Saw this on a facebook comment. I feel this is at least 12 different fallicies

Saw this on a facebook comment. I feel this is at least 12 different fallicies.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is why we keep saying we're libertarian, not Nazi.

>People still believe we're in a free society

So I can punch people who have Commie flags? Good to know.

Simple response:

>So do you agree that the AntiFa flags are an incitement as well and are a call to action for violence?

You don't need fallacies, you just need the Supreme Court's decisions.

By the logic of the pic, then yes it should be fine. But we both know different.

I feel I knew this at one point. Thank you for reminding me.

I just linked

Which works, but I just think it would be funnier to see them try to explain why the one flag is not incitement while the other is.

>mfw when i want a new world war just so they can't say "the last world war" anymore

>calling for ethnic cleansing by waving a flag

There is a big difference between desire and intent. It's not illegal to say 'Yknow, I really wish you were dead'. However since it hasn't crossed the threshold of being a legitimate threat, there's no reason to make it illegal. If people were going around saying 'I am going to kill you', then it's different. Intent has been clearly stated. A threat has been clearly issued. And the Nazi flag only represents BELIEFS, not INTENTS.

Let's say there is group of Muslim extremist doing rally on American soil, waving ISIS flags and have belief that all kafir must be exterminated. Will you support their right to express their belief or want them to sent to Guantanamo bay?

They can express their belief all they want until they actually try to carry it out.

>hey we just want to be left alone...

i really hate how intellectually dishonest the left is.


maximum cringe

In English "the last" anything means the most recent.
It doesn't imply there will never be another one.

I don't think that would be consensus of the group of people that supported Charlottesville rally, they would gladly see the Muslim extremist gun down in public than let them wave flags.

They can say and believe whatever they want. I think they're pieces of shit but that's just my opinion. If they ever expose any form of intent of harm towards anybody, then they can be arrested.

Freedom of speech is about protecting what you hate, not what you like.

>I don't think that would be consensus of the group of people that supported Charlottesville rally

Who cares? The thing with rights is that you have them whether or not someone doesn't like it.

you misunderstood my intentions

I fucking love current year.
Unless you're literally a commie anarchist sexual deviant racemixer who virtue signals 24/7 on an Orwellian surveillance system of social networks then you are a le evil Nazi.
If you faggots wanna come punch me now my body is ready for the race war.

who decides what incitement is? Could you start saying that any antifa paraphernalia or any that identifies one as a muslim is incitement?

Once again, the left can't into logic.

The last slide is an opinion, yet they simply pass it off as fact: that a Nazi symbol is incitement.

More mental gymnastics by the left. True mentally ill or retarded or both.

>we just want to be left alone
>go outside in public waving a flag around

pick one

Even if this comic is correct, at best they could call the authorities and have them take care of it. They are still not allowed, by law, to attack someone for expressing that opinion even if they feel the opinion is unlawful for some reason.

They're saying that Nazis are murderous tyrants who want to gas the kikes
But most modern Nazis deny the Holocaust
Wait, wat

Genocide is not a requisite of National Socialism.

The pure aim of National Socialism is to unlock human potential by allowing the natural hierarchical structure of the meritocracy to take place.
The best people doing the best things unified by the idea of their Race, Ethnicity and common National Interest.
Western Civilization was created by Western People. The very culture we live in every day represents who we are as people. It can intoxicate the mind to greatness or it can become a poison when left to rot, as it is now when our great buildings are being replaced by Communist Blocs.

Pride, Nationalism, Strength, Unity. Unite the People around their race and then "Classism" that the Left are fighting becomes meaningless.

We support private property ownership and private business. It is free market based, with constraints. No man may, for the sake of pleasure or profit, undermine the moral, cultural or societal fabric of the State.

National Socialism is like a stair case to the Stars and beyond.
Unlocking the fullest potential of a People, who come together as individuals for a greater purpose.

I don't hate the negro, I don't hate the arab, I don't even hate the Jews who remain in Israel.
I hate foreign interests dictating the direction of my people and my culture and determining for us, for the sake of other's who are not of our Common Folk, the destiny which they have chosen FOR us, rather than the Destiny which we choose to carve out for ourselves.

National Socialists do not believe in the extermination of other races.

But they were waiving Nazi flags, I know Left is retarded most of the time, but no this time.

>Who cares
It's not the point here I'm just pointing out the hypocritical nature of American right wing.

>hasn't crossed the threshold of being a legitimate threat

lemme guess, the holocaust didn't happen?




I hate to be the one to break this to you user, but the reason the ACLU defends these marches is because
1. It gives a false are of impartiality, when 90% of ACLU efforts go towards advancing the pozz and pozzed causes
2. 90% of protests/marches protected by such laws will be Leftist protests/marches
3. To further undermine the powers of local communities to protect themselves from outside influence
4. It further raises the public profile of WN goofballs and wingnuts, so as to taint by association the mainstream right, as you saw in this march ("THESE PEOPLE LIKE TRUMP AND WEAR MAGA HATS, HERE'S WHY TRUMP WANTS TO GENOCIDE BLACK PEOPLE...")

>Why yes, this organisation notorious for its Jew lawyers bitching about crosses in public spaces is surely assisting white nationalists out of the goodness of their jewey little hearts!

To be fair these guys were actually just nazis. Granted they should've either let them protest peacefully or if they had an issue with it call the police, but engaging them just makes you look like retards and losers who can't take a punch.

>They are not allowed attack some one
It was one of the Nazi sympathizers that attacked the protestors.

nice meme faggot.

That's like saying if you wave the American flag you're going to nuke someone. Or if you wave the Canadian flag, you're going to fuck their dog.

The nazi flag represents the ideals and beliefs of the Nazi party. It doesn't clearly and presently state 'I AM GOING TO KILL YOU RIGHT NOW'. At most it says 'I WANT TO KILL YOU' and desires =/= intent.

>Not an argument.
Herr Hitler assisted 60,000 Jews into Palestine through the Havaara Agreement and even looked into purchasing Madagascar from France to provide a new homeland for the Jews to get them out of Germany.

>flying a flag is tantamount to incitement
Except not only is this completely untrue, but incitement also requires a genuine threat.
Until they start handing out rifles or supplies for bombs nothing was done wrong.

Yeah, and he was arrested. Or did you not read the 'by law' part?

dont blame the messenger for noticing the inconsistency in the stormfag mind.

stormfags who deny the holocaust are spineless faggots looking for validation from others.

the true redpill is that the legitimacy of struggeling for your existence is not conditional on what other people did in another place and time.

For anyone that wants a better argument on why the ACLU is not your friend, read this

>At the same time as this private control developed, organizations like the ACLU were attacking government regulation of speech. The Gwerks formulation is that these are totally unrelated things, but in fact the one strategy serves the other. Limiting government crucially neutralizes democratic countermeasures to consolidated control of speech. This was particularly important during the earlier stages of the evolution of consolidated private control--preventing local communities from doing things like enforcing laws against obscenity, communicating shared religious values, and preferencing local over outside values. The ACLU and the neo-Nazis weren't strange bedfellows, rather the ACLU was cynically using neo-Nazis to attack local and populist control of communities.

So another name for genocide

Yeah but right wingers are toting him as dindu nuffin good boy, even though he killed and injured people with full intent. Again I'm just saying right wingers are hypocrites.

>expulsion = genocide

So does that make deportation murder or something?

>"hey maybe I don't want nigger culture shoved into every one of my 3 year old daughters orafices"

>the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
>the action of depriving someone of membership in an organization

Liberals call half the population a Nazi, it doesn't even mean anything anymore.
It's like the boy that cried wolf

I'm pretty sure that 99% of republican congressman and the president said he was evil and disgusting but sure, think whatever you want.

If you're defining the entire american right wing by some anonymous (and possibly not american) Sup Forums posters and people they interview for a Vice special then sure, you're right.

>Or if you wave the Canadian flag, you're going to fuck their dog.
But national flags, whether it's the American, Nazi, Soviet, Ethipian, wtvtf, are there to patriotically condone any type of action that benefits to all those standing by the same flag.

Deportation and expulsion are not same. Just look at Armenian genocide, the Armenians were expuled from their home and they starved without any any supply on the journey. Turks didn't have specialised camps to kill them.

>I respect freedom of speech, a free society and justice
>let's kill and attack and hurt people who have a different idea than me

I said right wing, not Republican or American as specific.

First panel:
>We should commit violence on this guy
Second panel:
>What this guy is saying is wrong because he is asking to commit violence
Third panel:
>Inciting violence is against the law

These people lack self awareness.

It's also a huge strawman.

hey, I remember seeing that image from /leftypol/!
You don't browse that stuff, right user? You're a good boy, like us.


So if people gave them a wad of cash. food and a boat ticket to fuck off would that still count as genocide to you?

Basically what your arguing is that once people live in a country, you can't remove them or it's genocide.

Likewise, demographic replacement also counts as genocide, especially against the previously established natives.

So ultimately, by your logic immigration is both genocide and a genocidal act. Glad we've come to an agreement.

Reading that gave me cancer.

>flags are to condone the actions of a country

I'm pretty sure flags just represent the ideas of the country, not say that every single thing they ever did throughout its entire history is 100% morally and logically correct.

And even if they did, you still haven't shown how a flag represents intent to commit an act. At best it condones an act so all you've said is that 'a flag means you're ok with what a country did'. Which again, is simply you showing BELIEFS, not showing any form of intent to commit acts similar to the country's past.


Idk if this is me being autistic or just a normal thing, but every paycheck I get, I'll buy a shirt off the internet with a country's flag on it.
Just last week, I bought a shirt with the Poland flag and its eagle. Today I bought a Russian shirt and a German shirt.
This all started when I was with my buddies at a mall and they were selling used clothing. I found this Vietnam shirt for like 4 dollars, so I ironically showed my buddies and bought it. Is this normal? Asking for a friend too.

or burning flags

>ISIS flag
>actively being funded by governments around the world
>kills, tortures, subverts, undermines, and overthrows governments
>wherever they are, people die, random attacks occur, kidnappings and assassinations
>Nazi flag
>Any white pride flag
>usually just a group of white people or similarly supportive persons who believe in being proud of themselves and about having an ethical homeland for themselves
Not all forms of white pride support genocide. ISIS literately kills people whenever they pop up. Huge difference, don't be a sophist.

I only saw this image on YlYl threads on Sup Forums


Hitler didn't wanted to give them supplies, he was expecting Jews to starve on

>Confederate niggers dindu nuffin
Yeah sure buddy

So, to you, beliefs and intent are totally unrelated things?

>not say that every single thing they ever did throughout its entire history is 100% morally and logically correct
I didn't say that. The greatest accomplishments within a nation/organization will always be commemorated in a usually positive fashion.

"The problem with the left is that they think your speech is violence and their violence is speech"
-Marek Bestiacz


Madagascar is one hell of a more welcoming place than the sandniggy place they did turn into a first world nation in a generation.

if hitler said that, im pretty sure he would have been proven wrong.

“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.” -Plato

>There is nothing funny about nazis
I don't know, I could think of a few things. Hitler's dumb moustache is a basic and easy example.

The other half of the problem to this argument presented is the subjectivity involved in what exactly is incitement. These snowflakes would label my farts incitement

>feels at least 12 different fallacies.
And yet lacks the intelligence, education or ability to present even one.

>that describes literally Half of the Sup Forums's double ironic posts.

>So, to you, beliefs and intent are totally unrelated things?

Of course they're not unrelated. People, especially radicals, usually act upon their beliefs. But we cannot pursue thought crimes and apprehend people before they show any form of intent because they believe in 'dangerous' ideas. If someone was waving an ISIS flag and had signs on his garage saying 'all non believers shouldn't be allowed to live', I would definitely be worried. But since he hasn't actually broken any laws or shown intent to break any laws, what am I gonna do? Arrest him for saying and thinking things I hate?


You basically dodged by post by referring to what Hitler did for whatever reason.

Just read on the "Madagascar plan", the island couldn't support large population yet Hitler wanted to sent millions of Jews their.

>few people do thing
>all people must do thing
fuck off, moron


>But by flying the Nazi flag, his "speech" is effectively calling for ethnic cleansing and the death or oppression of millions.
No. Wrong.

Does the nazi flag:

1) Call for lawless action?
2) Is it likely to cause lawless action?
3) Is it likely to cause lawless action in the immediate future?

If the answer is no, the speech is constitutionally protected.

>Let's say there is group of Muslim extremist doing rally on American soil, waving ISIS flags and have belief that all kafir must be exterminated. Will you support their right to express their belief
Yes. As long as it is speaking with words, it is protected speech. Their words can be as hateful as they want. If they call for violence, or initiate violence themselves, then it is no longer protected.

No, the expulsion is genocide if it's known that population being displaced will die due to it And to counter your other argument, Jews where living in Europe for centuries. Lastly stop using Reddit spacing you dumb faggot.

Sup Forums is not one person. The "American right wing" is not one person.

>equating everyone on the right with Nazis, which means you don't have to address their arguments
Ad hominem
>implying Neo-Nazis are only interested in gassing Jews, and couldn't be drawn to the ideology for other reasons
>violating the NAP
Just an admission that they are irrational animals.

>probably owns a Che Guevara shirt while hiding or being ignorant of the fact that he was a mass murderer who killed children and attacked America

>Hahaha not all right wingers, we dindu nuffin
Sounds familiar

No it's the original definition of "exterminate" - "ex terminus" - "beyond border"

If nothing else, incitement only applies when the speech that will cause others to break the law is both imminent and likely (and neither applies). A nazi suggesting that the government round up jews and kill them isn't even advocating that he and his followers commit crimes, and therefore not incitement by definition.

General consensus faggot, there would also be some different views among factions.

who is he inciting

just fucking send them pic related and let them figure it out

>Expecting them to starve on Madagascar

That's why, after spending his OWN Nation's money having his professionals, scientists, etc inspect the Island who determined it would be too small for the Jews, abandoned the project.

Because it was too small.
To starve on?

Kill yourself nigger.

area of madagaskar: 587,041 km2
area of isreal: 20,770 km2

current population of madagaskar is 4 * 6 million.

24 million niggers to good approximation; yet their island is so lush they are infact a major food exporter.

You can't be nazi and american unless you want an ethnostate of german-american people and german culture.
Nazi inherently means german, nationalist and socialist.

But expulsion by itself is not genocide.
>Jews were living in Europe for centuries.
We're not arguing about Jews, we're arguing about the claims that white nationalists want to genocide people and therefore are nazis inciting violence.

To the lefties, nazi is really just a codeword for white folks and anyone who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.

>implying someone with an ISIS flag chilling on his garage door wouldn't start a police breakdown + legal shitstorm

I'm not saying it wouldn't.

I'm saying it shouldn't.