White Men BTFO!

Quotas increase meritocracy by displacing mediocre white men!

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Yes they are using SWEDISH POLITICIANS as an example of why gender quotas are good!

meanwhile, in Australia

>the opposite of meritocracy is meritocracy

Really smacks the slacks.

the author thinks they're being witty utilizing a word like "anathema" even though they clearly lack understanding of the word after reading just once sentence

the author thinks they're being witty utilizing a word like "anathema" even though they clearly lack understanding of the word after reading just one sentence

>using Swedish politicians as back up your claim that quotas work

I don't identify as a man. Stop being so trans/genderfluid/currentbuzzword-phobic.

the british aren't supposed to be as stupid as us, what gives?


That makes no sense my dude.

> Women are at these jobs better than mediocre men
> But we need to force the companies to hire these women though because those idiot CEOs don't want to improve their worker productivity

>holy shit, why are more and more white people joining neo nazi type groups?!?!

>quotas can increase competence of politicians

>the current state of academia
Freedom is slavery. War is peace. Ignorance is strength.

Lol this
>Swedish politicians come up with a gender quota to replace themselves
>half of them get replaced and now the government is smarter

We got infiltrated. Don't ask by whom

this is satire, right?


They're actually kind of half right.
By displacing mediocre men the average ability of the men left increases. But because the mediocre men are replaced by incompetent , the overall average drops.

You telling me you guys don't want female politicians that break down crying when they have to scale back the rapefugee invasion?

Heartless savages, all of you.

the tech industry has stats that directly contradict this... but I hear women don't like numbers.

better to ask if europe has prepared its anus for 30 million more africans

All populations have their segment of high IQ individuals but the institutions of a particular society is the reflection of the racial character, which is not measurable like IQ but can be inferred from modern and past history.

High IQ Asians, Indians, and mixed-race people can perform at certain professional tasks but will ultimately erode western civilizations if allowed to integrate.

>half right
Only if you assume the bars are not lowered but that is a fatal assumption since the majority of institutions do not test merit as well as quota but merely ask if you satisfy the quota.

Therefore standards lower and you end up with more incompetence than less.

>high iq will erode western civilization
>*imports 150 million 80 iq spics so they're 51% of the population*
really makes you think doesn't it? instead of a theoretical imaginary situation which you've got no basis to even talk about why not focus on them displacing the entire white population with low iq spics in the us and in europe africans?

if it was just high iq people there wouldn't be problems

so the moral of the story is that the highest echelon of females are only competitive with mediocre men?