When did you realize (((evolution))) is bullshit?

When did you realize (((evolution))) is bullshit?

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You're dumb. Read a biology book.

What's your explanation then ? Adam and Eve making children and those children having incestual sex and them somehow having other inbred children, do you know how DNA works ?

You mean a (((biology))) (((book)))?

I never did because my parents taught me right growing up. Anyone believing that kike ideology will get slaughtered on the day of the rope. This is why I'm home schooling my children so these liberal teachers don't tell them we came from shit flinging monkies

Listened to all 13 hours of Kent Hovind CSE 101. Blew my mind.

To any fedoras inbound: abiogenesis is faith-based. You are an idiot.

Whenever I realized that there's still monkeys around

And creationism is based on facts ?

God made man in his own image
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

If man evolved from monkey then why monkey still around today?

~4 years ago

nice bait btw


There are petrified clams on top of Mt. Everest.

There are Horse Skeletons and Golden plated chariots at the bottom of the Red Sea with the exact style of the Egyptian-time period of Moses.

Watch Hovind's CSE 101 if you want to learn. I really hope you do.

can life mutate? yes. can mutations be beneficial? yes. can many mutations over hundreds of thousands of years result in a species looking very different? yes.

Is any of this hard to understand or what?

explain mitochondria

Look at ur phone
Do u think it could be made by chance?
Now u r 100 trillion times more complex than ur phone
So how could u be made by random chance?

These fedora tipping heretics claim we all come from Africa and came from niggers and monkies. If that isn't enough to make you think that (((evolution))) is bullshit I don't know what will.

When I was in high school and realized it was basically being shoved down our throats without us having any say in the matter, and we're basically told we're idiots if we question it (gaslighting, a common psychological abuse tactic).

Obviously we should be suspicious of any "fact" we're not allowed to question.

oh boy. another braindead thoughtlet who thinks they know anything about science after watching a handful of creationist videos on youtube. so fucking ignorant smdh....


What is Scientific Method?

Therefore, is abiogenesis scientific? No.



Meanwhile (((creationism))) originates from a religion literally invented by Jews

I agree. The only people pushing evolution are literal kikes

So because we don't know the origins of life, it must be God? You people are like vampires. You thrive in the darkness but flee from the light of knowledge.

See this is exactly what I'm talking about.

>How dare you question our (((facts)))? Only an idiot would deny this (((fact))) you braindead idiot, you're ignorant of our (((facts)))

Notice how they use the same suppression tactics as (((holocaust))) promoters. Don't ask questions, goy!

Never. Creationism is what is fully autistic.

this dude has absolutely no scientific background and is a christian evangelist why the fuck should i trust what he's babbling

I finally understand that when people use ((())) they're not pointing at Jews. They're actually
pointing at Satan. I find it hard to believe that people who use ((())) can't understand this nor believe in christ.


Nothing more annoying than fedoras who think they have a grasp on the Synagogue of Satan, uses ((()))) and don't even realize how Judaism and Christianity are diametrically opposed to one another.

Talmud Attacks Christians and Christian Books

Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians (minnim) and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.

Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament ("uncanonical books") will have no portion in the world to come.

Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New
Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."

Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in Soncino footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery: "It is taught that on the eve of Passover Jesus was hung, and forty days before this the proclamation was made: Jesus is to be stoned to death because he has practiced sorcery and has lured the people to idolatry...He was an enticer and of such thou shalt not pity or condone."

1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).

2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).

3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh, which is also explicitly banned in the Bible (Shabbos 104b).

End quote from noahide.com/yeshu.htm (Lubavitch website) June 20, 2000.

[Note: we have printed and preserved in our files a hard copy of this statement from the Lubavitch"Noah's Covenant Website," as it appeared on their website at noahide.com on June 20, 2000, in the event that denials are later issued and the statement itself suppressed].

litteral paranoid schizophrenic rambling here, enjoy living in your delusional little world

>(((creationism))) originates from a religion literally invented by Jews

Because ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Macedonians, Peloponnesians, Persians, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, Norse, Goths, and Slavs all believed in evolution.

Charles Darwin was a Jew. Creationism was universally recognized truth; evolution is a Jewish innovation. You're a dumbass.

Well it's both, Jesus said the Jews that rejected Him were devil children.

Radio Carbon-Dating has been proven innacurate by a large margin countless times. With more evidence stacking against it as our technological capabilites increase.

The other method of dating uses the Geologic Column, in which fossils are dated by the strats...but strata is dated by fossils better. Both are double checked by Radio Carbon 14.

Both these methods are used to date "ancient pagan religions which Christianity copied".

What else...

Law of Thermodynamics...

>Creationism was universally recognized truth
you know that geocentrism and flat earth was recognized as truth too back then ? I honestly hope this is just bait

Explain how mitochondria (((evolved))).

You argue like a Jew.

>Anyone who questions this theory is dumb and delusional and probably a nazi somehow! Bad goy! BAD!
>Anyone who believes this theory without questioning it is awesome and smart! Good goy, have a gold star for being such a good, loyal, unquestioning student!

You're probably a literal cuck irl. I hope you come around and sit through a few hours of video. Unless you're terrified of being wrong.

So do you actually have any arguments to support your side, or...

Why do jews hate Christians?


>you know that geocentrism and flat earth was recognized as truth too back then ?
Uh.... No? The Earth was recognized as spherical by most cultures. Earth is described as spherical in the Qur'an, which is God's most holy truth against which all scientific research should be tested.

When did you realize thats its ok to kill people who think evolution is bullshit?

Your religion was literally created by Jews who acted as Donmëh within the Catholic Church 2 centuries after "St." Augustine the pervert reversed 300 years of anti-Judaism.

And religion is about questioning yourself and your suroundings or following blindly your scriptures ? The irony is strong over there

>the Arab world would soon be serving the pope

This is a joke, right?

The crusades made a laughingstock of the Catholic church. Literally just a massive civil war of Christian-on-Christian violence, with relatively few Muslim casualties.

The current pope has kissed the Quran, he kisses the feet of Muslim immigrants. If anything, Catholics serve us.

They don't use suppression tactics, though. They literally just tell you there is a mountain of evidence that you choose to ignore.

Certified (((Kike)))

How would anyone ever come to that "realization" in the first place? Never heard of a person suddenly giving up on the basic theory of evolution.

You can't just do (((THIS))) as an argument for everything you don't agree with

Christ fags are on their way out with Islam fags. Good riddance

Well if you're too retarded to grasp it there's nothing to give up

Turks are so dumb.

Arab Muslims actually read into the redpill when I get the chance to tell them.

Your religion was created by Donmëh proclaiming Catholicism. It's why Israel helpes you catch Ocalan. Your Turkish women and girls are put on the UAE sex markets by Jews

Get the fuck out of this thread, Abu. The crusades were a smashing success (the first one at least). The Seljuks couldn't last longer than a few centuries- the only reason they won the next two crusades was due to the divisions of the crusaders.

Jews hate all goyim

What an idiot. This is a Christian Nation. Get the fuck out of it snowflake

scifag here... evolution is a THEORY, which to plebs is science lingo for one assholes opinion.

At the end of the day I can argue either way, because that is what a theory is for. There is no real answer on this world friends, but the future is space. Signs say the future is getting closer.

>implying (((Christianity))) isn't (((bullshit)))

Yeah I guess I should believe everything some hippie kike said 2000+ years ago instead

guys im just saying, as a herpetologist, i observe adaptation and evolution, i mean i see it happen before my eyes with my specimens, so i mean, you're wrong, i cant say anything about abiogenesis but animals change generationally, they don't stay static.

>>implying (((Christianity))) isn't (((bullshit)))
as a scifag I can argue that either way, but typing it out is too annoying, plebs no one way. Being a theory there is no RIGHT way because theories are guesses, opinions, not laws, and not facts, not testable in any observable environment under ANY condition...

No one is denying micro-evolution.

Aka variations within a KIND.

But to suggest houseplants and humans have a common ancestor, and it all started from abiogenesis(the spontaneous generation of Living Matter from Non-Living Matter) is faith-based.

good goy

Take the flag off faggot.



Good channels, hopefully they help people.


A true Gospel presentation. Hopefully those who haven't heard watch, and those who have can share this.

>a scientific theory first drawn up by a white British man is kike ideology
>which is why I follow this religion half of which is literally just a copy of the Jewish Torah and the other half of which is all about the life and teachings of a jew

Wow. I learned something.

>>which is why I follow this religion half of which is literally just a copy of the Jewish Torah and the other half of which is all about the life and teachings of a jew
being a christian or hardcore catholic doesnt mean you cant believe in the theory of evolution senpai, thats why its a THEORY. Keep in mind many catholics and other religious scholars have all been scientific scholars.

>thinks theory means the same in science as it does in common lingo

Youre an idiot. Take off the flag. Youre probably 13 years old and skinny fat

Your phone is not a living/evolving thing you idiot.

oh i gotcha.but it is kinda cool to think we're really advanced versions of lizards though, we have some similar characteristics. id rather be a really smart snake than a monkey

Canadians might literally have the dumbest posts on Sup Forums. Like the dumbest people ever, on average.

Just like you guys believe a fucking Jew who preached equality of all races is your lord and saviour

I know you probably wont, but if this flag really means something to you, listen to Kent Hovind CSE 101. It's 13 hours. You will walk away a changed person.

yeah but the theory isnt to determine if it happens but rather the mechanics by which it occurs. I literally just went through college for this.as that other user said though, we really do only know about change within a kind, when we decide what makes a species different is blurry to say the least.

Take off the flag

I have a lot of respect for Christianity and was raised as one, but I had an argument with a Christian cuck today about white nationalism; and she was virtually the same as a Marxist with her "we're all the same, hurrrr!" bullshit.

Christianity leads to globalist, egalitarian thinking; and ironically the militant atheist Marxists exploit it to get whites to cuck themselves.

>ancient Sumerians etc.

All had their own religions until (((Christianity))) and (((Islam))) showed up

sure ill put it on my list. no promises my man, but im always open to new info

>"Christianity leads to globalist thinking"

Wew lad. You are really flexing that flag. Clueless af


By the 3rd episode he's talking about Communism. Redpill is strong

this is wrong. Christianity has been incepted by (((Them))) Aka Satan. Your christian friend has been deceived.

>mfw there's more evidence that abiogenesis is possible than there is evidence of a god being possible

Except I recognize evolution is just a theory not 100% truth most creationists think that what their book says is 100% truth

>this is what Christians actually believe

neat my man

K, (((bro)))

If you talk about eugenics and social darwinism, I agree.

There is literally no evidence for abiogenesis. Literally.

Yeah just the same way a fuck ton of Jews publicly hated communism and the USSR. Doesn't make communism any less of a Jew creation

>being a sciguy
>theories are guesses

Drink bleach

in college


I live in NE Texas, and I've been to multiple churches where the people had half-nigglet babies.

Christianity used to be de facto Eurocentric a long time ago, but modern Christianity pushes the notion that all humans are "equal" under God (as long as they're "saved"). And Christians often go on mission trips to give 3rd-world niggers free handouts.

The only practical use I see for Christianity is using it as a wedge issue to separate atheistic Marxists from left-leaning Latinos.

I said evidence for it being possible. Chemoautotrophs were the first life forms.

are you fucking stupid?

"We will not tolerate anyone who attacks the ideas of Christianity. We are a Christian Movement."

Take off the flag. There's a nice Star of David one somewhere

Daily reminder that creationcucks believe in racial egalitarianism