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which one is in power

>libertarian right
>no party

time to start a party

How the fuck are the greens and SPD not on the left?

How is CDU/FDP so far right?

What definitions does this use? Even the fact that they're all larping Bolshevists nonewithstanding, I don't see how the Greens or CDU would conceivably still pass for right-wing anything.

Is this a joke? They should be all authoritarian left.

CDU, and they're gonna win again

I found it on r/ChapoTrapHouse.

I wanted to start one since years, but i cant find any other people - the average german is too stupid to understand the concept of libertarianism - being your own master and not a fucking soulless machine working 1/2 of their pathetic existence so that the gobbernment cant threw your tax euros out of the window

No authoritarian left?

>Any German party being below the x axis

Yea, but you should know that is not really how it looks.

This might be a bit more accurate, though there are always points of debate how left / right some party is EXACTLY it's certainly the case that social democrats and greens are quite a bit left of the center.

If you find yourself in a place where all other people seem too be too stupid, you should qustion your own point of view.

It's like a ghostdriver: Attention, there is a ghoastdriver on the autobahn.
WTF, there are hundreds of them.

Lefties love to shift the centre ground to make themselves look less extreme and then complain about people supporting far right parties (that are really centrists at best). They do the same here. The Tories are Marxists in all but name but the left likes to pretend they're literally Nazis.

>Any German Party other than AFD being right wing

Okay, thank you. From reading the link Germanbro posted it seems that they mostly compared what the parties campaign on - this interestingly means that not the political parties themselves, but the -interests of the voting populace as they perceive them-, have shifted toward the authoritarian right. Which might explain a lot of the bullshit we see today: It's EU kleptocrats in a panic, rushing to pull wool over our eyes.

Right wingers do the same more in the other direction to make the left more extreme and literal Nazis, fascists and people who would extradite everyone like the average grounded chill centrist. Same accusation, right back at you.

But even if you just go by widely accepted though not exact criteria:
> Generally, the left wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform, and internationalism," while the right wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism."
You'll just not end with the SPD and greens being on the right in terms of classification.

yeah, i find myself in a place in which people think that we should take more refugees and merkel did nothing wrong and we should give her another term
but i guess im the one on the wrong
i should become a mindless sheep too!

Yeah right no political party in Germany belongs on the right side of the map.

Wait, you're against refugees' right to choose and individually, voluntarily associate with Germany?

How is that libertarian?

open borders only for goods, not for people
libertarian 101

Not really libertarian 101 to me, no.

I thought you could just hire private enforcement agencies to enforce any claim you wanted.

get your autism in check and stop believing that memes are real

No, I directly heard that from liberarians as their desired state of affairs. That they would handle even enforcement and arbitration though private contractors who would be free to choose who to do business with.

I surmise they'd do business with refugees and migrants, too. 'cause why wouldn't they.