Do you honestly feel we're seeing the fall of the alt right in this country...

Do you honestly feel we're seeing the fall of the alt right in this country? It seems the right although now visible is being absolutely crushed, so much so the President who rarely is forced to do anything against his base, is literally forced to condemn them by political pressure.

Blackpill shill thread #336

The "Alt right" was made to fall.
The real movement is just being born.

not at all

Nope demoralization shill

What was supposed to "unite the right" just gave the media images of Klansman next to people dressed like Trump in polos and khakis, not to mention the muslim teir terrorist attack.

>drumpf is done it's over for him


Every facebook media outlet who isn't incurebly liberal has a top comment that tells people that what the media is saying is bullshit and that the peacefull protest was set up by the major and police.

GTFO commiefaggot and also SAGE

I know this is yet another shill thread, but: the alt-right is a symptom of society's underlying disease, not its cause; as long as the disease isn't cured, the alt-right will continue to exist. Besides, if murdering people discredited an ideology, leftism would have died in 1917

It hasn't even started yet and degenerate marxist manlets already have their neo-vaginas in a twist - glorious.

Basically this. Now everyone knows the alt right but not in a good way. They're generally despised.

This is literally a kike trick to balkanize and bubble the US, shame whites into a corner to willingly give up their demographics and most likely free speech as more violence erupts and the media keeps distancing the far right from the centrists. THis is what the Jews want. Hard righters getting more angry, then they stoke infighting and just keep repeating until its all fractured and useless. Remain vigilant, think before you act and think before you post, we all have power to contribute and we need to be careful which direction this ball begins to roll.

So basically the same fucking thing that's been portrayed for two years then

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!


no we're not seeing the fall of the alt right

we're seeing the fall of the entire right

>They're generally despised.

Communists on the other hand are fucking loathed for having killed tens of millions of people, and rightly so

Keep clicking the heels on your Friends of Dorothy ruby slippers and wishing that the Right will go away. We are only getting started.

Sessions is now investigating Antifa.

Trump just demonized "KKK and Neo-Nazis" not white nationalists as a whole. He's just doing in order to maintain popularity with centrist normies. While all this is going-on, Sessions will silently snuff-out the commie radicals. Kristelnacht 2.0.

>former alt-right supporter here

Not gonna lie, former alt-right supporter here. This is fucking hilarious the movement crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.

the "alt-right" was created by the left, why would you want to be associated with it?
nah, not with what the left is doing.

I believe the leftists commies will continue doing the lions share of recruiting for identitarians. There wouldn't be an alt-right without the SJW left.

Guys I have falling for the kikery. I feel yellow blacks and sneks have betrayed us. I literally hate yellowblacks and sneks as much as the left now. Im stuck in a shithole asssholes and the only sane people I can i can relate to are Nazis. Everyone else has gone nuts.

our boy's going to walk away scot free. the cops are treating this poorfag like a prince. at first they stated it didnt look intentional. now its "common guys, hes disabled". we president now

There's no such thing as bad publicity, if anything, the amount of shills/bluepilled faggots on here shows that we've got more people coming here than ever. Sure, many will leave and never come back, but some will stay and identify with the movement.

Alt right doesn't exist. Never did. Fuck off back to plebbit


I'm not sure why the President condemning white supremacist and nazis has to do with the alt-right. Those nut jobs are a small fraction of the movement. In short, GTFO libtard

That's it. We're finished. How will we ever recover?

*sigh* another shilling thread - reported

They can try. Great war i wait. First thing in that i cut all leftist cucks open and shower under their squirting vains

this is actually quite accurate. the alt right is a stepping stone, towards what I can't say. It's going to be more radical, but it won't just be re-branded natsoc. My guess is racial separatism through balkanization of the U.S.

In other words, they don't know the alt-right at all and are just stupid sheep who believe the socialist nazi propaganda the MSM spews forth. So what else is new? This weekend didn't change anything.

The goyim have reached critical knowing levels.

Like clockwork, erchants will now attempt to SHUT IT DOWN

The alt-right won't fall unless illegal actions are taken upon them. You can't abolish the alt-right without first abolishing freedom of speech, which pushes the alt-right's agenda even further and far beyond into space. You can't win the battle without violence, and that's exactly what the left are starting to incite. If anything, any radical movement aimed to put a temporary stop or completely halt the alt-right would just weaken its opponents and strengthen the alt-right.

"Top Comments" are often top comments because of a sizeable minority with an opinion. If you've taken statistics you would know about open survey sampling bias and that people who have the strongest opinions tend to voice it. It's particularly biased towards those with a negative opinion towards what's presented. Not to mention that the demographics become more and more less representative when circumstances like caring about social media and commenting things is taken into consideration.

>tl;dr: vast majority of normies react to headlines thinking "evil nazis" and that top comments arent representative

This. Pres. Trump's address was chuck full of nods to the right. He never once mentioned the alt-right movement. He denounced racism and acts of violence by racists "and others". These have nothing to do with the alt-right right movement. Tge movement is about being proud of your heritage regardless of what your heritage is, it's not about believing your heritage is superior to anyone else's. The left wants us to be about white supremacy because the core foundation of their white/male privilege theory is that we are inferior because we believe we are superior. Since we allegedly look down on everyone else, were defective and should be subjugated

Go ahead and give the libtards more fuel for the fire moron

will continue to post this in every thread it fits:

I'm a alt-right supporter who liked many of Spencer's policies, but I am calling for his arrest (and Jared Taylor depending on whether he was there or not which I do not know). I called my senators, Warren and Markey, and said for them to join that congressman from California in calling for his arrest. I am asking other supporters to do the same. I'm not arresting him for his policies, but for his lies and cooperation with a murderer to influence a democratic nation. An alt-righter could've done the best in the world to improve the White Race, but I would still call for his/her arrest if he/she went against democracy. We can't set a precedent that murderers can think they are able direct the governance of the United States of America. I also want you fellow alt-righters in doubt to know that not much will change as your viewpoints will remain popular as the current trend is very nationalist. We need all Americans, regardless of political stance, to understand how dangerous this is for us and the rest of the free world.

Sooo... what's your point? Top comments are still top comments regardless. When the sheep wander onto the interwebs to find out what they should think, they read the top comments

Way to go storm fags

> the alt right is the movement

nah fuck off

The alt right will be around as long as soros is funding them through proxies.

He's controlled opposition, they will do nothing.

Best thing we can do is treat the alt right in the same way we treat antifa.

Both are puppet tools for you know who.

a lot is new, during the election the right wing looked normal compared to the SJW extreme left crying about literally everything, now you've got the extreme right crying about everything, shattering our image as normal, don't expect the 2020 election to be as easy after all this baggage and scandal the alt right are tacking onto trump

>fall of a self proclaimed group which has nothing to do with Sup Forums created less than 6 months ago
yeah bud, it's the mighty fall of that giant, oooooh