That's what you get for punching right, faggot

That's what you get for punching right, faggot.

Looks like he might have learned his lesson about counter-signalling.

Other urls found in this thread:

Never, ever, ever apologize to the left.

do not use PR obfuscation terms

very nice
Telling it how it is

He learned a lesson today. Never cuck. Ever.

Never explain
Never apologize

The Left is irredeemable
Never engage in dialog

This was so ridiculous. I lost some respect for him today. He shouldn't have made the second statement. His first was already explicitly ant-WN and condemned basically only the violent groups. That was the way to go. There were very few Nazis at the rally and I have seen no evidence that those Nazis were violent themselves. Sad.

You cant win with the left. You give an inch, they take a mile. There can be no compromise.

Yea well it's okay Trump because you're 4D chess has assured you've pissed off at least half your voter base. Enjoy the next few years before it's over bud.

Why did he even do this? Because some fags cried about it on shitter like they've been doing since BEFORE he was President? Even if the Trumpinator does personally hate outright Nazis, you don't cuck. Ever.


Leave him alone mate. He has to get elected in 2020. He can't say "gas the kikes". Don't punch right yourself. Trump is not our enemy.

he has neocohens all around him in his administration

What? I punch so far right I wrap around the world and hit him?

Trump is not to the right of me.

lol Trump is such a dumbass

He should have never made any statement in the first place, nor should have his wife and daughter. They proabably listened to some retarded advisors who thought giving in was the right way. It never is. I hope the lesson was learned.

Appeasement never, ever, ever works.

I wonder what fucking idiot advised him to go for a second round

every time he takes Ivanka's advice it turns out to be a mistake
he's right about the media


>Daddy, daddy, you have to disavow the evil natsees, daddy.

Still no antifa and BLM.

I would do anything she told me to


>Daddy, daddy what about the brown babbies daddy! Those evil Natsees hate brown and Jewish babies daddy! You should bomb them all Daddy!


fuck Trump is definitely /ourguy/, I'm sorry I ever doubted him lads

This. They would never stop until they have eradicated all opposition like the insectoid plague they are. When there is no one to fight, they eat each other.


>His first was already explicitly ant-WN
No it wasn't.

Donald Trump never has any trouble singling out problematic groups, when those groups happen to be non-white.

>"Radical Islamic terrorism! We have to name the problem, Obama won't name the problem, the problem is Radical Islamic Terror!"

>"We've got criminal immigrants coming from Mexico, we got some real bad hombres coming over the border! We need to build a wall, and Mexico WILL pay for the wall!"

But then white nationalists kill somebody, and suddenly it's just
>"Wow, wow, so much violence coming from all sides, wow, who are we supposed to blame here?"

Donald Trump is perfectly willing to "name the problem", unless the problem is white.

I can't fucking believe he's openly admitting that he's trying to appease them instead of just BEING THE PRESIDENT and doing the job he was voted for. Goddamit this is bad folks.

nazi retard

Before or after she got the rat race rhinoplasty implants etc.

Forgive me for my ignorance but what exactly does "punching right" mean? I've heard it a few times and never really understood.


Go to hell (((shill)))

From now on he has an argument that it doesn't matter and he can openly declare sympathy to whoever he likes without the MSM being able to call him Nazi without losing more credibility. Check and mate I call this

need some context for that webm

>when you shill so hard you forget to change the flag

Alternatively; never make the mistake of engaging the insane in a civil discussion.

classic no win situation, we saw something similar last week:

>trump doesnt shittalk kim, oh trumps weak
>trump shittalks kim, oh what a warmonger

CV showed there is no reason, as no matter what someone right from Marx says, he will always be a Nazi. Time for talk is over. Radical centrists, get out the way or be crushed by both sides

Or foreign. Why's it always about race with you people?

How is saying America is a land for all races, religions, and creeds not anti-WN? Oh, right you watch CNN.

It's literally a forcememe legitimizing violence, ie, "punch a Nazi."

It's almost like you need to make tough decisions when you're president or something

Very relevant video:

P.S. Stick captions on, the music can get a bit too loud at parts

Jesus, one person died and 20 were maimed, and this guy is bitching because the media is being unfair to him?

This is the President of the United States. Man we're fucked as a country.


This fucking person is a man child. A literal 5 year old is the president of the united states. What the fuck have you drugged up losers done? Wake the fuck up already. Humanity is tired of your shit.

Low IQ retards not realizing trump turned the tables on the media with this move.
And yes, he WILL do it again if they give him this opportunity.

>Never, ever, ever apologize to the left.


God forbid some random celebrity or reporter calls him out on bullshit though

LOL turned the tables. He took 3 days to condem literal nazis. He's fucking done. Cooked. He has been exposed for who he truly is. (And so have the nazi scum who came out to that rally)

America is tired of your shit.

>He has been exposed for who he truly is.
Someone who condemns nazis?

Oh wait. Is it: Someone who condemns white supremists?


Guess where you have to go?

>Grudgingly rebuke nazis after being pressured into it.
Yeah, he sure is a great president. Maga, and sheeeeit.

Too bad Spain saw an increase in refugee refuse this past year. Maybe you should get a new Generalissimo?

He should have named BLM and Antifa, faggot.

>punching right

You aren't right, NEETsoc.

Throw in the troops when they threaten to remove a historic monument.

We should go take down the MLK monument.

>Maybe you should get a new Generalissimo?
That would worsen the endemic corruption the country suffers. It might come as a shocker to a """white""" supremacist, but there are more pressing problems than people with darker skin.

It means attacking allies who are right wing. The thing is national (((socialists))) aren't right wing, so it doesn't matter.

he's a white man in the oval office and probably the last one there ever will be, can't you just be happy for a little while longer

Not in the long run, sadly.
Go fucking live near a black ghetto at school and let me know how it is.

It's black countries that are the most corrupt.

I'm still amazed how some people went apeshit over his "condemnation". Works speak louder than actions. It was like that syria bombing: nothing but plausible deniability.

Sup Forums dwellers are nothing but bags of prejudices and misconceptions. It's sad that you're more willing to get your pocket picked by white collar bastards than having blacks in your neighbourhood.

Also friendly reminder that for about 4x weeks after the Syrian base bombing, the Jewish MSM stopped reporting on muh Russia collusion. They are all scum!

That's a very Clinton like approach you have there.
> the enemies rhetoric, its succeeding
> this is what we stand for now
I believe that rat Schumer just did the same thing

reminder that if he disavows the alt-right they'll ask "why don't you fire Bannon?" He knows it's a trap, and that's why he will never say anything about the alt-right.

You're either trolling or absolutely blissfully clueless to how shitty your country will become once it has >10% African population. Although I guess a lot are going through Spain to go to where there are more gibs in Germany/Sweden.

not her

please, PLEASE fall into the earth and die screaming


I work and live in a city with an above average number of blacks. I have no quarrel with them.

But I do have a problem with government corruption. The main reason third world shitholes don't prosper is exactly that: potential gains are sucked by greedy bastards in control of the institutions.

Probally his daughter.
Trump's daughter is a idiot the communist antifa jews will rape and kill her infront of her kike husband.
The trump family has no idea what communist and anarchist did to the russian royal family.

I see it, but it is a stab in the back of many who were not violent at all and are being scapegoated.

Trump of course is defeating the media still.

Most at the rally were not violent at all.

Exactly. Enjoy the new few years of nothing getting done and this retard going back on his policies. 6 months in and we're still talking about Russia, there is no fucking wall being made, congress is split as a motherfucker, trumpcare failed and to top it all off trump supporters are being aligned with fucking Nazis. What a shitshow.

They WERE violent. They came armed with weapons and shields. Both sides. They came dressed as nazis and confederates.

Of course the nazis and white supremists deserved to be condemned.

Pathological altruism is why Western civilization is declining tbqh. The left (and Jews) want to diffuse the homogeneous populations of Europe to be multicultural hellholes. Your high standards of living are because of intelligent and loyal people built your nation. You're throwing that all away. This is a repeat in history of when the Sephardic Jews brought in Muslims into Spain and the Reconquista had to happen to get them out.

If I wanted my daughter to get raped by a Mexican, I'd go to Mexico. That's why I moved out of those dilapidated places. I'm not going to let the people that built this country become a minority without a fight, count on that. You will not replace us.

>They came armed with weapons and shields.
To defend themselves. They never initiate the violence, and the police always try to deliberately engineer a conflict.

Most at the Rally only prepared to defend themselves. Very few wanted or sought out violence. It is not right to scapegoat them.

God bless the Prez.

People don't understand Communists wil never stop

Their ultimate goal is to take over the entire world and rule in Socialist utopia

Take off your damn swastika if you're just going to counter-signal and tell lies. The nationalists there were not violent. They were purposefully pushed out by the police and got rocks, bricks, frozen bottles, and shit flung at them. Not to mention acid (Baked Alaska). The shields aren't just LARPing, you actually need them. The police called a state of emergency before anything happened, didnt let them speak, and pushed them into antifa and laughed when they got flung with shit and maced. If the police had just properly sectioned off the protest areas like they were instructed to do before hand by event organizers, nothing would have happened, it would have been civil like Piketteville.


attacking the right

always punch left, hit lefties every chance you get and never attack your own people.

it's 100% what niggers and jews and the left does, and it's how they have so much power.

whites are self-critical, and worse yet, many are self-loathing. we attack ourselves and undermine our own people as our enemies overrun us.

We need a hero

Well said! You NEVER see the left attack their own, like when the DNC candidate said "We dont need white people to lead". Just imagine if a conservative said we don't need black people to lead...

This is all just narrative spinning. There's no way to win such an argument.

There was fighting there. There was bigotry there. Nazism and white supremism isn't what trump stands for and there's nothing wrong with him condemning it. It's a slam dunk that such ideologies are unamerican.

By the way: Did trump condemn white nationalists?

You're a weak counter-signaller, nothing more. White supremacy is absolutely American.

he already emboldened the left by not denouncing blm or antifa, and there he goes again trying to please people who are not trying to be pleased and vilifying his base at the same time

You're a good and strong goy.

Be brave show everyone what a brave nazi you are.

FPBP, dont give those little pussy faggots a inch.

I'm fully opposed to white identity movements allowing nazi larpers to march with them. Bad optics.

Trumps establishment advisors will lead him down the path as the other republicans. Pandering to a side that will never vote for you and fight you at every turn

Well at least we can agree on that.

Damage is already done, retards.
Statue by statue, brick by brick, we will tear down the neo-confederacy and murder it in its infancy.
Do not test us. Antifa and Resistance groups outnumber you hundreds to one.

No, it is just the truth. If you want to attack WNs, fine, explain why you find the ideology wrong. Don't falsely accuse people of crimes they did not commit.

And yet your greatest accomplishments still only involve the defeat of inanimate objects.