I guess the World Peace cancellation is really taking its toll on Sam

I guess the World Peace cancellation is really taking its toll on Sam.

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Ya kinda but not really, Sam is Sam

>you thought wrong
This is how you do it
Too many people back down and get all apologetic when they're confronted over saying something offensive
These people already don't respect you, why pretend to hide your beliefs for them?

The picture that the media doesn't want you to see.

Hmmm no sorry sweetie, still the same good old sam

Sam realizes that you should never apologize or yield in any way, that's exactly what they want. This is war and in war there are casualties.

The Sam Hyde meme is only funny in the first few minutes during the happening. It's annoying as fuck after.

I like his comedy but he's a retarded hypocrite desu

Agree then amplify really takes apology collecting whores right off their game.

Right-wing """"""""""""""comedy""""""""""""""""""""""

This, though I'll admit it's nice to see Sam isn't being a complete cuck.

You are fat zero talent nobody.

Sam is hilarious, he's just being ironically edgy guys ;)

I am 5'11 150 bitchboi

He's not wrong though.

Guess we know why you're a communist now.

did she died?


Lay off the soy, faggot.

Kinda expected him to fake apologise and then go even harder LOL.

good old hoidel

fucking PC police, how dare they cancel my show for being edgy

DId you guys saw his interview for Rebel Midia?


Also, always related....
