What did Obama mean by this? It's true babies and young children don't view the world through a racial or tribal lense, but does that then imply that ethnic tribalism is somehow wrong morally?

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Leftists are infants.

You're not born knowing math or history either. Should be rail against them as well?

Then why does the left say that all whites are automatically racist regardless of their feelings about race? I heard people saying it on NPR a year or two ago.

You forgot to mention that when kids are born they're as ignorant as they could possibly get. They know nothing about anything. Soon they'll find out... one horrible experience at a time.

I was







>my grandmother was a typical white person

Obongo just lies and is factually incorrect.


Is that where they keep their pizza?

It's true. Nobody is born racist.
It's why in nice white communities people tend to be liberal.
People who have to spend any amount of time in close proximity to niggers, however, tend to become very racist very quickly.

Well, duh...
They are born ignorant (of anything). That's why you don't just abandon a newborn in the streets, they can't survive on their own.

Why the fuck is Obama looking at kids through a window like some weird pedo? Who the fuck thought this picture was a good look

it's called territorialism. niggers btfo.

except they are.

He is quoting Nelson Mandela.


Has everyone already forgotten that study that showed babies to be bigots?


Funny how you can see how retarded the little nigglet is by looking at its face

You're not born knowing not to drink dish liquid.

Troublemaker quoting an idiot.
Guess why?

Oh wow he so woke mayne he so woke n shiet so prezidential mane aye he so smoove, missing him in da White House maybe, he brought flava to da White House, soul ya know aw shit he aint no raciss.

Raising awareness on very fake old news pic related - DO NOT READ INTO IT.

No babies believe in global warming... Hmmmmmmmm

>It's true babies and young children don't view the world through a racial or tribal lense
That's not true either. Babies are very racist. You literally have to indoctrinate them out of it.


>why does that man look like poo?

I get it now. Newborns don't know anything about science. Science is therefore false. Which means scientists are wrong about global warming. Trump was right all along about climat change. Obama is actually a big supporter of Trump.

Is this nigger serious? He's the one that caused this whole thing. He race baited for 8 fucking years.

Nobody is born afraid of fire, spiders or falling from large heights.

We learn to fear them through experience and knowledge.

>can choke because too dumb to turn around if lying face down on a bed
Yep, we totally should take our morals from what is biologically premature birth.


Na, you just learn to avoid shitskins and jews the moment you get robbed/mugged/pickpocketed the first time.

My friend's daughter named her mulatto doll after the only mulatto kid she knows, and her white doll is just "the baby" when she plays house so, you tell me Barry.

Nobody is born racist but they are quickly indoctrinated in American grade school.

No one is born fearing rabid dogs, either.

yes they are, instincts are carried over for many generations

make your minds up liberals

Well, we are born with tribalistic tendencies because that used to be how we survived invasion or being killed. However those tend to surface when we repeatedly experience being cast as an out group, demonized for having specific ancestors in a huge double-standard.

They claim it's due to a "priveledfed system" that we "take advantage of," ignoring the facts that the workforce, colleges, and now even entertainment are being forced to cater to other races. Also a double standard, wanting minorities to achieve everything of their own ingenuity the way whites do/have to, yet wanting the standards lowered and quotas enforced...

(((blm, antifa, isis)))

Tribalism is fine, but ethnic tribalism is wrong. The pigment of someone's skin shouldn't be an excuse to be mean to that person.

It's so ridiculous to hate someone for something they have no control over. You can dislike the culture associated with certain types of people. But to classify everyone of a certain pigment as people tied to a certain culture is insane. Not all whites are nazis and not all brown people are thugs.

Are all people who are tall, basketball players? And if you thought so, than you're a fucking dumbass. This is how logical people view racism.


why is he trying to kidnap children from an open window

fucking pedophile

Hahahahaha spbp

Yeah, nobody is toilet trained at birth either. Should we all go back to shitting our pants?

Obama visiting Pedesta!

is xenophobia /ourinstinct/?

>You're not born knowing math or history either.
According to Plato, we are.

It's human nature to favor one's own group. But the violent side of racism is taught through indoctrination.


This is empirically false, even babies recognize, and are attracted to people who resemble themselves. People who are blatantly pathological liars like this should be gassed.

Science proves otherwise nigger.

Nobody is born racist. Most people who are 'racist' often become that way when they realize what diversity does to communities, and it is not good. I consider myself racist because I live in London and it has turned to shit because of all the diversity that there is. A man on my fucking street was arrested for links with ISIS. Makes you think

It means race is a social construct and all studies which might point to the opposite are flawed.

Stupidity is not exclusive to a specific race.

>tribalism is good
>but not real tribalism

why don't multi racial coastal cities vote for racism or tribalism then?

is it because the whites have all fled?

>quoting a terrorist

"No one is born hating rapists or murderers."

Guess that means they're cool. We should all be like babies. I mean, this is why most people peak intellectually at birth, right?

Those kids look like they are locked up in a human trafficking mansion. Why is there another window pane on the inside?

There can be only one tribalism - ethnic tribalism. Everything else is an oxymoron.

smash the pedoarchy!

This is kind of my point.

Obama is saying Racism is something that is taught to the young, like math or climate change.

Is it taught, or does it come from within? and to what degree?

If Plato is so smart why is he dead?

underrated post of the century

even artificial intelligence is racist, it's structured in all life

pick one.

The 2 white kids are laughing at the ugly nigger in front of them. The black baby is trying to act tough and pick a fight with him. The Asian baby is wondering if he would taste better boiled alive.

He's right. I'm racist because I've lived around blacks and seen what they're like

That's true, we're made that way.

"when I was born I didn't know I would be the first ex POTUS virtue signaling like a random commie teenager"

Well I'm not born knowing that 2+2=4 either, it's something that I find to be self-evident as I grow up

Just because something is learned doesn't mean it's bad. So retarded to even think for a second that argument is good.

The black and Asian babies also have very disturbed and untrusting looks on their face. The white baby laughing knows they'll be eaten first.

Yes I wasn't born racist.
I learned to hate people from experience.

because babies are stupid

That's because babies are concern with comfort, pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain, while becoming familiar with the world. They haven't developed enough to where their brain can categorize things that belong together.

> faggots who believe professional liar.

he means that people learn to hate niggers because of the way they act

Faggot that doesn't have a clue.

Nobody is born being able to read or wipe their own ass either but we aren't trying to get people to stop that yet huh?

Yea and babies are fucking stupid. The entirety of their parent's lives are dedicated to keeping them from killi g themselves because they are so stupid.


This faggot and his photo ops.

No they don't, but we all learn things about the world as we get older. Just as we're told as children not to speak to strangers or run across the road, we learn about different religions and cultures and how they can clash with others.

actually group preferences are genetic & inborn.

No racism is a learnt behaviour. Can confirm.


Because they don't live in mixed neighborhoods. Most of the wealthy whites live in suburbs surrounded by other wealthy whites. I've spent months in Jew York, Chicongo, Pittsburgh, and LA, and this is always the case. The Negroes live in their containment zones while all the virtue signaling whites live safely out of their grasp. Incidentally, in all those places, the Jews also never live nearby the whites. The Jews are always in secluded, insular areas.

Kek, Obongo, WRONG? Who'd'a thunk it!


White males who are not Jewish have been taught to hate themselves from a young age, starting in the 60's or so. No media outlet can dare report on that critical fact without losing it's funding from Big Jew. Next time you watch TV, if you still watch it at all, note how white males are portrayed vs how non white males are portrayed. Note how many people who worked on the show were Jews.

Why are young white men so angry? The entire world they live in hates them for simply preferring to be white. Many of them have grown up in white, anti white families who always paid lip service to anti white ideals but never walked their own talk on either forced or voluntary integration. (Imagine how much of a mind fuck that is once a brainwashed white self hater faces up to it.)

You nigger lovers with your Jew enablers truly don't understand what you have created. The white golem's are made by your own hands and their bloodshed should be laid at your own feet. It will be poetic justice when your golems turn upon you. I hope that day comes sooner rather than later.

>newborns haven't experienced niggerdom thus niggerdom doesn't exist

If I ever have a daughter I'm going to have to instill the fear of blacks into her psyche.

I'm thinking that anytime there's a black person on TV that I can push a button to make a loud noise. Over time she'd come to associate blacks with a painful sensation and crying.

>It's true babies and young children don't view the world through a racial or tribal lense
Is it though? I remember seeing actual scientific studies showing babies reacting positively to people who look similar to them and crying if fear at people who don't.

If no one is born like that then what caused racial tension in the first place? Who taught the first racists to be racist? Surely they didn't become racist through first-hand encounters with other races?

Yeah, it's learned. Kinda just happens when you realize something is bad. Like if you eat something that gives you the shits. You learn it sucks and just causes shit everywhere. So you don't want it around you. Go in public, watch the news ... nigs noggin all around. Eventually you learn you don't want them around.


>Nobody is born racist!

He's right. You become one after being exposed to shitty people and their shitty behavior and attitudes.

reee no it's not