My older brother converted to Islam... Help Sup Forums

So... That's it. We're not really really religious in my family but basically my brother went through an atheist phase and recently he went on vacation with his friends, some of them are Arabs... He came back a week ago and I noticed some arabic writings in it when I came across his room, I did not look it up because we went to eat but I saw it.
Then yesterday he was out all day and when he came back home last night he explained to us during dinner that he went to a mosque with two other friends (who converted as well) and pledged allegience "to Allah and His messengers". My father was surprised but was like "well... ok" but my mother is afraid of it and haven't spoke to him since yesterday and idk I don't feel like talking to him.

How would you react Sup Forums? What should I do?

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I noticed arabic writings on his computer*

Dude wtf... keep yourself safe. Do you have sisters? Is so it is now your job to kill him when the time comes...

I don't think he's going full islamism but he's truly more quiet than before and looks serene... But that's still scary to me... I don't want to loose him

Remember: Islam is SUBMISSION!
Who sodomized your bro? Own those bitches, put them in their place, and your brother will be fine.

I would have probably have lost it in anger so hard that my family would be scared of me. I'd threaten to kill him. What an absolute traitor.

convert too you retard

He stopped being your brother. He is going to cut your heads off while you sleep one night. Cast him out.

lol, went from atheist to islam... is he a retard?

The answer is a Dodge.

Wow... we may actually cuck ourselves to the point islam simultaneously saves the west and destroys it with a muslim civil war.

I just don't know how to feel... He's truly a nice guy it'd be hard to hate him
No he's still my brother
More like some agnoticism shit

If you can't dodge it, ram it!

Kill him.


>How would you react Sup Forums? What should I do?

Fill the house with bacon.

you already lost him, if he lives at home kick him out and shun him from the family forever gratz your brother is a genelet

Congrats. You should do the same.

>to the point islam simultaneously saves the west
I don't know... I know that he shares conservative views with Islam

Welp the only thing left to do now is to kill him.

Also get Catholicism and put crosses and Jesus up.

what i would do is kick his ass, hypotheticaly speaking. then never speak to him again

you're brother died, user. move on in life

Ask him shit about shoulder angels and muhammads winged horse besides the splitting of the moon to see how hard he actually believes.

Natural progression. Europe was christian in the 19th century, atheist in the 20th century and will be Muslim in the 21st century.

>What should I do?

Post his feet :^)

Your brother is dead. Tell your parents to make a new one.

all religions are submission to the divine dumbfuck

Kick his ass

But in other religious the divine is inside yourself. You dont do what the Imam says you read the books yourself.

Remind him this means he can't eat pork and drink alcohol, if he's sane he'll change his mind

I automatically knew you were from France from reading the title. Your country is fucked frog

Tu lui expliques que l'Islam est un régressement intellectuel qui, face aux difficultés existentielles, offre la soumission.
La destiné d'un homme est de prendre sa vie en main. Ces faux préceptes l'aident juste car ils comblent un vide dans sa vie, mais c'est illusoire.

Puis tu conclues en lui expliquant que c'est pour son bien et tu lui donnes une pêche

I am of the belief that religion is a source of courage and strength. Your brother went from atheist to Muslim, he probably doesn't really believe in the religion but sees the sense in converting to it for the benefits. Can you have 3 wives in France? I'm a conservative agnostic and I would do it just for that if I was interested in trying to secure I high enough paying job to feed my extra large family.


I'm not the chief of the family, my father is, and my father doesn't really care about his conversion
I don't think Europe will be Muslim, not all Muslims are ultra religious here
He doesn't like alcohol and prefers weed

Why don't you convince him with facts and arguments rather than spazzing out?

Maybe he is going through a phase, try to convince him Islam is inherenttly violent, repressive and repulsive compared t christianity. There are a fuckload of sites devoted for this on the internet. Hell, there are liveleak videos of ISIS mutilating innocent people, and throwing them off buildings.

Ask him why hes following a rapist and pedophile

Praise Allah and submit kuffar
All of France will be like Marseille soon

And the divine is not inside yourself in islam? And don't do what the imam says? Who do you thinks writes these books? Hint: it's clergymen

Convert him to Christ. Redpill him on Mohammed and the inconsistencies of the Quran.
>The Quran was written by a false prophet with no eyewitnesses
>blatantly false prophesies
>contradicting statements
>says the Bible is true, but the Bible says the Quran is false -> The Quran itself basically admits it's false
Meanwhile the Bible
>was written by multiple eyewitnesses
>has fulfilled prophesies
>miracles that were actually observed by other people and not just claimed by the "prophet" himself
>not a single contradiction
>directly warns about a false prophet coming and changing the word of God

Some of them, like some of us, are violent. Some of them, like some of us, are not.

The resource distribution and perceived inequality causes radicalization across cultures.

There was a study where two AI's got along until "resources" could no longer be shared. While not a perfect metaphor, I think it's a relatively accurate description.

Try to treat him the same and not alienate him SOLELY on his new beliefs. If it has to come to it, point out ACTIONS because, in my personal experience, condemning someone's beliefs rather than actions tends to result in their heels digging in deeper.

>prefers weed
He is a kuffar. Behead him to teach everyone a lesson. Allah does not tolerate degenerate weed smokers

Alhamdulillah! This is great news :)

>atheism is so cool!
>I'm such an intellectual
>I'm so far above all the sheep and their blind dogma
>islam is so cool!
>I'm so progressive
>I'm so far above the racist bigots and their blind dogma


There are no inconsistencies in the Quran.

On a serious note, watch out. The converts are the ones that terrorist propaganda targets.

Stay close to him, if your family rejects him it's going to worsen things.

Essaie de parler religion avec lui, identifie ses amis convertis et ceux sui auraient pu le convertir.

Si il a été converti par internet il faudra rester très vigilant et en parler à tes parents. Il existe aussi des numéros d'aide mis en place par le gouvernement.

Il est peut-être aussi en phase dépressive, envisage l'éventualité d'aller voir un psychiatre.

Bonne chance user

Your brother is the the ultimate edge lord lol. Tell him to an hero but only if he gets a good tan and grows a beard out first.

Its an amalgamation of people along time ago. Bible started as spoken word. No one person controls it and there is debate to this day about anything in there and if its approved or not.

Muslims dont even read their shit obey their imam and the whole religion was made up because arabs were butthurt anyways. That is why the magic box is in the middle of no where everywhere else was taken by Christians and jews. When Islam was made up only shit places were left.

>How would you react Sup Forums? What should I do?
Now he can get all the good bitches. Are you jealous?

Omnipotence doesn't want you to be submissive.
Wrestle with god and your faith will be renewed.

The Qurans dont even match each other.

Tell him he can't smoke weed either then

>dad accepts it
>mom passive
>notice flag
Just surrender. That's worked out for you before right?

What's wrong with being a Muslim?

OP, there are debates and serious and respectful interaction with Islam in the channels I'll share, and a gospel presentation at the bottom.

Good channels, hopefully they help people.

A true Gospel presentation. Hopefully those who haven't heard watch, and those who have can share this.

He told me he already went through all of what he calls "misconceptions" and believes that the Holy Trinity is just pure bullshit, also he told me that the Bible isn't reliable anymore in terms of transmission
Je lui ai dit un truc du genre "mais pourtant t'étais agnostique parce que tu pensais que la religion rendait les gens aveugle" et il m'a sorti un verset qui dit que comme quoi faut poursuivre le savoir et tout et tout...
>On a serious note, watch out. The converts are the ones that terrorist propaganda targets.
I know that's why I'm worried I don't want him to be a wahhabi filth.
>Stay close to him
Yeah plus I don't want to loose him & this whole thing is putting a weird atmosphere around me and him
Et non je pensais aussi que c'était comme une phase suite à une tristesse mais il a cassé avec son ex depuis bien longtemps et a passé l'été avec ses potes tout heureux mais bon... merci camarade

//salembenammar.wordpress. com/2016/02/25/si-lislam-etait-verite-les-musulmans-nauraient-pas-la-phobie-de-la-critique-de-lislam/


Read these for a start

There are literally Qurans from like a thousand years ago that match the ones today.

>has fulfilled prophesies
name one
>not a single contradiction
lol this is what fundamentalists actually believe

Tell that to Iran


Tie him up beat this shit out of him with a dead pig.

They're also written in a language so old it's hard to get a proper meaning from them. Wtf is a fitnah?

Choose one and only one

Good for him. He probably found traditionalism somewhere else.

What's exactly the problem?

Try pouring pig blood to the entrances to your house,see how he likes that. Your brother is gone now,only muslims in the turkey are peaceful,others are just terrorist or jihadist material

Why don't you convert as well? Also there's nothing wrong with being a Wahhabi as long as you're not violent. Those people are the most conservative in existence on this entire planet.

You need to go back.

You should ditch the fucker. If he is this much of a traitor that he would so easily, voluntarily convert to the religion that Europeans have been fighting against for more than a thousand years then he should be disowned. If I were you I would also never trust anything he says ever again seeing as how he betrays his family and country at the drop of a hat.

Only problem with islam is that it's full of muslims

t. sunni faggot

Smother him with a pillow in his sleep.

The old ones do not match the ones from today. Hell current ones have differences Muslims just ignore it and pretend otherwise.

perform an honor killing on him to clear your family name, your brother loves that shit anyways

Honor killing is the only solution user. You're living with a traitor.

Tell him to buy a truck

I like some aspects of Islam in terms of conservativism and anti-feminism but I don't see myself converting to it... I don't know about it and I see it as a foreign religion, not the religion of my land. And I'm afraid of wahhabis they're ISIS tier man...
He's my brother user... I've always been close to him
Isn't it a Muslim thing?

honestly if your dad doesnt care he isnt the head of the family
tell your brother to stay inside his room if he doesnt wanna get his ass kicked every day

make sure he trust you (pretend you're interested in his beliefs) and spy on him and his "friends", he might get radicalized

Muslims recruiters are well-trained to brainwash the youth.

best of luck OP

Convert to Sikhism then kill him.
Be a good bro

He needs to come to Jesus Christ.

Most Wahhabis are peaceful my dude. I've interacted with them before. A lot of them don't even believe in violence against oppressive governments because they see it as violating the Koran. ISIS-tier are very rare among a total proportion.

Also Christianity was also a foreign religion to Europe at one point. I think Islam can be Europeanized, shed a lot of its cultural baggage, while at the same time strengthening Europe's conservatism and eliminating liberal degeneracy.

>believes that the Holy Trinity is just pure bullshit
The first chapter of Genesis proves the trinity. "Let us create..."
>inb4 Angels
Angels can't create.
>the Bible isn't reliable anymore in terms of transmission
We still have the original Greek version. It's not like a game of telephone.
The Bible is STRICTLY more reliable than the Quran for the reasons I mentioned earlier. Also Jesus didn't write the bible himself, multiple eyewitnesses did. Meanwhile the Quran was written by ONE person calling HIMSELF a prophet.

Name ONE contradiction.

Look up the Tajfel experiments and the Robbers Cave experiment, commie.

Back to your Syrian general shitskin.

Wouldn't that apply to Christianity too?

You don't get it
Islam is a spiritual trap. Every man has void in his life, a lack of meaning. But you have to overcome this through work on yourself. The real strength comes from within.
On the contrary, Islam offers you to fill that void in exchange of submission to god. It's a lot like selling your soul

Taqiyya in effect right there. Why don't you show your flag?

Relgion of pennis

C'était pas à moi que tu disais ca, mais le Coran non plus n'est pas fiable. Le Coran actuel a été établi au XIXe il me semble, des siècles après la Bible, qui est inchangé depuis au moins l'invention de l'imprimerie, c'est même le premier livre imprimé: la Bible de Gutenberg, et elle existe toujours aujourd'hui.

En comparaison, tous les exemplaires ancien du Coran.ont été détruits. Des tablettes contemporaines de Mahomet découvertes au Yemen ont été détruites par les autorités religieuses d'Arabie Saoudite.

Il est d'ailleurs prouvé et communément admis que le Coran a été modifié par les Califes au cours des siècles (comme la Bible par les Papes au Moyen-Âge), on sait même quelles parties ont été ajoutées par quels Califes. Le Coran était un outil politique très puissant, il est plus facile de soumettre un peuple à la volonté divine plutôt qu'à la volonté du dirigeant.

Bref il y a de quoi le convaincre, mais évidemment il faudra du temps, sois patient et n'hésite pas à chercher de l'aide auprès de spécialistes de l'endoctrinement.

Have not you not read the gospels? You know, those things that present different accounts of the same events? Do you even know how to read?

Let him live his life bro

>I think Islam can be Europeanized
too much work
And Europeanized Islam would be akin to traditional Christianity, it's simpler to reboot Christianity than to convince people to follow a foreign religion

>multiple eyewitnesses did.
Paul was a subversive kike that kiked them all.

Syrians hate Wahhabis lol they comprise a large portion of the ones destroying the country

Your brother is a pedophile. That is the ONLY APPEAL of islam, is abuse, rape, and subjugation of women, especially underage girls. YOU NEED TO KILL YOUR BROTHER.

No there are not. And all the ones contemporary to Muhammad have been willfully destroyed.

The oldest Coran is in England, and doesn't match the "actual one" at all.

The current Coran was established less than 2 centuries ago. You should definitely read about the history of the Coran from unbiased sources (western historians for example).

No shit. Go fight in your thread about your shit civil war.
Everywhere the Saudis touch turns into conflict.

I did read it and can't find any contradictions between the accounts.
Why can't you name one? I know why, because there are none. Give me actual verses, I won't just take your word for it.