You have five minutes to convince me the Holocaust didn't happen

You have five minutes to convince me the Holocaust didn't happen.

It didn't happened. Trust me.

I believe the holocaust happened. What bothers me is how the jewish community managed to turn it about them and only them when many communities were persecuted.

it did, but it could have been easily avoided if the awful brits and assmad french wouldn't have declared war on Germany for retaking lang stolen from them and ending the Haavara Agreement

the extent to how purposful it was is debateable as its easily concievable that most people were worked to death in labor camps and died from disease and malnutrition but there were most certainly purposful ethnic cleansings of jews

perhaps not to the extent we are told

but really who cares natsocs should all be shot anyways just like other left winged filth

If it had happened don't you think (((they'd))) be too embarrassed to bring it up?????
Or do you think only whites can feel shame?

it did happen
problem being you retards just gassed a bunch of scapegoat level 1 jews instead of the ones in wal street and rotschild estate

It happened, just mostly in the USSR against non-leftist


no country wanted jews in their country soo hitler's attempt to save their lives failed and had to lit them up

Only around 200k Jews died, mostly from starvation

and just who do you think was behind that

level 10 jews have known for generations that being a victimized minority is the quickest way to power

>"Goys, the poor "normal" Jews are your allies :( you must protect them!"

Gas yourself.

of course top level jews planned this from the start, and you played right into their hands

what's the best way to gain political leverage among masses of strangers who don't know you're evil?
claim you're a victim by proxy without actually being one. blacks have been doing this lately and you can see how successful it is

Convince me that it did happen
I haven't seen any evidence yet.

we don't need your "protection" anymore, faggot. us lowly non rich jews happen to have literal recreational nukes now

I don't think it was a concerted effort but the tendency of Jews to place their ethnic/religious identity before all else and this over the years following the war had the effect of exaggerating the anti-Semitic component of Hitler's rule.


Jews are literally cowards. If it isn't a 90 year old war "criminal" or some orphan without shoes and armed with pebbles, you wouldn't dare confront them.
Your country* is the size of Rhode Island. What do you plan on doing if you launched even one nuke? Don't you think their would be a retaliatory strike? Your country* would be destroyed before dinnertime.

It didnt happen, actually our conversation is just a bunch of randomly generated letters that passed the filter into what we call reality ;)

Pretty damn sure it happened

would a shiny shekel change your mind ?

The communist soviet Jews claimed around 19 concentration camps were death camps. The United States inspected all but 6 of these alleged death camps. They concluded that all inspected camps were not death camps but simply concentration camps. The communists would not allow inspections to the remaining 6 camps: Belzec, Treblinka, Auschwitz, Sobibor, Mydanejek and (Mauthausen?) Had they been inspected, they would also be found to be only concentration camps. The soviets denied inspection because they knew this were the case. Had they really been death camps, they'd allow inspections. Truth fears no investigations. Holocaust denial is illegal in 20 countries.

Questoning the holocaust narrative lands you in jail, like some Soviet Russia tier shit. That alone says it all.

but it did

Trust me gevalt.

>6000000 / (5 * 365) = 3287 jew/day

It happened, but shit like "muh skin lampshades" and rollercoasters that led into ovens were made-up. Many of the supposed "gas chamber showers" had wooden doors on them and many areas that weren't airtight. One camp's "crematorium" was revealed to have been built after WWII by a Jewish organization to make it seem more dramatic.

Also, the "6 gorillian" number was made up; and most of the "death camps" were supposedly found in Soviet territory, so the validity of the numbers/events is in question.

So Hitler was a jew?

It did happen but not to the scale they try to tell you. First of all, no one ever talks about that the official estimations (!) are 4,5 - 6 million. It's just 6 million, everyone only talks about the worst case scenario. Second of all these are the "official numbers". Heavily influenced of anti german bias after WW2 and with the goal to denounce germany/national socialism. Also most statistics add partisans who died in combat to the score.

If you add up all the numbers we know of and only include jews you would end up with a score of 2 million max.

My dad was at Dachau. Saw the concentration camps first hand. Took the prisoners out to the nearby village to identify the guards. Let the prisoners beat them up. It happened, denying it only makes you look autistic.

one fourth jew, if that's what you mean
but no
the real jews were beyond his or any official's grasp. he killed jews because he suspected we were agents of the same jews that degenerate europe today
some of us were, without doubt
but most were just shtetl farm jews that didn't know jack shit about politics. not that it matters since their deaths have been serving the elites ever since to quell resistance

He did capture one Rotschild tho. And released him on the biggest bail ever. but the rest would probably hiding on some unknown island by the time Hitler conquers the world

Why do you say it happened and then go on to list many reasons why it did not happen? You mean to say Jews were put into camps to work and to be deported...