Based powerful Sam Harris blow Right wingers the FUCK OUT in one tweet


>white identity politics is the MOST detestable

the Jews are running scared that's why

Why is being proud of being white worse than being proud of being a homogay trans-horse mackerel-kin? It's only a bad thing when you start bashing people that don't belong to the particular group, imo. We just want to be white and not have to be told how ashamed we ought to be.

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What if we are wrong and the world is better off when everyone is mixed and nobody is privileged anymore?


All evidence points to the contrary.

if virtue signaling is an identity, surely it is the most detestable


Why is one worse than the other? What is it about being white that makes white racism inherently worse than any other racism?

get PAID puppers

Take a look at Brazil friend. Does that world seem better off?

lol fuking kys faggot

White goyim are bad goyim!

no irony here

That's a little fucked up and bigoted, just because its a group of white people its worse?
Also nice bait.

>not understanding sarcasm

>Why is being proud of being white worse than being proud of being a homogay trans-horse mackerel-kin?
To be fair, gay people pretending to be fish never massacred populations of people for generations and then setting up societal structures to further subjugate them.

Oh Sam. I thought you were cool.


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I wonder what ol' Sammy boy thinks about Jewish identity politics in Israel

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Notice he couldn't just stop at denouncing identity politics.
He had to fucking virtue signal, had to make sure and point out one was worse.
He and people like him are exactly the problem.

>all identity politics are equal, but some are more equal than others
top fucking kike

get paid pupper

>all sides are bad but whites are still the worst
really sends a cortex through my vortex. the memes truly do write themselves.

'ypipo are racist and evil'
'ypipo are racist and evil'
'ypipo are racist and evil'
'ypipo are racist and evil'

>completely misses the context

You Nazis are incapable of sarcasm.

>this thing is bad across all levels
>except white people who are the worst for it
I'm amazed at the continued stupidity and ignorance of people. I hope they never get a clue and keep digging their graves further and further.