Something from someone with a background in Genetics

If you honestly, unironically believe that caucasians are in danger of "going extinct", let me clear up a few things with you.

A) "Race" or rather, the phenotypical traits associated with particular geographical ancestry, are based on genes that are co-dominant, or at best partial dominance. This means that even if one generation down the population with the "caucasian" dominant phenotype subsides slightly, it would likely balance out over the course of some generations.

B) By exclusively breeding with traits similar to your own, you are shooting future generations in the foot. Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring. Note that not being attracted to people with certain characteristics wouldn't normally affect this to a significant degree, but indoctrinating generations of people into divisive ideologies, or exterminating people of other phenotypes, could very well do so.

C) In both previous notes, I kind of skirted around the point I really want .to make. In genetics and biology, something exists called Gene Flow and Genetic Drift. This is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. In a population, over generations, different genes will flow through the gene pool. This is driven by offspring being spawned with two parent genotypes, and without gene flow, a population will begin to dwindle and die out. This means that if you isolate yourselves into a smaller population with less variance, you'd actually be the ones committing "white genocide".

tl;dr Just read the post. You really should.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tl;dr Just read the post. You really should.

Okay, have fun with your self-imposed white genocide.

you're in the wrong place. honestly these people are complete fucking morons only interested in information that suits their agenda and in denouncing people/institutions/science that argue(s) against them. they're not really interested in being right; they just want to fuck shit up cause they feel a bit empty inside.

what can you do with a bunch of regressive edgelords? not much rly. i only come here for the view

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

I have to at least try.

so what you're saying is that we should BLEACH all the niggers out of existence?

If this world is full of things you find so distasteful, have you considered the finer merits of simply ending it all, and embracing whatever comes next?

>C) In both previous notes, I kind of skirted around the point I really want .to make. In genetics and biology, something exists called Gene Flow and Genetic Drift. This is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. In a population, over generations, different genes will flow through the gene pool. This is driven by offspring being spawned with two parent genotypes, and without gene flow, a population will begin to dwindle and die out. This means that if you isolate yourselves into a smaller population with less variance, you'd actually be the ones committing "white genocide".

Except that if you removed every non-white person from white countries, there'd still be a population that would be sufficiently genetically diverse to survive - you seem to be implying that the white population of the US for example is a few families in rural West Virginia

Your post also doesn't touch on the societal impact that current levels of immigrations have on our societies, and all the sociological pathologies that entail (ethnic conflict/politics as a zero-sum game between whites/non-whites, the bureaucratic difficulties that entail from hosting significant non-English speaking minorities, etc, the fact that our infrastructure is already struggling to cope with current population levels)

If you honestly, unironically believe we're not being attacked as a race, let me clear up a few things for you:

Kill yourself, traitor. Or I will.

The fucks a geneticle penistype?

Trust me guys, I'm a scientist, letting niggers force breed your women is actually a really good thing with zero downsides to it.

And you're implying that enough white people would side with you to sustain genetic diversity long-term, which is improbable. Also, bringing social sciences into this is REALLY reaching.

Phenotype is the physical trait expression of an individual

I didn't advocate or even touch on rape or other criminal activity. As far as hard science is concerned in this particular argument, it is irrelevant.

>Phenotype is the physical trait expression of an individual
Oh, so like when my dick gets hard.

If you're out to prove that blacks have a positive benefit on white society, you've got a lot of work ahead of you, buddy.

Keep in mind many nonwhites do damage in non-genetic ways as well.

Pardon, but as far as the victims are concerned, it's highly relevant. Jesus, pull your head out of your ass.

Wow that's eye opening stuff

My wife's son will be happy to hear this

At the very least I'm trying to point out that dissent based on race alone is counterproductive
I'd like to believe most victims would blame the individual, not the entire race. But maybe that makes a little too much sense?

>Also, bringing social sciences into this is REALLY reaching.

I'll admit that Sup Forums is obsessed with the genetics side of things, but there's so, so much more to immigration than "it brings new genes into the genepool, what's wrong with that?" that you have to be either a complete autist or just a disingenuous hack to argue that bringing "social science into this is reaching"

But I'm sure an educated geneticist like you has dozens (DOZENS!) of studies that come to the obvious conclusion that the genetic benefit of the US importing tens of millions of Third Worlders since the '60s significantly outweighs the detrimental environmental impact of doubling the US population mostly through said immigration ("Hey, if there's enough genetic mixing we might produce a genius that can make financially-successful solar panels, or turn hispanic corpses into environmentally-friendly fuel!")

You are confusing inbreeding with homozygot alleles.

Sure, OP. Look at Iceland being isolated for more than 800 years and north east-asian countries right now. They are all shitholes and red dots on the IQ map, am I right?

>Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring.

"Hybrid vigor" is an anti-inbreeding thing. It has nothing to do with "race-mixing" as we know it from modern human population nodes making anyone "stronger." You get more than enough allele development to keep a population healthy over time even in relatively small and insular groups like Icelanders. The trouble begins when you start fucking your cousins all the time.

I just pretend to be a white supremacist for the lulz. Unfortunately, retards eventuality really believe in it.

Fuck off, retard.

Geneticist here. You're retarded OP.

>Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring

this does not equal multicultural

t.Ben Shekelberg

Now what does real science say about race mixing?

>The findings of this study provide empirical evidence that multiracial youths are at greater risk for problem behaviors such as substance use and engaging in violence than monoracial youths and that perceived racial discrimination may be an added risk factor for multiracial youths. The findings also suggest that a stronger, positive ethnic identity may serve as a protective factor, particularly for the frequency of substance use and violence. B

I suggest you read this and re-educate yourself.

OP good post. We do need more geneticists on this board. because thats what this all comes down too. I shamelessly meme that is is the current year, and in the age of biotechnology, genes and genetic technologies should be the focus.

Anyways gotta question.

Is there evidence that racemixing essentially kills genetic biodiversity in the long term?

If you have two partners more seperately from each other (difference races) compared to two partners with more similar genes., would the race-mixing couple be killing of more genes by having a child than the non racemixing couple given there is onlyenough space on the human genome?

Can you formulate an easy to understand genetic argument against race-mixing that justifies being against it?

Yeah, we're really the ones who should be worried about genetic diversity.
Fuck off shill.

>kys kike.

Seeing the gibbled faces and poverty lives of people defending against 'white genocide', makes you root for white genocide.

Is there evidence that racemixing essentially kills genetic biodiversity in the long term?

Keep racemixing with whites, black people. The same will happen to you.


>Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring
IQ is highly heritable. Breeding with niggers produces Brazil.

>t. prieto

But the people rooting for white genocide look perfectly normal...

ora puto charal.

I'm guessing that someone wasn't you and that you didn't pay attention.


10/10 post

>produce a genius
>by crossbreeding with primitive hominids no smarter than the average 8-year old child

>Breeding with niggers produces Brazil.
Exactly. People who think genetic diversity is synonymous with race mixing are scientifically illiterate retards.

Alleles live on. The combinations of them, meaning the traits, die. Since genes for traits that have been selected for are highly correlated(read; all common in some peoples and not others) with one another, crossbreeding just results in mediocre mutts.

So in other words OP, you are some kind of mud person mongrel that want's whites to just lay down and die as non-whites gleefully cheer our demise. No thanks. Go tell the other groups, all of whom are organizing ethnocentrically to further their collective goals, to stop first.

If this is what you are being taught, your teachers have failed you.

A is straight up false. If everything balanced out down the line evolutionary adaptation would be impossible.

B is true, but only partially. The concerns are only a factor with extremely small groups. Even if every major human haplogroup refused to breed outside of their group, no genetic diseases would accumulate in any great degree. There are haplogroup specific trends with diseases(Alzheimers and Sickle Cell come to mind), but they aren't widespread to the point of destroying a haplogroup. Anyways, you're completely ignoring genetic adaptation to modern society. Most people of all races are adapted well enough to modern society, but breeding with some aboriginees or isolated groups of primitives weakens your adaptation to modern circumstances even if it promotes health variability. You're using arguments that apply to small groups on a scale where they don't apply.

C is again misusing science to push an agenda. Existing haplogroups are large enough to sustain healthy genetic variability. Each group is several orders of magnitude above the criticla threshold.

If subraces aren't at threat if extinction where are all the Neanderthals? Why are aboriginals and isolated tribes so genetically different from other groups?

I actually have 0 problems with racemixing and interracial breeding, but that doesn't change the fact you're a fuckin idiot. Or you're misusing science to argue an agenda. Transfer schools and read some actual papers. You're not learning shit there.

I thoroughly enjoyed the way you pooped in his proverbial mouth. Why are scientists so full of themselves? They're smart but they get this ego about themselves that makes them narrow minded in a lot of cases. Maybe its a failure of the education system.


>If subraces aren't at threat if extinction where are all the Neanderthals? Why are aboriginals and isolated tribes so genetically different from other groups?
And why are there no Greeks with blonde hair and blue eyes as they were portrayed in their own mythology?

>these people
jesus christ, you ARE one of THESE people you idiot. ENGAGE with OP if you agree instead of being a virtue signalling faggot


Here's the real red pill: niggers are inferior because they posses no neanderthal DNA. Asians are smart but behave like bug people because they possess denisovian DNA in addition to neanderthal DNA. Europeans were blessed with the perfect amount of neanderthal dna and environmental pressures to build tier-1 civilizations.
>we wuz race mixers

1. A period of abundance with relatively low selective pressures leads to high variability of genotypes. Phenotypes triggered by environmental factors are misleading, as they falsely indicate a reduced diversity in the population. (epigenetics)
2. Behaviours that influence sexual selection are often maintained through the short term as mechanisms to ensure the propagation of favourable traits in preparation for the eventual plunge into a period of scarcity.

i can make up plausible sounding shit off the top of my head too

>By exclusively breeding with traits similar to your own, you are shooting future generations in the foot.
You are a retard for believing that breeding in a gene pool larger that one million individuals can have bad results. There's enough variance there.
Inbreeding becomes a problem for populations that have a few thousands of individuals, e.g. cousin inbreeding of Muslims. In fact, we should prevent THEM from giving us their shitty fucked up genomes.

>By exclusively breeding with traits similar to your own, you are shooting future generations in the foot. Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring.
Incorrect. There is only room for 23 pairs of chromosomes on the human DNA. Adding different chromosomes from a different race won't increase 'genetic diversity', because there will still be only 23 pairs.

"Whites" are such a large and varied group of people that there's zero reason to have any worry about any of these things.

Whites ARE diverse. It's the 3rd worlders that are inbred.

Indians, Persians included.

Lol. What a bunch of pseudo-scientific bullshit. From another person, who actually has a degree in microbiology, you're full of shit. Most of your example are taken from extremes and not being applied correctly.

In genetics, when we talk about the need for genetic variance, we're referring to small tribes/ethnic groups made up of 100-900 people.

We're NOT talking about an entire race made up of 500+ million people. Get a fucking clue.

THIS. Anyone who think that a group of 100k+ people sharing a gene pool is "inbred" is fucking retarded. Not to mention the fact that most European countries have a gene pool of at least 40 million people (i.e. Poland, Ukraine, etc).

anyone with an IQ over 100 knows that your sophistry just leads to Brazil, and that this is all it is meant to do.

It's simply white genocide, and it's motivated only by hatred.

there's 900+ million Whites in the world, that's not a population that will be affected by less variance if we choose to ignore the people outside that group

we've been breeding on our own for thousands of years and we did just fine (in fact, we conquered the world)

if anybody needs genetic variation it's the muslim populations of MENA and south Asia where incestuous marriages are the norm

Since you posted more than once, I'll take time for your thread.
Ok, so your main point is breading with black and brown is a good thing for Gene diversity, and breeding with other whites (from a similar background) is bad.
If breeding with your own people is bad, then how come European countries have existed without an issue for thousands of years? It's because only breeding with your direct family will badly effect your genes. Breeding with Africans doesn't strengthen the offspring, it weakens it. While the offspring may be Superior to the inferior race, it will never be on the higher race.
First generation of halfbreeds may be fine, but few generations down and you can see the obvious defects.

two things: once your offspring are non-caucasian, that is the end of your caucasian bloodline. secondly, outbreeding depression. don't you fucking dare try to imply that nations of millions of people breeding among themselves are in some way incestuous, cunt.

Ice age culled humanity down to an estimated 12k.

>Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring.
You only need about 100 breeding pairs to maintain genetic diversity you nigger.

just read this, you really should.

>it would likely balance out over the course of some generations.
Yeah, jusy like in Latin America, the Middle-East, and North Africa lmao.

As someone with a major in Biochemistry and a minor in Genetics, you are a faggot OP.

t. inbred hotel worker

>By exclusively breeding with traits similar to your own, you are shooting future generations in the foot. Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring. Note that not being attracted to people with certain characteristics wouldn't normally affect this to a significant degree, but indoctrinating generations of people into divisive ideologies, or exterminating people of other phenotypes, could very well do so.
My professor, Dr. Benjamin Finkelstein, told me that there was very little genetic variation between the races. I then had a slightly racist thought that a race would have enough genetic variation within it to make mixing with another race futile and unimportant.

Please clarify.

>This means that if you isolate yourselves into a smaller population with less variance, you'd actually be the ones committing "white genocide".
I guess that explains why chinese and indians are so heavily populated despite staying in the same place for thousands of years...retard
>Genetic variance between partners promotes stronger offspring.
You don't need race mixing to create genetic variance. Don't give me that Hybrid vigor bullshit either, its been debunked as agenda driven pseudo science. You don't breed a greyhound with a poodle to create a faster dog, you breed it with other greyhounds.

>You just need to fuck niggers Sup Forums it'll help the white race!

How about no.

Hurr Durr larping to create an argument from authority fallacy.

Can still have genetic diversity without breeding with niggers.

So eventually we have to fuck aliens?

even aliens wouldn't fuck Sup Forums

So answer me this. Why must people always breed with us niggers instead of breeding with other races? Don't get me wrong my bbc enjoys having a skittle variety of pussies on a plate for me to destroy but I feel pressured by society outright demanding that I knock up women of all races when they won't even step up and finance the kids. This is genuine oppression of the black man.

If EVERY & ONLY Black countries in 1965 opened their borders and let hundreds of millions of non-Blacks into their countries, then people in government/media force assimilated these non-Blacks into the Black population, and then 90 years later, Blacks are expected to be minorities in those countries; that’s not done by accident.
It’s obviously a plan to wipe out the Black race. AKA GENOCIDE
This is what’s being done to my people, White people. It IS genocide.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White

Hmm how we survived (and conquered the world) for thousand of years withouth any external "gene flow"??
Dumb shill KYS. Europe alone has all the diversity that we need

Literally everything you say is disproven. Jesus Christ dude, at least say something new if you're gonna LARP as a smart person.

Edgy as fuck, shouldn't you play outside with your friends while you're still young instead of making petty threats on a Korean clam smelting imageboard?

there's no point in trying. these people don't actually understand genetics. they talk about haplogroups without actually understanding what they are, and they don't really care about clinal distributions and shit like that.

>without any external gene flow

bad news, user

stupid nigger. Explain yourself
(if it's the meme of arabic invasion in Italy i will kill you)

Genetic variance does NOT promote stronger offspring in humans.The genetic behavior as you understand it has come from the study of animal and it DOES NOT APPLY TO HUMANS. We have complex social structures, IQ's, opposable thumbs, and have the ability to create tools more complicated than a stone hammer.

If you take a very smart person and breed him with a very dumb person, the child will most likely be average. There is a reason that Africans are still living in mud huts for thousands of years and there is a reason that white people got us to the moon. You're cancerous subversion of naturalist principals in exquisitely Hebraic.