Other urls found in this thread:

>inviting hordes of shitskins by one-way cruise
bappity boopities WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Wheres my pizza and lava cakes I placed an order an hour amd a half ago

They are common in American iconography

Don't you have to save a princess you fucking greasy meatball spaghetto nigger

wtf now i love Islam

We wuz fascist n' sheiiit

wtf tear down this oppressive statue!
He owned slaves! Black Lives Matter!


what are they even?

((American)) things

it's 7:30 in the morning

Is this the watering hole in your new home, Jamal?

Is that part of your shine box?

Phonefag, can't see what I'm looking at.

>having a country of mongrels and niggers
murica fuck yeah!

Didn't you hear? Ever since Trump we fascist now.

yes. they are roman. both US and Nazis had no historical cultural basis for their government so they copied shit from romans instead. and they were also many crypto-catholic mason faggots which probably played a role.

btw, start spreading these images to antifa and blacks. get some of there low level people riled up about the white supremacism and fascism in dc. will fuck them up since their bosses definitely don't want their shit in dc getting fucked up.

it allows me to be clean without cutting off part of my dick

Getting fucking fvesh

>In god we trust
Hey who changed it from dog?!

Where the fuck are my niggers and my guns? I placed an order an hour and a half ago

What is it?

>that awkward moment you realize facism is Italian for Federalism.

The bundle of sticks = the confederation of states into 1 country

Let's start a petition to remove every single monument in DC. It's extremely offensive to me that DC is one giant Masonic Temple.

Trump installed those as a Tribute to Mussolini.

It's coming


Srsy what is it with nations having Fasces? French Republic Coat of Arms is the same.


Here is an English one.

Boaz and jachin

You haven't seen them?
They can't have all sunk.

We'll be sure to send extra shipments immediately.
Because it represents collective power.


It represents Roman paganism.

Is that why a bundle of sticks is called a faggot?


>Sup Forums hasn't psyoped a bash the fash rally at Capitol Hill yet
Missed opportunity lads.

No it doesn't lol

that's where party whips sit

>bundle of sticks

No, homos got their nickname from the faggots upon which they used to be burnt.

In your opinion, it doesn't, user.

But that's why they're there...

dude rome lmao


uhm that's a lion sucking on BBC