were born here and consider America their home and they know that white identitarians would force them to leave and go to an unfamiliar land if they ever took control, or possibly just kill them.

>literal fucking nazi salutes and gun strapped redneck facists

Leftists hate it because they are consumed with the idea that the existing culture is corrupt and needs to be destroyed in order to ensure true equality. Non-whites hate it because they're inferior and jealous.

Not representative, obviously.


Who's talking about subjugation? It's almost like you resort to strawmanning and putting words in our mouths because you know that our point on its own is eminently reasonable.

Checked. It's fair to acknowledge that there are a lot of non-whites for whom America is their home, though. They have a credible claim to an ethnic homeland in America as well.


>Who's talking about subjugation?
op is with
> idea of whites merely acknowledging a shared heritage and Identity?
thats their shared heritage


But user, it's a ridiculous oversimplification to reduce the history of Europeans to "subjugating others".

It's ingrained in their minds that whites organizing = genocide of everyone else.

I don't think the Confederate flag is a pro white symbol though. The north wasn't against slavery and it wasn't abolished just by winning the civil war. Confederacy was about rebellion and anti government, not white pride.

> celebrating traitors to the country

Sherman didn't go far enough. He should have razed every square inch of the South

For the last fucking time, communists are not people.

You started it :)

After so many "misrepresentations" you have to accept it might not have a unifying meaning anymore. Your heritage has been hijacked by racists.

But user, the Confederacy thought it was fighting for what it saw as the true image of America.

Despite the fact that jews and muslims were the ones selling people into slavery.

Finished that for you

shut up finland.go fap to lauren southern

ITT: whites whining about not being able to gather when they've been doing it for years. Whites pretending that the KKK doesn't exist and that in the history of whites in the US a lot of whites celebrating their whiteness included a black person dead in the middle and them holding torches

>fin calling others frustrated young men

A traitor is a traitor no matter what their misguided beliefs are.

Lee and every Confederate official should have swung from the gallows

did they?

>Why are leftists and non-whites so hateful towards the idea of whites merely acknowledging a shared heritage and Identity?

The question pretty much answers itself: Divide and conquer. Only by turning whites against each other, cowing them, making them ashamed of who they are, and teaching them their new place as second-class citizens can the agenda be furthered.

When whites unite, brown folks take fright; when they're apart, they aren't so smart.

You're too good for us simple folk. You should move somewhere like germany. All of the multicultural diversity and sophisticated people. They would love you.

but they didn't because the union couldn't prove treason lol.

>antifa attack random car with baseball bats
>one of them gets hit
>the driver wasn't even affiliated with the protestors
Truly this is the fault of white nationalism.

Your id answered your question

I think it's because white nationalism is the biggest threat to Marxism in the West.

Whites tend to be naturally individualistic, and favor capitalism to a degree that other races don't. White nationalism creates a unified platform for these values. As such, communists feel they need to destroy white solidarity, and import as many dark-skinned 3rd-worlders as possible to dilute the voting pool and shift support towards leftism.

There's also the fact that some white globalist neoliberals favor open borders for the sake of expanding their markets, but they are doing it mostly for the shekels and feel they won't be affected by "cultural enrichment" from their secured mansions in their lifetime.

Welcome to the party comrade. Take no notice of those free speech loving barbarians.

>the driver wasn't even affiliated with the protestors

Fake news

Because we don't share an identity.
I don't identify with your made up idea of heritage.

Are you an artist?
Do you have a college level understanding of science? (If you deny global warming you don't, even if you think you do)

I also believe in big government. No famous civilization had a weak government, we can only accomplish big things when we work together.

Being a confederate is just being an asshole. They are the biggest cry baby liars in the history of the US.
They just lie about what the flag means saying it was "economics", knowing full well the entire southern economy was based around exploiting slaves for cotton to be sold to shipyards around the world.
When we told them you can't have slaves anymore, they started complaining about big government fucking up their economy.
Even when you go to the museums in the south, they hardly acknowledge slavery, they just play the victim card of a bunch of Yankees ruining their life.

August 27th return of the stickman
Fight marxism in berkeley

I agree, it's terrible when members of the public use public space


good call lesson learned, here's yer upboat

I agree Germany has always been known as the world's melting pot

why does the salt-right use "southern culture" as a wedge to divide America?

There are tons of things to be proud of about our country, but you choose to glorify slavery and treason.


>lost a civil war
>demands to be represented in the modern day

That's now how it works, snowflakes.

they fought and lost a war over it so yeah

I agree, vigilantism is important. If somebody hurts your property, don't report to the many officers around. Instead, mortally would a group of their associates who may or may not have been directly involved.

It's the American way. Twenty Saudis committed 9/11, so we went to war with Afghanistan and Iraq. See?

ITT everyone ignores this posts

the white nationalist are doing it wrong, as bad as the stupid left. whites need a better way to assemble their pointless shit

Kinda like what Zimbabwe and South Africa are doing?

>hurrp derp, white nationalism = white supremacy meme

dont forget newfag the first president of the united states had slaves and you all love the fuck out of him. stupid fucking white people. ALL YOUR PRESIDENTS NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM HISTORY EXCEPT OBAMA


As shitty as slavery was, think about what happened to all the blacks who moved north after the civil war. All of those union faggots loved to virtue signal and talk about racial equality, but when it came time to employ, house, and feed the new negroes in town, the yankees segregated and created ghettos. Look at the contrast between the north and south. Blacks lived on the same land as whites, they were fed, housed, and had to pull their fair share (had jobs).

black people can't be racist because they lack the ability to oppress, silly

Why do Nazis want to kill Jews and black people?

I know right? Burning white people alive is just part of dey culcha.

Socialism is an engine to restore workers to the poverty that capitalism lifts them free of. It is promoted by the billionaire class to serve a class warfare agenda.
Be yourself, pursuing your own interests in a capitalistic manner, and you can ensure that every step along the path to your own wealth gains the world even more than it gains you.
Not from the benevolence of the baker do we get our daily bread!

It's rooted in the oppression of PoC.

I thought commies wanted to kill the bankers.

>Why are leftists and non-whites so hateful
The best answer is: listen to what they say about whites, and then realize that *projection means they're talking about themselves*.

So just go read posts on Sup Forums, or Twitter, or anywhere else, and the leftists and non-whites will spout off in endless detail about the actual truth of their character - because they think they're talking about someone else.

Because whites are the biggest liars. Youre not white. Youre albino descndend and DEEPLY ashamed of it. DEEPLY ASHAMED.

So yeah, cross that line first before asking for other shit. You guys live in a fake world. A matrix. All because you are weak and recessive and cant handle the truth my mutie cave beast brothers.

Mainly jews

Blacks are just being rowdy negros. Jews have fed them the idea that since the US still stands as a white nation it represents oppression.

Jews are trying to get blacks to have thier own revolution. Actively funded by soros.

Whites be like "We were Inner earth Agharthans! we were tall white nordics!"

No you, you were born out of a disease. And it DEEPLY shames you.

Theres no supremacy is deficiency.

>After so many "misrepresentations" you have to
No, I don't "have to" acquiesce to your narrative about what my heritage is just because x event happened.

Yeah. Subjugating others is a human thing, not a white thing.

>ITT: whites whining
It's not fair to characterize our dissent as "whining" simply because you disagree.
>white history involves hurting foreigners
Indeed. And also a lot of other stuff. Just like every other culture on Earth. Doesn't undermine our right to celebrate it as we see fit.

Who's a traitor and who's a patriot is determined by who wins and writes the history books.

No White People descended from these primates.

(pic related)

You're either a black [age and gender not important], or a 15 year old white girl, riddled with white guilt. You love to mooch off the bountiful society the white man has created, but if anyone around you were to acknowledge this fact, your jimmies would explode. Stop being a big baby and just say: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, WHITE PEOPLE.

The south has been flying the confederate flag for decades.

It wasn't until a year or two ago that uppity liberal millennials decided that it hurt their feelings.

kill yourself fag

Face it nigger, your just an ape with an internet connection.

Hate begets hate. Simple enough, user.

You don't want to be hated? Try hating less.

>blames white people for the actions of one person, unaffiliated
>tries to make the argument that you can't do the same for a crowd of niggers that illicit a violent reaction
>when being a faggot interferes with your ability to perceive things logically and not be a hypocrite

No, these primates descended from those, and you descended from these. Faggot. Its called logic. You use brain you scared little mutie bitch.

White liberal don't have culture or history, they live in dysfunctional and broken up families . It's jealousy and envy towards white people who have traditions and customs to celebrate.

Straight hair comes from missing hair proteins, a side effect of albinism, a deficieny disease. This noses and lips came from natural selection during an ancient ice age.

Know you know faggot. Youre welcome you lil pussy.

inb4 muh skull


Those patriotic, civic minded Americans aren't the ones raping girls at (((occupy protests))), or assaulting multiple innocent people with bike locks and other weapons, or destroying the private property of people who are just trying to put food on their tables.
Also sweetie, no one throws the heil or talks about "linchin' naygers", this is just your own racist way of painting all whites as "them".

Youre not white. Youre albino descended and very ashamed of it. Cowards.

Get a load of this dumb nigger.

Im not even black. Youre just some lonely faggot lashing out. I have a sexy white gf lol. Youre a fucking lonely nobody, a social reject of society. KYS

A lot of shit happened between 1750 and 1850.
The north always treated their slaves better too.

You guys made the decision to ignore modern sensibilities and idea of humans being worth more than money.

Fuck the south, fuck your stupid grandparents, fuck you shit dad, and fuck you.
You can not stop freedom. In the free market of people, if you want to be successful, you better smarten up

Youre just a lonely old man. A weak bitch and a coward. Cower at the truth mutie. I know youre scared. You should be.

Whats it like? Being cucked by your own racism. Irony at its finest. Karmic Justice.

>all this projection

holy fuck my sides

For blacks, the symbol on the right held them in chattel slavery for the better part of a century, and then suppressed and terrorized them for another.

I can't, in good conscience, be upset with blacks for taking offense to Confederate symbolism and groups cloaking themselves in Confederate regalia.

pick none

>anonymous person judging another anonymous person
I think you are a nigger. You have to be stupid to assume you know every person you encounter on an ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD YOU APE

Ofc you need to pretend thats the case you weak beta lonely Bitch. You get no pussy you coward little faggot. Fucking loser. 1

t. baizuo

Oooh noooo! The big scary evil kkk?! My friend Jameek says they hanged a gorrilion black peepul, because the kkk is such a large and active group, especially over the last thirty years.

The South didn't kill enough Yankees.

That's your fantasy, reality is that your just a shitskin loser

I know youre a souther poorfag who is lonely and FAT as shit. Go molest your poor dog cletus you fucking ugly motherfucker. Fucking loser ass.

Albinos don't tan you deranged shitskin

Because it's terrifying to them
They might get utterly btfo

>he's still going

Keep that impotent rage coming, boy.

> >all this projection
Yeah, but they can't accept it's projection - since that would mean they'd have to accept it was true about them.

That's why they have to project themselves all over other people.

Reality is your whore of a mother filed for divorce and ruined any chance for you to have a normal life. You will always be like that. Broken and sad.

Theres no cure for whore mother faggot. To bad the color of your skin didnt count where it mattered bitch.

Whats it like being mega ashamed of your own origins. Having Zero pride in yourself and instead, intense shame and denial. Fucking weak beta bitch.

Lmao you will be lashing out your whore of a mothers divorce for the rest of your life broken home billy.

Oh fuck off, the libtards can't afford to move to western Europe so they'll come over here.