The right has gone full social justice warrior

The right has gone full social justice warrior.

You're upset that society is treating these people unfairly because the attended a white nationalist rally and now all their information is public knowledge.

You've literally become social justice warriors.

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The "SJWs" now have moral superiority. The right just took first blood in this conflict. They have lost all claims to the moral high ground. The SJWs however can now become the "better man" in this scenario and thus garner more sympathy from normal, well-adjusted adults.

The only people celebrating this death are edgy nihilistic kids who don't care for any actual movement beyond seeing their world burn (they can't just commit suicide, they want everyone to go with them) and actual fascists who, like the commies, are inherently anti-American.

>it's okay to be a white knight if you're white knighting for your own
I lol at all these whiny faggots.

No it didn't, remember the first antifa trump protests? First death right there

>You've literally become social justice warriors.
I don't follow your logic how are we SJWs again?


The events of the last few days should be a wakeup call to the nazi larper shills here that you're not welcome. You're counter-productive to our Trump movement. You cause nothing but problems

We should not be chanting white lives matter, we should be singing the songs of our fathers.

Literally no different than the people they complain about.

kys faggot

Ive heard nothing but crying and bitching about doxing of these idiots.

It's almost as if you think society is acting unjustly towards these faggots

How does that make them SJW? You are doing the thing liberals do with the word triggered where you associate it with anything you don't like since the word hurt you so much.

lol they're literally upset about how white nationalists are being treated by society. They think it's unjust. And I would consider them as close to warriors as those lefty sjws

Do I need to lead you to water or can you make it the rest of the way?

New video or people cheering while car was leaving the scene doesn't help matters.

Thats not why we call SJWs SJWs you dumb fuck.

How can people cheer if they weren't there to see what the car did you dumb fuck? Did they magically teleport? They were probably mocking the fact that a nice car was fucked up.

they don't understand that they're operating within the same value system as SJW's, which goes back to the judeo-christian root of western morality. nazis basically picked the two worst things in barbarian culture and christian tradition: mysticism and victimhood. and this is the dance we've all been dancing for the past few centuries: zionism begets nazism which begets zionism, etc. SJW's dance to the same tune as the alt-right. it's not rocket science. transcend the moral system of victimhood and only then will you transcend this rotten civilisation of false opposites.

Yeah, probably that.

Maybe they even assumed it got fucked up by something other than a crash.

Agreed, but you forgot to add that the Roman Empire before Constantine, in the sense you were describing, was much closer to its barbarian "enemies" in terms of moral values than any supposed "empire" in modern times was to either the Romans or the barbarians (I'm thinking most notably of the cucked III Reich).

>SJW's and Nazis are the same
They're both LARPers and funded by the same people.

>BOLO out for Dodge Challenger
>Police do nothing, because they want to switch out the drivers without anyone seeing

it's all there. If the Deep State can't change who the President is, then they'll change who the people want as President

So we should tie one hand behind our back and let the communists hit us repeatly because it's the moral thing to do? Right?

yeah, Hitler was basically a reverse jewish supremacist. symmetrical opposites are always part of the same whole.


I'm not saying they're exactly the same outwardly or superficially, but the source of their value system is exactly the same.

They had a permit to be in Lee park. A federal court ruled against revoking the permit. Then the mayor sends in the police to remove them from Lee park, which is unconstitutional. There is nothing SJW about defending constitutional rights.

Hitlerboos should just be shot if they ever step outside of internet desu


lol the person who made that has never been to /leftypol/ in his life. They probably hate identity politics and SJWs more than Sup Forums does

I don't feel sorry for them. They are getting what they deserve for being so stupid. Want to know how to reclaim the glory of the white race? Live well, have children, and follow tradition. Don't associate yourselves with trailer trash neo-nazis that openly call for the death of niggers. The left has struck a goldmine of images and narratives from the stupidity of these hicks. If whites were as smart and sophisticated as they claim to be, this never would have happened.

Brainlet detected

i don't get it, SJWS always doxxed people and used social shame to get them fired, we always said it was shit and totalitarian, whats changed now?


Take that you traitorous naziboo faggots.

You are being shut off from the world because you don't belong in the 21st century and you can't stand it

This shit gives me a boner.

holy fucking shit you have 0 idea what you are talking about, they completely disabowed Christianity.
They took the mysticism from the paganism, mysticism, eastern esoterism and nietzche, the literal things that now fuel the UFO-Marxist Left
The "victimhood complex" was absolutely real, they were completely but raped into poverty by unrealistic war reparations, theres fucking loads written about this, it was the fault of France who pushed it this way cause they were afraid of a third invasion of Alsacia and Lorraine

people who are generally upset with themselves or society - ugly people, loners, virgins, low wage, NEETs - tend to join far-left and far-right groups

either in denial (like a fat beta virgin defending women while being shat on all his life for being a fat ugly fuck), or out of anger (an angry white natsoc who only plays vidya all day who still lives with his parents), these kinds of groups attract unhappy people

there's nothing more jewish than ascribing pathologies to ideas

>Person attends rally
>Doesen't commit any violence
>litteral communists dox him
>gets fired and disowned
>some people think this is wrong

Reminder that if you have any leading information on these Neo Nazi LARPers which are harming our movement, and the conservative/right-wing base, then make sure to send/share it with @YesYoureRacist on twitter. He's /ourguy/ and helping us clean out the trash from our movement, the trash that's keeping us down and not getting anywhere. Thank you.

There's a few sane americans left, I'm impressed.


Nah, you just happen to be a brainlet.
>first blood
What is this, an action film? A madman killed someone, that's all.

>Faggots have moral superiority