I wanna see the ugliest thing/person you can find

I wanna see the ugliest thing/person you can find


go to /bant/ son



10 trillion hours in paint


Is that Styxhexenhammer666 yearbook photo?

What the fuck did Styxhexenhammer do to you?



what;s wrong with his right eye?

is he winking?


This merchant needs to be upgraded to a rare merchant.


Take a look in the mirror

Can anyone turn these gypos black?

or should i goto /r/



omg thats made me really sad, poor fucker.


It's suppossed to say "OP"

behold, hamplantaget prime

opening my "libtards" folder.

good heavens, wtf

Any nigger.



I don't know the story behind the picture, but rest assured that I have other, more fucked up ones saved. I'll dump a couple to help this thread.

That looks like the Blob. How the hell is this even possible



Pretty is pretty, but only ugly can be beautiful.




Dude Styx is /fa/bulous

Is that Styxenhammer