Leftists: "Yes, whites will be replaced"

"they WILL be replaced!!!"
*thunderous applause from crowd*

00:15s mark

Don't ever forget this Sup Forums. This is what they are intending to do to you.

These people are mad

I am ready for the war

>there are no such thing as white genocide but whites will be replaced

I wish I could march at Charlotesville

Devils advocate; They are probably thinking "white racists" will be replaced.

Or maybe not. I don't know anymore.

Or really care.

If they replace hard working Americans with lazy bloods and crips and Islamic hordes who will work and pay tax......

Brown Pride! -> Yes!
Black Pride! -> Yes!
Jewish Pride -> Yes!
Gay Pride! -> Yes!

Yeah, how retarded are they? They ridicule the "You will not replace us" chant, then turn around and say "po mo fup doo we will replace you".
Honestly this shouldn't surprise me because the far left is full of this sort of hypocrisy.

>White Racist
There is no difference to them. They see all problems as being because of whites.

These liberals are larpers.

The thought of an Asian president frightens them.

These are traitors with this delusion that they are the "good whites" and they will be in charge. They are so stupid. When their death comes at the hands of their pets they will be shocked. Just like Amy Biehl in South Africa they will be told "there are no good whites" and will die a deservingly horrible death.

I love this quote from Cicero.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

This what you get for losing world war.

Why does a white women say "they" instead of "we" as if she thinks she isn't in the group of those being replaced?
Oh, maybe she is a jew.

I hope they keep this up. The more they do this the more we will win. They underestimate how willing normie Whites are to side with racists against them, after being called racist their whole lives anyway.

Well, you know. Whites are either
>actively trying to replace themselves
>passively doing nothing and letting themselves being replaced

So... the age of whitey has ended anyway. Deal with it. This is called 'evolution'. Look it up in a book, especially you burgers.

She's a trans-nigger

Great comment

i probably wouldnt be very worried about this if it was just america or just europe getting fucked, but its both at the same time

Reminder that the Doger hero took ensured there was one less of these people in the world and cuck "right wingers" are upset about

she's just talking about racists dude

>alt right: we will not be replaced!
>leftist reaction: fuck you, you will be replaced!
kek, as usual the idiocy of the right is salvaged when the left engages in an even greater idiocy.

It doesn't matter what race replaces whites, the system is set up to give all authority to the female, so they too will fall.


>tfw no more based black bulls

So much cuck in one clip holy christ. You fucking leftists wonder what's feuling the hatred?

Perfectly describing America's White Jewish Problem

Oh my god

What the fuck is this


Yeah, it only took 80 years of active trillion-dollar propaganda to achieve this goal.

Holy fuck, you're stupid. Stop writing, Hans.

whats the actual timestamp
nothing happens at 15 seconds

Oh, there will be a reaction that curbs nazis and racists, regardless of skin color.

>"Yes, whites will be replaced"
That was not said at all.

>that ching chong flying the Finland flag


but not to other


Holy shit thats actually pretty damn scary. They mean business, don't they?


This is why a future under ISIS is less scary than 20 more years of leftism

>you're all racists, why are you doing Nazi salutes
>we want Whites replaced
They're as thick as pigshit.

This is a LARP thread

>BLM member shoots 5 cops
>he was a lone individual

>person who agrees with the alt-right kills one person
>this is the work of the alt-right

view the event as the breivik of the USA

>This is why a future under ISIS is less scary than 20 more years of leftism
One at least has a written code of ethics.....

She didn't say whites will be replaced, she said the white supremacists will be replaced. Yeah she's a wacky old hippie but you can't point to this as proof of white genocide.

We need to LARP as niggers on twitter and go against white allies (aka traitors) and jews.

Make blacks completely hostile to every white.

Maybe blacks aren't that bad if you need to LARP as them like that.

yeah, because this is normal and everything will be magically terrific.

UPLOAD TO YOUTUBE to spread to masses

Why would blacks go against the traitors supporting and excusing them?

>Don't ever forget this Sup Forums. This is what they are intending to do to you.

You will be replaced. The same way native americans were replaced. This is what immigration and time does. People migrate, they supplant the native population, they become natives for a few generations, and then it happens to them.

You can't stop it. No one in history has ever been able to stop it. And with how easy it is for people to migrate these days literally from around the world, oceans and distance are no longer a problem.

If you're not colonizing, you're being colonized.

You don't get it leaf.
The white supremacists are the only whites that matter.
They're gonna 1488 us all the way to socialism.
Then we'll all get to wear cool uniforms and subjugate our personal identities for a homogenous boyscout society of hipsters.

Don't question the narrative goy.

>If you're not colonizing, you're being colonized.

and do tell us 'oh enlightened one'; what exactly are these 'colonizers' are adding to the equation.

And now we have no platform to stand on to stand against this after what Trump did today.


Mentally ill people in positions of power are making this happen.

These mentlers must be removed from office before it's too late.

Start giving immigrants deportation orders from which there is no return and no appeal. That should fix the problem.

Yes because this won't push any more young whites to go full Nazi or anything

The left:
>don't criticize Islam you'll radicalize Muslims
Also the left:
>fuck whites they should be replaced

This is great news. Shifting the narrative to whether white people must be extinguished or not will turn millions against them.

>a few thousand inbred hicks are the only whites that matter
No, the only whites that matter are the ones who are intelligent and successful enough to enact real change. Not retards who march around and accomplish nothing but giving ammo to their foes.

Not if the white wealthy lefties at Planned Parenthood, and the Gates and Buffet Foundations have their way. They've killed tens of millions of black children undergoing gestation, and the number of black women they poison with their depo-provera (especially in Africa) in the name of "maternal and child health" grows by the day. It's sickening.

At least the natives fought back even though they knew from the beginning they'd lose

I like the native reaction to being replaced. I'd rather die fighting than live on my knees. Look at the natives who are still alive today. the ones who had a chance to die in battle had it much better than living a minority in their own homeland

They're too retarded to understand that they're further fanning the flames that makes whites feel threatened enough as a race to start to become violent to preserve themselves


I don't disagree. I was being facetious.

Someone clip it so we can viralise it. I'm busy playing video games.

"When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

- Samir Al Hydeih

The Native Americans did resist, but the Romans did not. They just let the barbarians in, hoping the invaders would accept their religion (cuckstianity). Against all odds, they DID, and even started to larp as Romans.

you know that's fake, right?

deal with it, nerds

This. Declaration of war.

Just paused my video game. Why has nobody clipped it yet?

Nope, you do? How?

>this is the work of the alt-right
more like
>the work of ALL white pipo

it's a war about race

BUT, majority of both sides are whites

makes you think

Modern military technology makes it trivially easy to defend borders. It's our traitorous governments which are enabling this demographic replacement.

So clever dude, I'm sure the universal consumerist identity of the mulatto worldstate beamed into your cortex will represent a much truer preservation of individuality

Jesus Christ we need a terrorist attack because two planes weren't enough.

No argument here. I'm not NatSoc. I don't care what color the country is, but I damn well want EVERYONE to follow the law, which means no illegals. And I want criminals deported, and immigration limited to only top-tier people who speak english and respect american values (no radical muslims).

See? This issue could bring people together if you guys would hide your power level and not rally with swastikas in public. You done fucked up this past weekend.

They better keep their niggers on a short leash or they will have a pr nightmare on their hands.

Funny seeing whites at a Black life matter event. Blm vs antifa when?


Fuck off retard, they are ostracized entities, but proud nevertheless

>hide your power level
>not rally with swastikas in public
>media perception
There are good and bad parts of NatSoc. I wouldn't identify as one, but I refuse to intellectually neuter myself and / or cower in fear of the (((MSM))) by womanishly disavowing the NatSoc's at the rally because it's "bad optics". I don't know why I'm telling this to you, though, since you're clearly a shill as evidenced by your repetition of the
>You done fucked up this past weekend
forced meme talking point

>universal consumerist identity of the mulatto worldstate
What the fuck kind of pseudo-Marxist bullshit babble is this?
Keep typing shit like this though. I enjoy it when socialists prove how shit socialism is with their own words.