Holy shit. DRUMPFYTARDS AND SWEETYS BTFO!! How can Sup Forums ever recover?

Holy shit. DRUMPFYTARDS AND SWEETYS BTFO!! How can Sup Forums ever recover?

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Also, that picture is staged af.


Kill yourself nigger

Go read hobbes. All hu.ans hate eachother. A baby wpuld not give a shit if its brother died right next to it, and it doesnt until it learns the behavior.

Twerk it baby

You like what you see?

Hell yeah!


even that little black kid looking at obama like "wtf I have to grow up in this nigger infested country and you did nothing to help me?"

I seriously cannot think of a more contemptible political figure in my years of life than Barack Obama. Not even Hillary is as vile.

The Cirno

Obama would know, hates White people because the Church he went to told him to

He hates Jews as well, his anti Israel stunt after Trump won was pretty obvious, doesn't have to bow down to them anymore, so might as well fuck them over


I wouldn't hate blacks if they didn't hate whites


correct. They start hating them once they age beyond 12 and notice that all the niggers still are on the mental scale of a 6 year old.

"Hey, do you kids like pizza?"

no one is born toilet trained either.
so should be just keep shitting in our pants and waiting to be changed?


Obama is 100% correct.

I LEARNED to hate niggers, because they act like animals.

And I LEARNED to hate sandniggers, because they keep blowing up innocent women and children.

Only a STUPID CHILD would hold on to the beliefs of their infancy with no regard to the world around them.


>acknowledging that you literally have to be a baby to ignore the disparity between races
kek thanks for the confirmation Obongo

That's why he had to bait the population into a race war.

Goddamn underboob is the best.

"Hi John, fresh batch arrive?"

Of course nobody is born hating someone because of skin color, it is a defense mechanism learned through years of repeated bad experiences with a certain race.

No retard is going to hate dark SE asian just because of their skin color. This is just nonsense libshit propaganda.

Why do some houses have those half height floor plans? Seems really inefficient.

Does anyone have that study that shows in-group racial preferences in infants?

Communism is subversive invention
Humanity doesn't have a race problem, it has a nigger and kike problem. Now, those words are offensive to some, but it is time to redefine them. A nigger is best defined by the MLK Boondocks episode, (they're living contradictions, full of unfulfilled ambitions, watch and wane, love to complain, love to hear themselves talk, but hate to explain, love being another man's judge and jury, procrastinate until it's time to worry, love to be late,but hate to hurry). Now this can mean anybody can fall into this category, hence the term wigger was coined to describe the white version, but it can be anybody. This problem can be solved by addressing the next problem, kikes. Kikes are mystic, kabalist, hasidic, talmud practicing, pharisee and synagogue of satan worshipping jews. These are the subversive types that promote degeneracy in pop culture and rule by diving and conquering. The more we start to address and expose these types of kikes, the more likely we'll stop infighting and take back control from these subversive types. Don't fall for their tricks, a race war is part of (((their))) plan.


That black kid is like bitch gtfo my face.

>first black president
>term ends
>race relations worse than ever
Can't make this shit up.

so many flavors to choose from here

No, we're not born that way. We just learn it as a primary defense against subhumans that are disproportionately more likely to attack us.

That's just how they look, user.

Since he didnt condemn the alt right as nazis, he is literally hitler and should be impeached

>welcomes BLM into white house after they advocate for the death of cops

typical nigger

and thats the most clickbait tweet ever.

you're not even doing it justice,

>black president is elected by majority white population to virtue signal how not racist they are, and how much better things will be and muh change
>serves 2 terms
>race war starts