What does Sup Forums think about actual autistic people?

What does Sup Forums think about actual autistic people?

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we don't think about them


retarded people are literally subhuman

I have autism but I'm not retarded.

I've worked with autistic children for 3 years and TL;Dr once you get to know them they're nice most of the time

yes you are

Were they severe or classic autism aka "medium-functioning" as they like to call it? I went to a facility for autistic adults and the high-functioning ones were some of the most insufferable cunts on this planet.

in the usa autism gets cured automatically when the autist reaches 18 years of age.

Sup Forums tries to pretend real hard not to be one of them, but nobody is fooled.

Not for me 2bh, I still have autism. I am pretty sure it's a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how the brain prunes synapses that is lifelong with no chance of "going away".

There's literally nothing wrong with being autistic.

They're rarely politically moderate. They're usually either "let's murder all Trump voters" or "nuke Israel" or "the holocaust never happened but it should happen again"

There is, I say it is pretty stressful to be unable to socialize with anyone outside of your own imagination.
Extremist views can be pretty common in autism.

Idk what to think after seeing that pic

They're animals that need to be to put down.

Some of them live relatively normal lives though, with family in fact.

I think we're pretty cool people. Even if most of the theories our collective autism spits out are wildly false they still are fun as thought experiments.

the term autism is pretty irrelevant. There are those kinda twitchy weirdos who stutter a lot and you think have severe ADD but they somehow get up in the morning, get ready, go to work, and maintain a social network. Then there are the 5-6 foot tall, 20+ year old children that like to make noises and need help to eat. The spectrum moves all the way from being a vegetable to being a functionally normal human bean

We think about them the same way they think about us...

I'm autistic and I make more money than anyone I went to school with and I'm happily married to an asian qt. You don't need social skills to be successful


just accept the fact youre serbian lmao

my daughter is autistic, i think they can be hard work to raise.

>Then there are the 5-6 foot tall, 20+ year old children that like to make noises and need help to eat
You mean like these kids?

>Ducks not with other ducks

I don't

We're more productive and logical than the rest of you. We're literally handicapped, if not completely incapable, in making emotional arguments or holding opinions with a majority emotional basis.

The dipshit normies think that we're their lessers because when they pose moral questions, we take the brutal, logical answer over the emotionally comfortable, but worse answer for a most productive and beneficial outcome.

We're not robotic, we simply have a wide scope and far view of reality.

My best friend is autistic (and a Plebbit)
He's self diagnosed which makes me question it, but then again, he does use Reddit, so its a toss up.
Autistic is just a fun word to throw around. Like cuck. No one really gives a shit about the meaning other than 2013 Tumblr ableism believers.
I don't talk shit about actual autists, just like I don't talk shit about actual retards when I use the word retarded.

I do sincerely hate cucks though. Especially the literal kind.

I believe in evolution. I believe in mutation

It is possible that autism, OCD amd bipolarism is an expression of humanities next step

You sound like a hater

No, he's right, you're just stupid

What about Schizophrenia and all psychotic disorders?

We don't hate normies, we feel a lot a frustration towards them, because they are too inept to understand beyond their narrow scope. However, among those of us who have grown stably into adulthood, the overarching feeling towards the normies is pity.

autistic people should not be allowed to be in any position of authority. their thought patterns are not normal and not based in reality, as they quite literally cannot see things from other peoples viewpoints. an autist would be a truly disastrous leader, double crossing the public and their party at any opportunity because they are unable to see the consequences of their actions properly

At least im not autistic

I'm autistic, do terribly socially cos most people think I'm an asshole but I literally couldn't give a fuck cos I make $$$$$ and do a fuck load of cocaine.

I work in the stock market.

Autistics have a more logical mind.

Hello Moshe

I know you think this is a boon for you, but it makes you inferior. I've learned how to act "normal". I don't struggle to socialize, but I do find it exhausting; but at 28, I'm now very good at it.

You, though, will always be a normie.

>We're more productive and logical than the rest of you. We're literally handicapped, if not completely incapable, in making emotional arguments or holding opinions with a majority emotional basis.
This has created more arguments with women than anything else within my life because I refuse to validate feelings as a point to stand on and have no problem telling people that
My mom says the autism is the only reason im right leaning because I don't vote for who can gib me the most dats like she and the rest of my blood does

That's not true at all. An autistic person would be far more likely to tell people the truth even if it was bad for them. Most of us don't lie because we're not good at it. Double crossing is a normie thing and we're better able to see the consequences than regular people because our opinions aren't clouded by social bullshit

Diplomacy would be the only issue that an autistic leader would have.

Sounds like youve described the ave
rage politician...

Unironically? It's an unfortunate situation for them, and most I've met have been nice.

You are wrong leaf.
The only reason it's so highly diagnosed now is because they have the technological capacity to do so, and the awareness.

Unrelated to this, a lot of people mistake so many different quirks and mental difficulties for autism, like anxiety.

I suppose so...who's to say?

Remember that evolution occurs by a species having hundreds of different mutations and one or more of them proving to be beneficial

How do we know if being bipolar isnt somehow going to result in some breakthrough and medicating it is stifling our progress?

Who doesn't enjoy a good chuckle at a retard?

Most of us are on the spectrum. It's a blessing and a curse mostly. The argument that we're all smarter or some horseshit because lol assburgers is dumb as dicks.

But we do have a knack for diving into details and sperging out to tease out things other people miss. We're useful. We have something to offer.

Other than that, we're a buncha buttfucking retards who get talked about too much. And autists use it as an excuse to act like fucking retards.

You're completely wrong in every assertion you've made in your retarded post, flag checked.

Autistic people value reality above all else, to their own immediate detriment and the immediate detriment of others if it serves a greater purpose in the long run. Their viewpoint encompasses your predictable viewpoint as well as several other probable outcomes and decisions are based on the potential merits after consideration is given to all relevant viewpoints.

You won't understand the final decision, but that's because you're intellectually shallow.

if that kid really arranged those toys like that then this pic is cute af desu

Bipolar is a very debilitating disease, it has a higher suicide rate than transgenderism and over 50% cannot hold a job. People with it have constant unpredictable mood swings.
The problem with bipolar is mania, not depression. Have you ever seen anyone high on their own mania? It's like they're on meth or heroin and will ramble on in disorganized grandiose speech.

who the fuck is trying not to be one of them eh? are you projecting?

We are smarter though because we focused on other things than social skills. Being autistic doesn't automatically make you smarter, but it puts you into a situation where you'll learn more to compensate.

I was diagnosed when I was 11 or so. Then I went back to a psychiatrist as soon as I turned 18 and it turned out my original diagnosis was false.

I don't think autism actually exists desu

This is a fair assessment. We are not smarter, but we are more knowledgeable.

Memes are the most autistic thing to come out of the internet since salad fingers

Sup Forums is the essence of autism

Because anonymously shitposting and shouting 'ree' at normies isn't autistic atall

Yes but what if one person applied that mania in a productive outlet? Or had a mutation that allowed them to control their mania?

Would they not seem superhuman?

We are necessarily smarter because we take a rational and logical approach to all situations. I personally studied sociology and psychology for the sole purpose of learning about the merits of emotional thinking and when it's beneficial to apply it.

>mfw I did similar things with my toys before going to sleep every night

Theodore Roosevelt had bipolar.
Mike Tyson has bipolar.

I thought I had autism my entire life.

Saw a clinical psychologist at 30 and after a few months of tests I was diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder.

Turns out you have to rule out autism to get a schizoid diagnosis.

So yeah, I don't have autism, Sup Forums btfo.

you really don't know a single fucking thing about this board do you. utterly clueless.

Glad I don't have an autistic child.

Hmm. Should I get checked?

Just be glad it wasn't schizotypal or people would think you're a fucking insane psycho who masturbates in public.

What the hell is autism anyways? Is it NEW? And curable? Bad parenting?

>Extremist views can be pretty common in autism

Assuming the views are actually extremist. Normies think any view that isn't middle of the road, milquetoast view is extreme. Fucking idiots.

I think actual autistic people post here constantly and you're probably one of them

You realize personality changes, it's not like indefinite for the rest of your life. Personality disorders are curable. Don't like hugs? Start giving some and practice it being MEANINGFUL.

If you don't have sensory issues, unintentional narcissism, obsessive-compulsiveness, mild frustration, speech disability, monitoring-gaze defect, anxiety disorders, and attention-deficit, you don't have autism. Simple as that. It's not just social issues.
Autism has existed for thousands of years. It's known that Jesus Christ himself had autism.

Some are high functioning others are low functioning but almost everyone in the latter has ((ADHD)) or OCD. Atleast 75% of the high functioning crowd is normally quiet and have their vices but the other 25% are loud and insufferable, litterly thinks they are royalty and that their handicap is some sort of superpower.

Srsly people with "but muh personality disorder!" is like a fat person who eats too much cake and says they can't walk. For real.

Do royals have autism then?

>normal human bean
I dont have a bean, am I autistic?

Do you have the age groups for the high functioning crowd? Autistic people mature over time like everyone else. Most of the insufferable cunts of the high functioning group are younger than 25.

I am, nigger.

>Jesus had autism

But I thought guns were bad?
In fact, did you know that Jesus and Moses used guns to conquer the Romans?

Loud autists are the absolute worst

I think they are autistic. It's about 1% of the population why should I think about them very long or hard?
I care more about the free world that the marxists are trying to destroy.


>What does Sup Forums think about actual autistic people?

>loud, squealing, literal retard who punches holes in walls, nonverbal, commits self harm and forces their parents to take care of them the rest of their miserable lives

Nvm, just described half of pol. That explains why I can't stand this place and reinforces the fact most of you should just KYS for your parent's sake.

>You realize personality changes, it's not like indefinite for the rest of your life

Yeah you have no idea what you're on about.

>1% of the population
Still 3 million people in the US alone.

Did you just call yourself autistic?

Also, checked.

I pity their families and care takers.

How is not liking hugs in a nonsexual way somehow mean you need tax payers to pay for your opiod addiction, counselling, monitoring, and totaly welfare if you "can't find work". Life takes practice, my friend. Just like you don't come straight from the womb walking. It's like a sport, you have to practice. That's literally what normal people do.
Define "smarter" or is that just an excuse? Serious.

Yes. They live in a bubble

>>don't we all

Ok and? Ants alone weigh more than all humans on earth. There are more insects on the planet than people. That doesn't make me think long and hard about them either.

Yeah just what we need more opioids and spectrums. Genders a spectrum, retardation is a spectrum, everythings on a fucking spectrum. Everyones got to get diagnosed and sedated I get it.

I come here to post about politics not broadcast my problems to the world. Fuck off what gives you the right?

>this will be one last gift to you, user
Most people that work in autism analyst organizations and early steps (USA) now believe, and this is fairly new, that the sheer number of words you read to your kid heavily affects autism rates. You also need to be a pre-natal that has folic acid.
You also need to make sure that you, if you're the mom, has a perfectly functioning thyroid during pregnancy. Either eat normal levels of shitty salty food or eat plenty of cranberries, or if you can, a little bit of seaweed or kelp (

Ages of 5 - 10. Kids in general gets full of themselves at the age of 8. Add some autism to that and remove bullying and adult reasoning, and voilá: King Autisticus III

Schizophrenia was on a spectrum way before autism was even a diagnosis.

>Most of us don't lie because we're not good at it.
That's not true, I can lie my ass off when my lifes on the line or even just when I gotta swindle a normie degenerate. Although not sure if I am autistic or just more logical... I can blend in with normies if I got the energy.

hard not to feel bad for them, but then they develop into cunts like webm related

this is retarded. this shit isn't snuffed out of the gene pool, like it would have been naturally in the past, out of "compassion"

Sorry, tested link and they don't link certain routes. Here's an SS, but you do your own research my man.


Would you, Sup Forums?

That makes sense. A "normal" child of that age will act like a cunt if they go unchecked; multiply that cuntiness by 1000 for a high functioning autistic child.

What a Jew.
>I can assure you, it's the woman's fault