I decided that I'm gonna do something about the situation with my country. I can't stand anymore whats going on. I will start a movement. It will start online, but after it reach the masses, it will come into the public space. Join me.

Let's digest content from my nation, develop an ideological body to make patriotism easible accessible for the masses and let's create an based organical mass movement. Integralism. Ultranationalist nativism. Enéas government program. If you are a libertarian, join us. We are business friendly, and we need your input. Even if you disagree with us, consider joining us as an political alliance against the degenerated left.

>Audit the central bank(fed)
>Anti-neoliberalism(We are absolutley business friendly, our defensive stance is on very specific strategic sectors)
>Militarization of education
>Defense of Christianism
>Futurist and aims at pioneerism in the early adoption of new technologies for solving social issues, management issues, bureaucracy and optimization
>Promotion of national industry
>Absolute opposition to corruption, development multiple strategies to counter it
>Latin america integration and mutual defense pact
>Consideration of the adoption of the meridionalist geopolitical strategy
>Historic and cultural awareness promotion for our people to replace globalist corrupted propaganda
>Development of science and technology inside our borders
>Effort for revival of traditional aesthetic in arts

Join our discord:

Other urls found in this thread:

I need your help for creating propaganda, and what else. If you have nothing to do, at least you will participate on a very interesting political experiment, very far away from you.

Meet Enéas Carneiro, the Ron Paul + Duterte + Dr Oz from Brazil

But don't be fooled, Éneas was the most super based politician we ever had in our 500 years of history.

>He named the jew(Soros) as the one privatizing our national companies
>He named the jew(Soros) as the one that appointed our Central Bank(Our Fed) president
>He asked for a Central Bank audit
>He openly combated the media
>He wanted to develop nukes
>He wanted to reinforce our military
>He wanted to combate the banks
>He was graduated in medicine, physics and math
>He passed all his exams in first place
>He was born in poverty
>Differently from Lula faggot, he was a rabid anti-communist

Enéas government programs(In portuguese):
>Um grande projeto nacional 1994
>O Brasil em perigo
>Um grande projeto nacional 1998

Meridionalist geoideology:

Citizen movements for auditoon on the (((central bank))):
Some more in depth documents:


Gustavo Barroso:
>História Militar do Brasil

>Portugal Semente de Impérios

>O Quarto Império - Gustavo Barroso

>Coração da Europa

>Brasil, Colônia de Banqueiros

>A Guerra do Lopez,

>A Guerra do Rosas,

>O Espírito do Século XX.

>O Integralismo de Norte a Sul,

>O Integralismo Em Marcha.

>Uniformes do Exército Brasileiro,


Of course the globalist would say that






The people here realy need to have their guns back.

amigo, me diga que és católico, pois se for, tens meu total apoio

We will bring it back

E se não for?
A iniciativa não é válida?

E Partido Novo, é claro! Caiam fora daqui seus lixos!

Sou Cristão, ainda não encontrei uma denominação para entregar meu espírito plenamente, mas em Cristo já deposito tudo o que é meu: Corpo, alma, espírito e esperança!
*brazil intensifies*

Can we /empire/ too?
Surely we can have more than one empire under God

Only if the inevtable Imperial marriage is between a brazilian prince and a mexican princess.

Wouldn't that merge the empires?

(Will the Brazilian Prince be one of those Germans you have in the south or "Brazilian" race)

This is our real Brwave

A book for anyone interested in knowing Brazilian history.

>mfw a finn knows a nig "song" that I don't
I feel outniggered.

I mean there are marriages between second sons, isn't there, it would straighten our ties but not unite the countries.

One good start would be reducing the costs and surplus benefits that only politicians and people from the judiciary have (clothing aid, cultural aid, fuel aid and sooo many others on ...). A limit of USD 6.500 for any public career (around 20.000 hueais) would dramatically reduce government costs and hence being able to fix all the shitfest infrastructure our country has.
Our country lacks severely the community mind found in developed countries. Here you have to stand for yourself since the early ages of this invaded land, so the question is: how can we make our fellow monkeys to understand we go further if all of us are taken care?
I sincerely have no clue how to shift our contemporary politics to something better.

forgot pic

True, everybody knows this is ultra expensive, but I really forgot about that. Thank you for that, bro. Will add to the text.

How the fuck do we fix Brazil?

Nuke it and start over.

I'm of the theory that after the 1889 coup the nation spirit was robbed away. After Pedro II was deposed it was shown to everyone that power was up to grabs and anyone could be replaced by illegetimate means.

But I don't wanna die user.

Investing in railroads would be a good start.

c-can we be friends?

Uma delicia!

Integralists have the most aesthetic uniforms.

eu não discuti a validez, apenas a minha pequena ínfima participação. Quero fazer minha parte apenas se estiver de iniciativa católica

I agree!

Sometimes it feels like that is really the only solution. I'll probably just learn cuckwedish then emigrate into cuckweden as a refugee if things get too bad.

That depends, will you bitch if we annex cisplatina?



Who designed it?

Qual o seu objetivo, fundar uma teocracia?

most likely, it's our clay

you can keep paraguay and northern bolivia though

I want the middle one.

Sorting the debt.
Denying the left a life on the ideological battleground.
Militarization of education.
Promoting science research and technology development inside our borders.
Develop a deep love for our nation for our citizens.
Reach a dignified state of life for our citizens.

There is a way forward, friends. You must believe in the possibility of radical change.

There's no many niggers and roasbabies in brazil.
The average iq of brazil have dropped to low to ever be able to recover.
You need a purge

quem sabe,

Fuck, that looks so fucking good, goddamn.

ser católico não faz mal, agora ser evangélico ou outro sim

ninguém quer um imperador.
ninguém quer um inútil cujas impostos servem apenas pra manter uma piscina e jardim bonitinho.

e aposto que um imperador acabaria virando outro SJW, apoiando qualquer movimento milenial capenga.

Oh and about Bonifacio is there any news about his movie?

I want to colonize brazil-chan


No Integralismo o Estado seria laico? As liberdades individuais seriam respeitadas?


The Emperor and his family would serve as his nation beacon an example to be followed.

Every ill that this nation has suffered can be traced back to Deodoro decision to depose the Emperor.

Oh, that

Currently our countries dominate Latin America because of sheer population size. Chile, Argentina and Colombina come somewhat close. So a leading role is something in the continent to be expected
Mexica has the advantage to unite under "La Hipanidad", while Brazil borders almost everyone down there, so coperation is almost mandatory if we are to help or at least make good neighbors

O integralismo, do que sei, daria suporte as instituições cristãs, e promoveria a moral cristã no Brasil, e a defenderia. Não iria impedir sua liberdade de rejeitar essas crenças. Só não iria permitir acontecer o que acontece hoje.

love it.

você ta empregado? Eu não. Você tem força de trabalho? Eu também. Agora quem tem oportunidade de servir à alguém? Sendo eu igual a você?

What about gun rights?

i want to be able to have a IA-2 in my house.

desculpe minha falta de informação, o que aconteceu hoje

Of course we would cooperate, we can't be allowed to be under the Anglos or the Chinamen anymore.

>Qual é a verdadeira causa de mortes na maioria dos assaltos e dos casos de violência e o verdadeiro objetivo de quem quer desarmar a população? A verdadeira causa de mortes, num sentido geral, é o pouco civismo, a pouca educação, a pouca orientação moral, o que significa uma consciência moral e, por conseguinte, a pouca noção de ética; uma vez que tudo isto está ligado ao homem e não à arma.

>E quanto ao objetivo dos defensores do desarmamento ainda está um pouco obscuro; mas eu arrisco uma hipótese: desarmar o homem de bem para que este não possa se revoltar, tornando-o assim um “um animal inofensivo”, da mesma forma que nos circos fazem quando cortam os dentes e as garras de leões e de tigres. Imaginem que num Estado onde há um regime ditatorial certo grupo de homens de bem e inocentes que foram subjugados e tornados escravos fossem vigiados dia e noite por uma polícia que servisse a este Estado? O que os impediria de se revoltarem contra este regime terrível e se tornassem confiantes a fim de se livrarem da situação de escravos? Eu respondo confiantemente: As armas! Eles não têm armas! Não podem reagir!

By the grace of God I was taking notes with a friend about something similar for Mexico. A constitutional monarchy that would act as the executive power and as a moral example, to fill the wholes that the law alone can't
Hope you know Spanish, it is very non-absolutist, but there has to be some concepts of use

Eu acho que ele ta falando da foto na resposta dele, o cara ta com um vibrador no cu puta que pariu.

Falo hoje em dia, e não hoje exatamente, amigo!
Falo desse estado atual de degeneração moral absoluta sendo propagada por todos os meios mídiaticos, com o suporte acadêmico.

Thank you that certainly eased my mind.

Não é um vibrador, é uma CRUZ.

I understand spanish somewhat, for logical reasons, and I also don't wish for a return of absolutist monarchies.
A constitutional monarchy with the Emperor serving as it's moral fiber and one of the glues that holds the people together is already good enough.

Subtlety ain't quite their forte is it?

Obrigado, agora estou entendo
Quando defendo um estado Católico, meus companheiros me julgam e transformam-me em um demônio

Aprendam a falar portugues

Chupa um pinto Manuel

Aprende Español o Castellano, por favor
The idea is so separate the Legislative and Executive powers completely by taking the executive and having it in a completely different political bubble than the legislative power. This way we can be more than sure that there is no unlawful cooperation among the two; something that happens when you ascend a president from the same people that take part into the rest of politics.
The King, Prince or emperor (We are calling him a prince) will have limited power when compared to an absolute king, but will have the final saying in manny issues, and the power of his opinion will be huge for politics

I don't know dude, how many laws would we take from the texts?

Sim, entendi, porém, mesmo não sendo católico, acredito que temos um inimigo em comum.

Essas palavras são inspiradoras

O português de portugal é uma afronta aos meus ouvidos.

Estado se declarar católico é diferente de uma teocracia.

muitos confundem isso.

But can he have a say about increasing or decreasing his powers?

No estado que estamos, se o estado voltar a se declarar um suporte ao cristianismo em nossas terras, já é uma suprema vitória para os não contaminados.



I love making cosplay!

Você é um dos poucos no Brasil que tem consciencia ainda

mangaka confirmed integralist sympathizer

Sim senhor.

Eu estou procurando o último discurso de José Bonifácio em Lisboa, não o encontro de maneira alguma!

There must be orderly discussion about that all the time. How much power in war, what to do if the goes full retard, should we let the offspring of a failed king inherent the power?
I believe that there must be a mechanism that allows, under some circumstances, to change the king, another one to centralize power under a limited amount of time and so on. Everything must be made legally and under legal and non ambiguous therms, to protect the people from either a tyrant king, a corrupt senate or an autistic populous


Glória à Bandeira

Aproveitando o fio, qual o intuito do suicídio de Vargas? Foder o Lacerda?

Most certainly, any man can be corrupted and fate may put a retard on the throne, the people shouldn't suffer for things that so beyond there control.

To fuck us all

that is such a gay flag honestly. like couldnt you think of a better symbol?

Don't you guys already have a Libertarian revolution going on?