Has one causality really angered the left this much?

Has one causality really angered the left this much?
Now they're taking down Confederate monuments & erasing history?

On pair with the insane amount of defeatist threads lately, it feels like this is some extra effort shilling & kikery.

You Nazis will never win.Its just about time .

>take down monument of a person of the losing country
>erasing history
This is why noone takes you seriously

For you to win you will preside over a world of inside out vaginas, are you proud of that

>Losing Country
You don't know how civil wars work do you?

One of your nazi idiots killed a peaceful protestor. How do you not understand the gravity of this situation?

>in the region that lost
You dont get that ours was truly a "civil" war and many then felt that the goal was preserving the power of the union not the negation of southern existence for all time

It's manufactured outrage designed to try and get rational people on the defensive. The left don't really give a shit save from how they can advance their ideology on the back of this situation.

I didn't want to say party for obvious reasons. But yeah the confederate states were an independent country.

>le smug

Shill Harder dumbass, we can't be responsible for the actions of one man using the left's own logic. Or are you admitting that islam is the source of terrorism?

what history is being erased by removing or moving a statue that honors some faggot, you retarded nigger? do you know what a history book is?

islam is A source of terrorism you dumb nigger

just like how catholicism was in the IRA or how anabaptism was a source immediately after the german peasants war, but thats a whole other discussion, if you want to be a faggot that only sees one religion as the problem then you're just too stupid to pay attention

>the retarded leftist apes are of course in this thread

Kill yourselves. None of you even give a shit that some dumb obese communist lady died, you just care that it makes the left look better & somehow more "sane."

Not if they were never recognized

No. Unrecognized countries are just as much countries. Not that any of that matters since you know who I meant and nothing of this influences the question about losing side and erasing history.

Stop pretending this has anything to do with winning/losing. That's just the cover niggers and nigger lovers use on here so they don't have to speak their true feelings, which is that you don't like rebel statues because you're "anti-racist" and you think the CSA was racist. We all know it, just stop pretending. I don't see any of you going after the Vietnam Memorial. We lost that war.

Leftist faggots hate the south because it consistently votes against libshit ideology and is a thorn in the side of democrats election after election. Just as the right can count of losing California the left can always know every election the south will resist their communist trash.

>Stop pretending this has anything to do with winning/losing
Wat? It is objectively a statue of a group hostile towards the united states on which's soil it stands.

>you don't like rebel statues because you're "anti-racist" and you think the CSA was racist
I'm not anti-racist but the CSA was objectively racist.

>I don't see any of you going after the Vietnam Memorial. We lost that war
And how many Nixon memorials stand on Vietnamese soil? And if they were to remove them would you consider it erasing history?

Tinfoil retard. There are no shills, only people who finally see they were on the wrong side.

>Wat? It is objectively a statue of a group hostile towards the united states on which's soil it stands.

That isn't how we see it in the south. The CSA peacefully seceded and we were invaded. You are free to disagree, but that is how our culture has seen it for a long time now. Are we not free to express our values in our communities? How is the systematic suppression of our values not erasing history?

>I'm not anti-racist but the CSA was objectively racist.

So was the north at the time. Go look up the Indian wars Lincoln waged while he was fighting the south.

>And how many Nixon memorials stand on Vietnamese soil? And if they were to remove them would you consider it erasing history?

Not even the same thing. Nixon is a foreigner to Vietnam. Confederates are not foreigners to us. They are our ancestors and forebears. If the South Vietnamese put up statues of their own people, and the North Vietnamese tore them down, then yes, I would consider that an erasure of history.

Robert E Lee was a hate monger! He makes Hitler look as peaceful as me!

Some do, some don't. What gives YOU the right to force your values onto them? This is federal soil. Why would it be obliged to honor enemies of the federation?
Just put a statue of him on your own ground. You are allowed to honor him and support the confederacy and it's values so HOW IS IT erasing history? You just want everything 100% your way and suppress opposing opinions and now you cry oppression when someone not succumbs.

>So was the north at the time
And? You denied the CSA was racist for your bogus point and now you switch topics again. There is just no talking point in this.
The CSA explicitely in there declaration said that they believe the races to be unequal. It is a key point of identification for it's supporters. Not everyone who likes the united states likes them for some alleged racist past regardless of what you black live matters idiots think.

>Nixon is a foreigner to Vietnam. Confederates are not foreigners to us.
Well of course you can find some difference. It is the same thing in regards of enemy of the state honored within the state he fought. YOU brought up the vietnam memorial which is completely ridiculous as the vietnam memorial is on american soil not vietnamese while the confederate statue was on the soil of the nation it fought.

>I would consider that an erasure of history
Well if you redefine words to fit your narrative any discussion is pointless anyway.
However the point remains that you still have the right to honor the confederacy it's history values and heroes. You can put up all the statues you want.
The point in discussion here is that you demand to do it on federal soil against popular demand and call any opposition erasure of history.

It's not federal soil you goddamn retard. The federal government doesn't own all, or even most of the land in the country. This isn't Europe where your governments own everything because you're a bunch of serfs.

>You are allowed to honor him and support the confederacy and it's values so HOW IS IT erasing history?

Except that our community expression of those values is systematically being targeted by carpetbaggers and other yankee subversives.

>And? You denied the CSA was racist for your bogus point and now you switch topics again. There is just no talking point in this.

Okay, so just as long as we're clear, the USA was every bit as racist as the CSA> So you have no reason to cherrypick the CSA for racism.

>Well of course you can find some difference. It is the same thing in regards of enemy of the state honored within the state he fought. YOU brought up the vietnam memorial which is completely ridiculous as the vietnam memorial is on american soil not vietnamese while the confederate statue was on the soil of the nation it fought.

I brought up the Vietnam Memorial because your original post mentioned "losing country". Shit argument. We were the losing country in Vietnam. You only shifted ground to "muh treason" nonsense after I pointed out that that was a shit argument.

> on federal soil

Here we go again with this nonsense. It's not federal soil. Pic related.

>if you want to be a faggot that only sees one religion as the problem
As far as religions go it is clearly the biggest source of terrorism. Compared to the acts of terror carried out by antifa and BLM, Charlottesville is not only a drop in the ocean, but a clear act of self defense.
No matter how many times you take them down those statues will stay there, (((you))) on the other hand need to go back.

Or state soil. Public soil nonetheless. But keep using insults to wash over inconsistencies

>the USA was every bit as racist as the CSA
>So you have no reason to cherrypick the CSA for racism
Racism was a defining issue of the confederacy. They themselves explicitely stated it. It was not for the US that even if they acted racist in particular moments of history never were definitional or unanimously racist. That's not what cherrypicking means. Not that the US being racist has any influence on the CSA being racist. Again what did I cherrypick?

>Shit argument
Yes you had.

>We were the losing country in Vietnam. You only shifted ground to "muh treason" nonsense after I pointed out that that was a shit argument.
I didn't talk about treason. I pointed out that the Vietnam memorial stands on US soil not Vietnamese so your whole point is futile.
You know that so you switch topics.

>It's not federal soil
The state is part of the united states now not the confederacy. The confederacy attacked the united states
The united states nor the states within are in no way obliged to put up statues of it's enemies

Also nice washing over the fact that you are allowed to put up endless memorials for the confederacy on your own ground and the whole argument is not "am i allowed to honor (or even more retarded as the op put it memorise) the confederacy" but "I want to do so on your ground reeee"

Only terrorists destroy history


>Or state soil.

Yeah, exactly, dummy. The same states that voted to secede. The same states that fought tooth and nail against the Union for years. The same states that survived Reconstruction. The same states that erected the statues to begin with. Our states. What happens in our states is none of your goddamn business.

>Racism was a defining issue of the confederacy. They themselves explicitely stated it.

So it was for the Union. They said the same thing when they were killing Indians while pretending to care about the niggers.

>It was not for the US that even if they acted racist in particular moments of history never were definitional or unanimously racist.

"Unanimously racist." What a dumb term. How could you know the hearts and minds of millions of dead people? You're stupid as shit.

>That's not what cherrypicking means. Not that the US being racist has any influence on the CSA being racist. Again what did I cherrypick?

I didn't say you did (you are now though). I said you can't, because the USA was no less racist at the time than the CSA.

>Yes you had.

And you still do, kraut.

>I didn't talk about treason. I pointed out that the Vietnam memorial stands on US soil not Vietnamese

And rebel statues stand on rebel soil.

>The state is part of the united states now not the confederacy.

Still not federal soil.

>The confederacy attacked the united states

After we were invaded by her.

>The united states nor the states within are in no way obliged to put up statues of it's enemies

Nobody is saying they are obligated to put up statues you mouthbreathing boob.

bekhouden koeiekutten likker

Nazis have the testosterone to succeed, you commies have the feels to taste defeat.

Give it a rest goys. We're all a little bit racist.

Just wait for the "anti-hate" rallies in the coming week. They will feature cars burning, businesses vandalized, helpless garbage dumpsters assaulted. The usual acts of peaceful leftists.

They're not going to stop at confederate monuments you stupid piece of filth. They see our whole history as racist, and they will eventually take down all traces of white history, with the goal of erasing us as a people. You should know a little something about this.

Good, kill more lol

Have they started burning books yet?

I'm waiting for the book burnings. Though, internet censorship of Hate Speech is the new form of book burning, I still need that last physical sign to let me know history is truly being erased.

>as one causality really angered the left this much?

So am I the only guy hoping for more dead commies in the coming weeks?

This screencap may have been right after all


KEK has blessed this post

Nobody cares about that dead whale, they are just scared of a narrative shift and of an erasure of white guilt, so they are taking action.

keep telling yourself that you beta male cuck faggot bitch nerd

Did you forget about how much people lost their minds over Jo "Died for Nothing" Cox?


The left sure is upset about their flattened friend. I don't think they like it when the right fights back.

I give it 50 years before the nignogs demand the Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington monuments be destroyed

I still remember when a leftist shot fucking congressmen, and the media did not get this angry at them as they have with this car incident

>left erases all thing offensive about the past
>Left no longer has anything to grieve about.
Either that or we exterminate them, but everything will work out fine in the end.

I'm hoping in 50 years the nogs won't be here anymore

>media did not get this angry at them as th

When a registered Democrat muzzie killed 50 faggots with a firearm of peace in a gay club it was the guns fault.

When a registered Democrat cuck shot at Senators during baseball practice with a high capacity extended clip assault rifle of peace it was the guns fault.

Some stormfag takes LARPing too far and now the 1st is the problem and the only solution is to burn the Constitution..

Liberal logic...

You shouldn't look forward to "not angering" them, as they are constantly in state of self-induced anger. Think about intimidating them. One, possibly accidental casualty did not intimidate them enough. Only real retaliation could.

Cry harder traitor faggot.

>The only way to be against Nazis is to make everyone trans
Nice false binary faggot.

>when a leftist shot fucking congressmen
Paul Ryan and Donald Trump called for unity and refused to blame the left or press a political advantage. That's political cuckoldry.

It's that situation when people already hate you, and then that ONE thing happens that puts it over the top. I'm not sure how you could miss that people were sick of the white supremacy bullshit for a good while now.
