Peterson is starting to get on my nerves

I don't know why. I used to listen to him a lot and found him to be leaps and bounds more insightful than...yet that OTHER LEAF who talks about US politics non stop (which is an interesting topic of itself), ya know, the cult leader Molymeme.

Peterson seems to be distancing himself from right and he looks like he's bout to flip any day, which can mean only one thing - they got to him. He was conveying traditionalist and even religious messages too efficiently, he has an incredible talent to distill the most complex or intriguing message in a very simple yet not simplistic way, a true talent, unlike that Molymeme faggot who really is a self obsessed sociopath who loves the smell of his own fart, he never stops with one stupid pathetic analogy when he's lecturing others, he has to stack 2-3 peasant-level analogies in every single sentence he utters.

Compared to Peterson, he's trash. But Peterson seems to be drifting away from right wing ideas, so they got to him, because he needs the money plus reputation but mostly, I believe, the reason they got to him is because he was too good and talking and no normie, especially no leftoid faggot normie could ever debate him on any topic.

So now he's full on larp "middle of the road leaning left he he" mode. Shame.

Other urls found in this thread:

Or he thinks neo nazis are retarded. I dont agree with him on a lot but he's a relatively smart man and like anyone with a triple digit IQ he realizes Nazism and White Nationalism are braindead.

He has always been leery of political ideologies. He is right. The enforcing of right action and conduct by the state is tyranny. Nazi bullshit is as bad as commie bullshit. The opposition to the neoliberals/neoconservatives is being destroyed by all of this.

>>Peterson seems to be distancing himself from right
He never liked the "far right" (i.e. anyone right of Sargon).

He's only been praising the Kekistanis for the memes, he already denounced the "far right" as a response to political correctness that obviously must never be allowed to exist here:

The entire point of his cult is to gather everyone who would otherwise end up on the right and give them meaningless self-improvement tasks so that they can pretend they're doing something.

He's too scared to admit to himself that the time for dialogue has already passed and is just serving as an obstructionist on this front due to it.

Just another relatively sheltered academic who doesn't experience the real world past whatever nutjobs he bothers himself with as a clinician or whatever. Smart guy and he helped by clarify a great deal in my life but he's an absolute political pussyfooter that can't see the writing in the wall and believes that violence solves nothing.

>White Nationalism

Hello rabbi.

Enforcing right action and conduct is tyranny? So what are our options? Left actions and conduct? Oh wait we have that and we had that for approx. 50 years. Great results.

Let's not cave in to only possible right-wing conduct - Natzy.

So many Natzys and White Nationalists. I love how being a "white nationalist" has been cultivated to evoke Hitler imagery. I wish I was black so I could be woke Blakk Panther nothing wrong with that let me win an olympic medal for USA because I hate USA so much, and after I win the medal I'll flash my "gang signs" but no problem, as long as I'm not a white nationalist natzy.

As corny as it sounds, we fight them with the truth, and if necessary we die with the truth. Either way, they can not defeat us. Let them be the villain, let them spit and attack. They are only fighting what they fear. If we stay in the right, then we can never lose, and you will find people will join our side. This alt right nonsense is not going to help. The fight is against tyranny and all ideologies that spread it.

>the time for dialogue has already passed

No no user don't say that, we must remain civilized and hope someone will debate ideas fair and square, while cops are in cahoots with jews who payroll mayors to disrupt any protest right of bowing down to Marx, and not just disrupt but actively maim violence.

Let's put the Natzys in the center of attention, but let's not talk about a Trump-obsessed lefty who shoots his neighbor two times in the head for political differences.

We need more podcasts, more interviews, more self authoring and more larp in general. Larp shall set us free.

It's time to let your father go, guys. I hope Peterson has been useful for those of you who had absent or deceased fathers. The only guidance you need right now is the guidance that your SELF (not your self image, but your "spirit" with its intuition) gives you.

his ENTIRE morality is based on the idea that HITLER was based and violence is bad.

he's a gigantic cuck

Right on goy!

Could you expand on "self" in the way you've defined it? Never really thought about it like that before

You listen to Peterson for sorting, not for politics dumbo.

he never was right wing you delusional fag

Taking the middle of the road is fine; if he feels this is the better approach then so be it. He's entitled to his own choice of actions, as are we all. Besides, the man has meaningful insights useful to many. Let him act as the gateway to greater truths to those who would be unwilling to hear them at first.

You're all members of kekistan, Peterson is diametrically opposed to the skeptic community, would you blame him for distancing himself from a bunch of neckbeard facilitators.

nothing he has said in his most recent video is out of character.

Kind of hard to find it in the Bible where Jesus says you should turn the other cheek when you got acid thrown in your face...

He's opposed to totalitarian ideologies like national socialism because he's smart enough to know what it will eventually result him. You should probably start listening to him before you find much too late that you're the one in the gas chamber.

>his ENTIRE morality is based on the idea that HITLER was based

I really didn't listen to his Hitler

Also, I'm tempted to give him one last try, a lot of his Biblical lesson videos are popping in my youtube I might try and listen...although I really had enough of him.

There's a video where he talks about Charlotsville riots and the entire video is about him going back and forth with some journalist (hahahahah what??) who described him as alt right in his piece...

He almost starts to cry in that vid, WHAT THE FUCK is his problem. I have a big problem when I see grown men start crying that often that easy...especially when those same people are tellin me to sort myself out...

He was great on demented LGBT subhumans and the whole gender pronoun fiasco, maybe that's why they got to him and told him to tone it down, because his arguments were too good for normies to buy into jew propaganda...

Plus we can't forget his low-key shitting on jew lies with constantly bringing up Gulag Archipelago...a book that puts "muh holofuck" in question...

Fuck...why are all these ecelebs frail as shit...

The man you are listening to is not the Sup Forumsack race realist you want to be listening to. You are already redpilled, you have no reason to listen to him for anything other than his life improvement videos.
Peterson is a ever so slight right-leaning centrist making him dangerous to the left.
There is a reason they tried to ban his Youtube Channel. They know he is a major threat. Whether you like him or not he is the perfect tool to bring other people to our side. He is a very likable and intelligent man as well as a seemingly trustable person being an ex-Harvard and current University of Toronto professor. There is already evidence of him being able to turn feminist crazies to our side.

Please realize that leftists and normies are not going to come to our side by immediately listening to Holocaust deniers, Nazi sympathizers, and race realists. They've been taught their whole lives that such beliefs are evil and insane. They will not listen and it will only push them away. Meanwhile people like Peterson are the perfect tool to ease leftists into the right. Do not attack him in any way. He is currently one of our most valuable assets. It's unlikely we will ever get another man as reputable as he is on our side.

The self is about acknowledging urges and (strange) ideas you might have. No need to act on them or suppress them, but recognize them and at least pay attention to your instincts.
And most importantly: not giving a fuck how other people may perceive you and also not judging yourself.
Altough it is a hippie book, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tole has a good foreword about the self versus the self-image and the benefits of meditation. The foreword is the best part of the book, no need to read the rest.

Self is often confused with self-image. Peterson's future and past authoring is an example of this: judging yourself from a third point perspective (aka how others see you)
It's also very strange that his great video on the psychological aspect of good body posture (shoulders back, back straight, an outward posture) is the opposite of the self-authoring (self-judging)

image scared the fuck out of me

Lauren Southern?

>Nazism and White Nationalism
>lumping the two together
I smell a big kike

He's a frail if not tortured soul that has already half scared himself to death with thorough exploration of the horrors of mankind particularly in the last hundred years. There are topics which deeply unnerve, sadden, and shake him and you can begin to infer what they are by indeed just looking for that characteristic watering of his eyes and warbling voice.

Had he been born ten years earlier the guy might have had a hope in hell of changing the way things have been headed but as things presently stand I bet he's just deathly afraid that he's too late to change what he sees coming and simply views the leftist agitation he meets as unwelcome affirmation that things are completely out of control. He knows that it ends poorly for people who are such progressive vulture harpy filth when they meet someone already ideologically committed and prepared for violence.

He's party to the disintegration of civil western society and fully knows it, and couldn't stop it. He also knows that his thoughts are being employed as tools by individuals he wouldn't deem savory.

Kill your father.
Slay the princess
Save the dragon!

Because you are trying to save your enemy. The SJWs have taken Christianity and perverted it. They are literally antichrist. You turn the other cheek for the person smacking you, not for yourself. People too often think it is an easy thing to turn the other cheek, and do not realize it is the most difficult thing in the world. You love your enemy, that he may be pulled out of the fire. You love your enemy because you yourself had been an enemy once. It is easy to strike out, but it is hard to love him who hits you.

He was always doing his own thing, individualism.

He's "right wing" when he's attacking the enemy, but, a British liberal when he's defending his point of view.

British liberalism is the core of western civilisation that (((they))) want to destroy on behalf of their "King".

Marry your father.
Kill the princess.
Fuck the dragon.

This. Ability to see the whole picture is one of the central topics in his lectures. But no, why bother with research, when we have memes.

You have to understand that people in the spotlight have to think of publicity.

We don't.

You think the president wants to be supportive of a movement that is now linked to "White supremacy".

The fucking "Alt-Right" is a fabrication and controlled by Soros and his ilk. You think the jews just fund Antifa?


We are not "Alt-Right". We don't have a leader. We are not an organized group. Fuck the kekistani kids too.

kikes want you to become radical and follow this spencer faggot so you can be labeled as a nazi or whatever the fuck they want to call you this week. Divide and conquer. They fund the left, right and everything in between to create instability and chaos.

Kill your father
Fuck the princess
Marry the dragon

This sums it up nearly completely.

I would expand it to add that he is a victim of his own popularity. With him being high in openness, incredibility sensitive, and having a history of major depression, it's impossible for him to meet his own ideals on how to deal with the tragedy in life. His interesting perspective stems from his fragility, but he is forced to play a role that is the antithesis to his character. It's not dissimilar to acting.

If you're looking for a perfect role model, you won't find it in him. He can barely hold himself together without crying on a good day. Take whatever you can get out of him, and disregard the rest.

Peterson has spent his entire career opposing ideologies both far-right and far-left. The only reason he has been more outspoken against the left in recent times is because they singled him out for attack. Thats the entire reason he is so popular. If the SJWs hadn't accused him of hate-speech, he'd still be an obscure Academic with a tiny Youtube following.

Its dumb Alt-Righters jumping on the bandwagon that assume because of his anti Marxist views that makes him one of them. He's not, and never has been.

Jungian philosophy is always a bit like astrology. A Lacanian interpretation and expansion on Freud is far more compelling.

>no normie, especially no leftoid faggot normie could ever debate him on any topic.

Sam Harris did twice. Very easily.

Thank god Lacan is dead. That post would only further inflate his already gargantuan ego.

He's a conservative. I'm pretty certain his ideals have not changed.

>Peterson seems to be distancing himself from right and he looks like he's bout to flip any day
Give an example of what you mean.

>Its dumb Alt-Righters jumping on the bandwagon that assume because of his anti Marxist views that makes him one of them. He's not, and never has been
This. The way he talks makes it seem like he doesn't want this much attention.

I used to watch his lectures a few years ago and was actually surprised when he blew up/went viral. He seems like he genuinely wants to help people, but all of the exposure and lashing out from both sides is probably making that difficult.