Are Italians the masterrace?

Best set of inventors by far: The following inventions among many others can be credited to Italians: construction: paved roads, arched bridges, aqueducts; Art and music: piano, harpsichord, violin, viola, cello, bass, opera; Science and technology: electric battery (Volta), telephone (Meucci), radio (Marconi), microprocessor (Faggin), moveable type (Castaldi), loudspeaker (Marzi), AC motor (Ferraris), sound on film (Rappazzo), thermometer (Santorio), barometer (Torricelli), compass (Gioja), seismograph (Cecchi), telescope (Galileo), nuclear reactor (Fermi), internal combustion engine (Matteucci, Barsanti), petrol engine (Bernardi), steam turbine (Branca), jet engine (Campini), carburetor (DeCristoforis), hydraulic motor (Ramelli), helicopter (Forlanini), seaplane (Calderara), motor scooter (D'Ascanio), eyeglasses (Spina, D'Armate), torpedo (Luppis), revolver (Broccu); Food: espresso, capucinno, pasta (not invented in China), pizza.

They had the best set of explorers: Marco Polo, Cristoforo Colombo, Amerigo Vespucci, Giovanni Caboto, Verrazzano

Best artists and sculptors: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Botticelli, Ghiberti, Bernini, Donatello, Rafael, many others

Composers: Monteverdi, Cavalli, Vivaldi, Verdi, Paganini, many others

Scientists and mathematicians: Fibonacci, Galilei, Lagrange, Ricci-Curbastro, Fermi, Majorana, Avogrado, Natta, Golgi, Malpighi, many others

Writers, historians and philosophers: Ovid, Livy, Lucretius, Virgil, Cicero, Boccaccio, Petrarch, Machiavelli, Marcus Aurelius, Dante, Thomas Aquinas, many others

Pretty much all of the so-called 'finest' physical things in life are made by Italians: the finest paintings, finest sculpture, finest foods, finest clothes, finest cars (Lamborghini, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Pagani), finest construction and building materials. No other nation comes close to matching Italians for craftsmanship.

How can any other race even compete?

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing compared to British


post the webm with those 2 gorgeous singers

They made Italian food so yes

love me some tortellini

All British inventions are also Italian inventions since Italy invented Britain.

Italians are the miserly race, refuse to throw anything away.
t. partial Italian descent

Uhh no.

To OP: Yes, they are, but they will never be recognized for it. Jealousy and stuff.

Reveal your flag, Brazilian who keeps making these

Italians are the purest Europoids retarded mongol. Here we have ADMIXTURE showing the human races.

Let's not be racist to Europeans for fuck's sake
The niggers, rapefugees and kikes are the real threat

And here we have the global PCA showing Italians furthest away from both Mongoloids and Negroids.

do you have the webm of those 2 italian singers,from some talent show I think they were

This one?

Best Germany ally.

This is at low K which doesn't differentiate middle eastern components from WHG and EHG/ANE. Besides negroid admixture is visible even here.

That girl looks like a more attractive Kristen Stewart

They are too far gone to be saved.

Sardinians are distant to Africans due to being inbred and bottlenecked. Mesolithic Europeans were much further away from negroids than even Sardinians who have high Basal Eurasian.

Are Italien women considered hot? I know the men get a good rep, but how do they compare to other white women?

She is pleasing to look at

Italian women are the best IMO

yes, wonderful.
who are they?

Fake german please.

By these standards alone we should say the Jews are the master race, because they have smaller numbers than the Italians but still created people like Mahler, Freud, Friedman, Heine, Mendelssohn, Einstein and of course Jesus. What matters is their abilities overall Northern Europeans possess all the abilities in a good amount.

Italians will be the African master race by 2100.

Maybe in northern Italy, I've only been to Rome and what I was wasn't very impressive

>Mahler, Freud, Friedman, Heine, Mendelssohn, Einstein
All trash.

>and of course Jesus

Italians are amazing. Too bad most "Italians" are shit-tier nationalities trying to disguise their origin. Lots of LARPing slavs, albanians, bosnians, ..,., out there.

Yes but Italians in the southern regions are absolutely horrible and should be deported to Brazil.

What about human flight?

>equating modern day Italians with the roman empire
>not realising that Germans are actually the remnants of the roman empire, so technically these are all German inventions

The province of Britannia was there long before the Romans, who were not the same as the Italians, most inventors in the British isles came from either England or Scotland, neither of these were the province of Britannia (Scotland as a land mass wasn't even part of it).

Yeah, only ubermench like you tomato niggers can barely beat niggers with sticks in Ethiopia and fail so hard in Greece, that Hitler has to send divisions from important fronts to help you take it. Disgrace, worst ally, absolutely pathetic, tremendous failure, very, very disappointing.

>The province of Britannia was there long before the Romans
Being irrelevant.

> who were not the same as the Italians

>most inventors in the British isles came from either England or Scotland, neither of these were the province of Britannia (Scotland as a land mass wasn't even part of it)
That only became civilized thanks to their proximity to a Roman province. Britannia.

>Yes but Italians in the southern regions are absolutely horrible and should be deported to Brazil.

Alpha Palestinian genes.

Italian girls have really hairy assholes, so no.

This man tells the truth

"There is a noticeable genetic difference between theNorthern ItaliansandSouthern Italians, with the former being close to theFrenchpopulation, while the latter overlap with bothBalkanand othersouthern Europeanpopulations.[2][6][7][8]Yet, the genetic distance between Northern and Southern Italians, although pretty large from a single European 'nationality' point of view, is only roughly equal to the one between Northern Germans and Southern Germans.The genetic gap between Northern and Southern Italians is filled by an intermediate Central Italian cluster, creating a continuous cline of variation down the peninsula (with Sardinians as outliers) that mirrors geography.[10]

Molecular anthropology found no evidence of significant Northern geneflow into the Italian peninsula over the last 1500 years. On the other hand, the bulk of Italian ethnogenesis occurred prior to Germanic or non European invasions. Geneticists agree that no migrations other than the Greek and Balkan settlement in Southern Italy and Sicily had any substantial biological impact on Italians"

Sabotaging Hitler's campaign was the best thing Mussolini ever did, we had a 1000 year German reich before, it's called "The Dark Ages".

You seemed to have missed someone important.

>open webm
>first thing I see is the nigger in the back

>Being irrelevant

Not really, completely ruins your point



>That only became civilized thanks to their proximity to a Roman province. Britannia

England/the UK as a whole aren't continuations of Britannia, they were set up by different entities with different borders and even different blood. Sorry you're wrong.

>Sardinians are distant to Africans due to being inbred and bottlenecked.
Except Sardinians are unchanged from EEF retard.
>Mesolithic Europeans were much further away from negroids than even Sardinians
No they were not, in a global PCA they're just Mongoloid shifted.

>England/the UK as a whole aren't continuations of Britannia, they were set up by different entities with different borders and even different blood
That's true.

They were barbaric entities before Italy showed them the light of civilization.

But then again Ashkenazi Jews are pretty much Italians who converted to Judaism.

I'd consider Italians to be (close to) our equals in terms of contributions to the world.

If I were to tier the European nations it would be something like:

God Tier:
Great Britain, France, Italy

High Tier:
Germany, Sweden (even if I hate the country), other Scandinavian countries

Mid Tier:
Spain, Greece (carried by the Ancient Greeks), Russia + Eastern Europe

Low Tier:
The rest.


I'm pretty sure ashkenazi are mostly german/slav.



Blacks being in Italy doesn't matter much because Italians unlike northern Europeans overwhelmingly reject those people and will never accept them, so they'll eventually leave either by their own volition or by force.

Knew a girl whose family came from Northern Italy, she was gorgeous but all the women in her family had those Periorbital dark circles under their eyes that really brought out their blue and green eyes.

Is this a common trait among Italians?

Genetically Ashkenazis cluster with south Italians.