Remember when Sup Forums was just satire?

Remember when Sup Forums was just satire?

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This post is also just satire.

you /leftypol/ niggers are really bad at blending in
please stop

who cares, its happening.

buy me a ticket and i'll help you out

>when white women wont fuck you

Yeah you're right, they should murder more people, then they'd fit in

Who is the guy beating somebody on the ground before and after the crash?

Look in front of the car

Somebody is beating somebody on the ground

I wonder if the guy who made this image meme is a time traveler

>you /leftypol/ niggers are really bad at blending in
>please stop

>that awkward moment when you meme a braindead caricature of nazism into life.

>Fire literally rises
>commies cry
>take money from bankers (Soros) commies outed as shills
>government sides with commies
>emboldens our movement
>turns out there was a plot to cause this violence
>lawsuits filed
Shills/Commies/Bankers/Corporate-Media BTFO

fucking croats thinkin theyre white n sheeeit

really makes you think

>I can never be wrong

It still is satire. I speak on behalf of everyone who has ever posted on this board when I say that our posts are not accurate representations of our true thought or feelings. This is a board of peace and anyone who disagrees is a problematic polophobic hatecriminal.

Unironically yes.
It was a joke lmfao, these mongs took their 'job' very seriously


There was a huge influx of newfags in 2016, the baked alaska types, that thought they had found their home in Sup Forums when they saw the content. There are so many of them now it's impossible to tell what is real and what isn't.

carrying torches vs. setting cars and trash on fire

What's great about this is that I'm seeing all of those who I can't trust in the coverage of the facts of the event. It's just great, the most important things is to know your enemies.

It was never satire until all the reddit fags got here

You could say that the Baked Alaska types... see things differently from us.

Remember when turning your son into a girl was child abuse?

Yeah I completely understand, I just hate for this board to become unironically what it once was ironically. Remember when you could actually have fun discussions?

Those who pretend to be retarded will eventually attract actual retards. The lesson: don't pretend to be retarded, no matter how much entertainment you would get from it.


Never go full retard.


Fight back the shills by posting redpill videos. Convert them to our side, this is an opportunity for us:

Mainstream media using fake actors for Sandy Hook:

Staged car bombing to be later used by media to push agendas:

If you think it's impossible for Jews (or any elites) to be part of some secret child murdering death cult, then think again:


We were never satire, we say that to keep out retards like you.

>The feel when an actually credited part of the axis.

gz, with the wolf picture and shit man. Hope that's satire too

/new/ was never satire and Sup Forums was never satire. Anyone who claims otherwise is a newfag's obvious what we should make the muslims do,let's help them add 1+1 and see that when they attack they don't produce terror or news but if they kill faggot leftards at political rallies they'll get coverage
I think thus is the lesson we need to learn and teach. We can out jew the jews by using their pawns


You know nothing.

That's satire

This is now objectively worse than Chanology by any metric.

I'm going to invest in tiki torches.

I'm here since the beginning so when I say "we", I don't mean newfags like you.

He lost all momentum : )

No you weren't, you don't need to keep pretending like the dirty little poser you are

Imagine thinking commies want to work with banks. This is incredible.

never was

it's more likely than u think

Sup Forums isn't responsible for CIA niggers

>all those fags fell for the Sup Forums meme
It was just a joke!

Did I miss the gay pride parade?


He had the audacity to name his book 'Meme Magic'

Is it? Because last I checked commies have songs about how bankers deserve to be hanged for being bankers. Sounds like you're listening to your farts again.

Nobody? Come on...

Should have been called "mace magic"

That was an amazing joke, Spain

I had "ACTUALLY KEKED" typed in but for some reason I decided not to post it

*pats spain's back in approval*

Remember when the JIDF just openly tried to defend Jews instead of undermining us in other ways?


>that qt grill in the back left
oh man this is getting crazy, no wonder the shills are screaming our movement is over, these are predominantly good looking YOUNG people, nothing must scare them more

Remember when larpers like you couldn't set their flag? It was a better time.

Its still satire
If Sup Forums keeps pretending to be retarded some actually retarded people will join thinking we are retarded like them
or just keep pretending and laugh about the retards who keep coming thinking everyone thinks like them

[spoiler]or isn't[/spoiler]

OP, you need to accept you got fooled all the time.

now you can go to


Also, check-in.

No thanks, you should go fuck yourself all the way to weev's discord.

We had flags before you showed up kiddo.

Thanks user, it meant a lot

How can you win when you are outnumbered?

>im not a shill

Setting flags started in 2017 dumbass, before it was just your country


The only time Sup Forums has ever been satire was when we used to ironically Jew post.

>Good goy, drink the Fluoridated water!

More like alt tiki toarch light.


>when newfags can;t handle the bantz