Average Sup Forums user

>average Sup Forums user

Yeah nazis are pretty much fucked by now :)

This is our board now

I can just smell the shitty pepe avatar from here

Ya think you're hot shit, dontcha?!

Keep the change ya filthy animal!?!!!!

Hahahahaha.....my gullible goyim cattle

>this is the faggot calling you ugly and larping as a STEM major on Sup Forums

My sides

ur scared user huh ? :)

go back faggot. your time here is over.

No, your jewish overlords piss on your commie faces. Have fun being an useful idiot

you'll shill for weeks and months as you always do, but you'll leave, we'll be here forever desu

hurr durr

>another thread where autistic Sup Forumslocks pretend to be liberals

>Mr. Fields testified he makes $650 every two weeks, can’t afford his own lawyer



You really believe that shit ?

Oy vey goyim! My plans for destroying western society are coming true. This beta male just proves it. As the number of autists rises, the number of white goys decreases! Yes, let your white women get impregnated by Negro Tyrones.

>fertility rate in the west at an all time low
>mass arab migration into europe
>number of white beta males increasing
>promotion of gay pride/transgenderism
>israel continues to get billion$ a year

Oy gevalt! Good luck, stupid goys! Keep up the good work and remember, we are g-d's chosen people, and remember the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Jews who died. suggesting anything lower than that number is equal to literally committing another shoah!

Hail moloch, you filthy goy beast

Then he will go to jail and be sent love letters from adoring fans just like Breivik, who killed 77 Marxists, did :^)


your mom is an average Sup Forums user

>implying Sup Forums is anyone's board

fucking summer over with yet?

You're still going? Don't you have something productive to do with your time?

>A dude who was innocently driving down a crowded street, starts getting his car bashed
>He panicked and felt surrounded and tried to GTFO of there
Someone died but it's not his problem.

Two things shitlord

1. I know how to an hero myself

2. I know how to make the situation count and not only kill one person like an idiot

Jump off a bridge just make sure it's not that high it could be dangerous.



just for (you) goyim ;)

>50 dead
>no biggie
>1 dead
>oh my gawd it's the Crashocaust!

50 faggots: 1 person

It's a simple ratio


>Not obese
>recently got a haircut
>got out of the house
>commie kill count over zero
He's clearly above average

Are you asking if the BLM's in prison are gonna make him a pol user? It was self defense!!!

>>average Sup Forums user
You're a /pol user. Is that you?