Explain these two ideologies to me

>"America is the greatest country on Earth."

>"Make America great Again"

Which one is it Sup Forums?

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Learn what an ideology is you mongoloid.

We're better than everyone else but we're in rapid decline.

>Ideology (from Greek ιδεολογία) is a comprehensive set of normative beliefs, conscious and unconscious ideas, that an individual, group or society has.

Shut up.

Just because we're not as great as we used to be doesn't mean we're not still greaterer than everyone else.

The whole world sucks these days.

that looks like a grl I'm currently trying to get to know better in the hopes that it will turn into a loving, healthy relationship that will lead to marriage and children.
If it doesn't I'm going full 1488

"Make America pre-NAFTA with a strong manufacturing base and jobs that provide dignity along with a living wage while not engaging in pointless, de-stabilizing wars on behalf of the military industrial complex" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

We had a black president.

Oddly enough you're never first on any lists of best country to live in.

Currently we are compared to other countries as if our status is within their reach. We need to become great again to remind the rest of the world they will never have a chance at becoming what America once was and can be again.

thats a statement.
not an ideology.
i thought chinks were smart?

Lists composed by countries other than America are inferior lists.

>'America is so backwards and homophobic/racist/sexist. Canada and Europe are much better.'

>'MAGA? Uh America's already great, drumpf.'

You first, leaf shit.

Neither. It's not great and you can't make it great with kike loving Trump.
52% """"white""""(25-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
USA is a mongrel minority-White semite-run nation. Not even 60%, or even 50% White. More like 20-35% White? Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity!



wrong. Share has no freedom. It can't
>not send it's kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>no autos

Might as well go full 1488.
If a girl likes you, she will let you know immediately. Otherwise she will just string you along for resources up to and including your life.

They all fail to count the only resource that matters. Arms.

We aren't as great as we used to be, but we're still better than you. That pretty much sums it up, homes. The South (of Canada) will rise again!

China is better

Lists compiled by faggots, singing to the faggot choir on faggot island

Because school shootings and dead kids is a small price to pay in comparison.

Thats how much everyone else sucks. Were still the greatest even though were a shadow of our former selves.

It was the greatest until Obama and his policies. We just need to revert back.

We live in different states (not too far tho), she works for another company that is one of the accounts I handle.
We only started emailing (for work stuff) a few weeks ago and that has turned into phone calls instead of emails, sharing pictures with each other, exchanging personal phone numbers and texting/phone calls all last weekend.
I'm hopeful.

It sure is.

She's fucking some other dude's dick.

>We just need to revert back

both idioms can coexist

America is shit, as it is ran by kikes through the power of the federal reserve and the fact that the USD is """created""" by banks, as opposed to the government
Who, in their right mind, would surrender control of their currency to a non-government entity?

I bet it's jamal

Of course it is. Sexualize and capitalize otherwise be single.

Yeah thats why its called Make America Great Again. Again before Obama ruined it.



why not having a full 1488 marriage and kids?

Because she first has to be quality material. Also it appears it's long distance so she's likely taking Jamal's dick.

excellent post

America IS NOT A COUNTRY, America is an entire continent.

Both you fuckin retard

America haters suffer from simplistic binary thinking. Brainlets

You do understand the concept of synonymous, right? Or did that go out the window in Italy when Rome fell?

Never mind, it's Mexico, I don't blame you for being retarded.

Your country is named and designed in imitation of my country.

>Which one is it Sup Forums?


don't like it?

i don't give a shit. america

All other counties just suck that much

>Burger giving culture lessons

How we come to this point world?

>implying that's not the AmericaS

We out-colonized you?

Meh, at leats i can get beer at Mcdonals.

Wtf? I love Trump now.

>Beer at McDonalds

And you wonder how Burgers came to educate you. European third-worlder.

What other country in the Americas has America in the name?

Trump is the literal boss.

You're so lost in right wing propaganda that you can't see literal reality. We were on the brink of collapse as a nation as Obama was sworn in. He saved this country, and you thank him by calling him racist names. You people aren't patriots, you're traitors.

>Guns Per Capita
>1st in natural gas production
>1st national park

When was America ever great?

>America is greatest nation in the world.

Barack Obama steals office 2x
Makes a whole lot of USA Freedoms totally commie and corrupt

> Trump: Make America Great Again. (a la Reagan)

Barack Obama leaves office, Trump ascends to President with Electoral College win (muh popular votes, please, it's not how the game is played comrade).

>Mission Accomplished.
>Greatest Country in the World, Again.


#1 comes from denial and narcissism #2 is baseless hope in a uniting goal. Both ideologies exist because they're easy to get behind while appearing patriotic. To answer your question with 2 questions. What makes you think everyone on a forum designed to be a place for throwing around contrasting opinions will unanimously share a single ideology? lmao. Secondly, are you daft?

america has been scamland for decades now. the ignorant think it's anything else and wonder why it's been in decline since reagan.

When gays and Vegans were killed in the streets.